Krugman: Irony Alert
The Religion of Liberalism
Number 2 with a bullet (part 1 of 2)
Number 2 with a bullet (part 2 of 2)
Seattle, Post Intelligence
Hillary Clinton is Deeply Concerned About Entertainment Violence
That is One Mean Cartoonist
Will The Tinfoil Hat Fit Over Paul Begala's Forehead?
NYT: Female US Interrogators Are Dirty Smelly Pirate Whores
Secular Arguments for Banning Animal Sex Fail to Materialize
Liberals And The "Right To Privacy."
Fred Wertheimer, the Most Naive Man in America?
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Monday, July 25, 2005
Karl Rove Roundup
Rove Story Over Yet?
Plame Games Continue
Rope…meet dope
So, then, what’s the point?
Confirmed by Joe Wilson: Plame affair just a liberal fantasy
Novak Told Rove: The Death of a Crime
Karl Rove: Squelching the Counter Argument
Joe Wilson: Opportunist
Rovemania -- Not Genuine News Of Any Importance, But An Amazing Simulation
BEAT That Dead Horse!
Liberal Press Lies About Bush Again
Look Who (Used To) Read Government Reports
Red Herrings, Please, With A Side Order Of BS
Shut Your Fat Face Tim Russert
Moving The Goalposts (Back To Their Original Position)
Rovegate Continues to Crumble
A Primer On The Credibility Of Joseph Wilson
Plame Games Continue
Rope…meet dope
So, then, what’s the point?
Confirmed by Joe Wilson: Plame affair just a liberal fantasy
Novak Told Rove: The Death of a Crime
Karl Rove: Squelching the Counter Argument
Joe Wilson: Opportunist
Rovemania -- Not Genuine News Of Any Importance, But An Amazing Simulation
BEAT That Dead Horse!
Liberal Press Lies About Bush Again
Look Who (Used To) Read Government Reports
Red Herrings, Please, With A Side Order Of BS
Shut Your Fat Face Tim Russert
Moving The Goalposts (Back To Their Original Position)
Rovegate Continues to Crumble
A Primer On The Credibility Of Joseph Wilson
Friday, July 15, 2005
Karl Rove roundup
If you want to read intelligent commentary on the Plame scandal, you know what to do
IS Hypocrisy Still Considered A Vice?
Karl Rove and Occam's Razor
What Wilson Found in Africa
Examining Rove
Joseph Wilson to appear Thursday morning on TODAY show
The Karl Rove - Valerie Plame Affair (Is Howard Kurtz trying to deceive us?)
Josh Marshall Needs Help (I Provide Some)
Joe Wilson's Fantabulous Year
Media Too Fixated On Karl Rove's "Treason" To Report On, You Know, Actual Treason
Novak Talked To Rove
Isn’t This A Bombshell Revelation Vindicating Rove? You Sure Wouldn’t Know It From The NYT Headline
Was Valerie Plame a covert agent?
Source: Novak Told Rove About Plame, Not Vice Versa
IS Hypocrisy Still Considered A Vice?
Karl Rove and Occam's Razor
What Wilson Found in Africa
Examining Rove
Joseph Wilson to appear Thursday morning on TODAY show
The Karl Rove - Valerie Plame Affair (Is Howard Kurtz trying to deceive us?)
Josh Marshall Needs Help (I Provide Some)
Joe Wilson's Fantabulous Year
Media Too Fixated On Karl Rove's "Treason" To Report On, You Know, Actual Treason
Novak Talked To Rove
Isn’t This A Bombshell Revelation Vindicating Rove? You Sure Wouldn’t Know It From The NYT Headline
Was Valerie Plame a covert agent?
Source: Novak Told Rove About Plame, Not Vice Versa
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Links of the Week
China: G8 should live up to Kyoto promises
Time Magazine: Colorblind or Ideologicallyblind?
More "heads I win, tails let's call it even" thinking from a partisan Democrat
Liberal Paternalism
Excitable Andy Finally Addresses Support For Rough Tactics With Terrorist Detainees, Oh So Long Ago
Hitchens On Hillary’s 7/7 Rant
“Memo To Ron Reagan” – A Lesson On Saddam’s Terrorist Ties
Time Magazine: Colorblind or Ideologicallyblind?
More "heads I win, tails let's call it even" thinking from a partisan Democrat
Liberal Paternalism
Excitable Andy Finally Addresses Support For Rough Tactics With Terrorist Detainees, Oh So Long Ago
Hitchens On Hillary’s 7/7 Rant
“Memo To Ron Reagan” – A Lesson On Saddam’s Terrorist Ties