Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Loyal Subjects at Balloon Juice.
The Other Steve Says:

It’s not that I condone Cynthia McKinney, it’s just that I hate the Capitol Hill Police.

I don’t hate or condone either. I just don’t understand why the Capitol Hill Police is trying to politicize this.

Congress woman walks past gate.
Officer doesn’t recognize her, demands she stop.
Congress woman responds back the usual “Don’t you know who I am?”
Officer grabs her.
Congresswoman pushes him back.

You have seen the security video? If the video comes out and proves that your events are wrong will you retract these statements on your blog? I am willing to do the same.

Here is what was reported that a eyewitness saw:
Breaking News: Cynthia McKinney Slaps Cop On Capitol Hill
"Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) punched a U.S. Capitol Police officer today after he mistakenly pursued her for failing to pass through a metal detector.
Members are not required to pass through metal detectors and the officer, manning a position at Longworth House Office Building, apparently did not recognize McKinney and didn't see her Member pin.
The officer called out "Ma'am, Ma'am," in an attempt to stop her.
When the officer caught up to McKinney, he grabbed her by the arm.
McKinney pulled her arm away, swung around, cell phone in hand, and punched the officer square in the chest, according to the witness.""
Quite different from your list of events.