Mary Mary Quite Contrary
I hate Republicans
The More I Read About Gas Prices, the Angrier I Get at Politicians
If It Is Worth Reporting, Isn't It Worth Reporting Right?
Sowell on The Duke Lacrosse Rape Prosecution
Teacher who died in prison is cleared posthumously of rape
Help Me! I Am Trapped In This Circle Of Logic!
Cliff Kincaid thinks Dana Priest gilded the lily
McKinney Files To Run Again
"Joseph Wilson's Revenge"
Where Is McCarthy's Special Prosecutor
The Peanutbutter Conspiracy (or, "Nixon? Ellsberg? Vietnam? What the hell year is it, anyway?")
Some Lacrosse Miscellania
Short Attention Span Media: Drumheller, Naji Sabri and WMDs
An Intelligence Insurgency
Liberal Thinking is an Oxymoron
DNC May Set Up McCarthy Legal Defense Fund
My condolences to Tony Snow
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Links of the Day
Juan Williams Calls McCarthy CIA Leak 'Act of Honor'
Ancient and Modern Evidence Suggests Limits to Future Global Warming
Molegate Roundup
Juan Cole's Uninformed Comment
Rope. Tree. Journalist. Etc.
McCarthy Gave Money To Weldon (Able Danger) Foe
The Price and Profit Scarewagon
Flashback: Democratic Staffer Charged With Acting As Spy For Iraq; Media Embargoed Her Democratic Ties, And Even Suggested She Was A Republican (As She Was the Second Cousin of Andy Card)
BREAKING: "CIA agent fired for 'pattern of behavior'"
Making Excuses For The Leaks
Please Help Larry Johnson
Duke Lacrosse Lawyer Demands Evidence
Mary McCarthy is not Ben Franklin
Denial And Distraction
Earth Day Scenerio - The Sky Is Falling
Beers For St. Mary of Langley
Tyler Drumheller: The Latest Disgruntled Hack In A Line Of Disgruntled Hacks
Ancient and Modern Evidence Suggests Limits to Future Global Warming
Molegate Roundup
Juan Cole's Uninformed Comment
Rope. Tree. Journalist. Etc.
McCarthy Gave Money To Weldon (Able Danger) Foe
The Price and Profit Scarewagon
Flashback: Democratic Staffer Charged With Acting As Spy For Iraq; Media Embargoed Her Democratic Ties, And Even Suggested She Was A Republican (As She Was the Second Cousin of Andy Card)
BREAKING: "CIA agent fired for 'pattern of behavior'"
Making Excuses For The Leaks
Please Help Larry Johnson
Duke Lacrosse Lawyer Demands Evidence
Mary McCarthy is not Ben Franklin
Denial And Distraction
Earth Day Scenerio - The Sky Is Falling
Beers For St. Mary of Langley
Tyler Drumheller: The Latest Disgruntled Hack In A Line Of Disgruntled Hacks
Monday, April 24, 2006
Links of the Day
Journalistic Double Standards in the Duke Lacrosse Case
John Kerry Was Against Leaking Before He Was For It
Making Excuses For The Leaks
Burn, Burkle, Burn!
Oops! Never Mind
Stephanopoulus Doesn’t Ask Kerry About CIA Leaker’s Contributions to His Campaign
Mass. Legislature finds itself in hole, keeps digging
John Kerry Glad McCarthy Leaked
Mary McCarthy’s Peculiar Defenders
The New McCarthyism, redux
Well, Isn't that Convenient?
Another Way that Politics Is Playing a Role in the Duke Lacrosse Story
The Duke Timeline
Juan Williams Is A Mouthbreathing Fucking Idiot
When Does Mary McCarthy Take The Perp Walk?
Ashamed Republican Is Still A Democrat
John Kerry Was Against Leaking Before He Was For It
Making Excuses For The Leaks
Burn, Burkle, Burn!
Oops! Never Mind
Stephanopoulus Doesn’t Ask Kerry About CIA Leaker’s Contributions to His Campaign
Mass. Legislature finds itself in hole, keeps digging
John Kerry Glad McCarthy Leaked
Mary McCarthy’s Peculiar Defenders
The New McCarthyism, redux
Well, Isn't that Convenient?
Another Way that Politics Is Playing a Role in the Duke Lacrosse Story
The Duke Timeline
Juan Williams Is A Mouthbreathing Fucking Idiot
When Does Mary McCarthy Take The Perp Walk?
Ashamed Republican Is Still A Democrat
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Links of the Day - DNC mole at the CIA fired.
Kerry Supporter Leaked CIA Secrets.
CIA leak story grows
CIA Officer Sacked For Leaking
CIA Leaker Identified: Mary McCarthy
Did Mary McCarthy Send Joe Wilson To Niger?
I Suppose The MSM Will Be As Gung-Ho To Prosecute Democrat Mary McCarthy As Republican Lewis Libby, Huh?
More McCarthy: Berger Crony, Clinton Appointee, Witness At 9/11 Commission
McCarthy, the Media and Democrat Corruption
The Democrat Mole In The CIA Fired
Fired CIA Leaker Gave $10K Kerry And Dems
Fired CIA official: where did she get the info?
The Leftist Defense Continues In, Shock!, the NYT
CIA leak story grows
CIA Officer Sacked For Leaking
CIA Leaker Identified: Mary McCarthy
Did Mary McCarthy Send Joe Wilson To Niger?
I Suppose The MSM Will Be As Gung-Ho To Prosecute Democrat Mary McCarthy As Republican Lewis Libby, Huh?
More McCarthy: Berger Crony, Clinton Appointee, Witness At 9/11 Commission
McCarthy, the Media and Democrat Corruption
The Democrat Mole In The CIA Fired
Fired CIA Leaker Gave $10K Kerry And Dems
Fired CIA official: where did she get the info?
The Leftist Defense Continues In, Shock!, the NYT
Links of the Day - Duke Rape Case.
Well, Someone Wants to Make Sure to Get a Benefit from the Duke Lacrosse Story
Vulgarity and Hypocrisy
The Latest Legal Analysis On The Duke Lacrosse Rape Case
2nd Stripper Spins Story For Her Advantage
Duke - Bring Better Witnesses
More Evidence That Suggests We're Witnessing Tawana Brawley Part Deux At Duke
The Duke Line Up
Vulgarity and Hypocrisy
The Latest Legal Analysis On The Duke Lacrosse Rape Case
2nd Stripper Spins Story For Her Advantage
Duke - Bring Better Witnesses
More Evidence That Suggests We're Witnessing Tawana Brawley Part Deux At Duke
The Duke Line Up
Friday, April 21, 2006
Links of the Day
Single-Payer "Efficiency"
My Favorite Guy on TV
NIMBYs, BANANAs, And Applebaum
Cynthia McKinney Update
Hypocrisy, thy name is Mexico
Tom Delay Wins Another Time
Why Wasn’t The Media Upset Over Clinton Resignations?
Universities Finally Awakening to First Amendment Rights?
"Dear Mr. President..."
The peasants are revolting…
Busted! Cindy Sheehan's Story Hits a Snag!
Source Shares Information With ABP On Duke Lacrosse Rape Case
Horny Devils?
My Favorite Guy on TV
NIMBYs, BANANAs, And Applebaum
Cynthia McKinney Update
Hypocrisy, thy name is Mexico
Tom Delay Wins Another Time
Why Wasn’t The Media Upset Over Clinton Resignations?
Universities Finally Awakening to First Amendment Rights?
"Dear Mr. President..."
The peasants are revolting…
Busted! Cindy Sheehan's Story Hits a Snag!
Source Shares Information With ABP On Duke Lacrosse Rape Case
Horny Devils?
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Links of the Day
Our colleges and universities largely have become islands of fascism in a sea of freedom.
A Call for Tolerance (Within Limits)
Oil: the fly in the economic custard
Why won't the hippie generation STFU?
Vigilante Censorship Alive and Well in Kentucky. Until a University President with Some Huevos Stepped in and Drove a Stake Through Its Heart"
Mortuary Owner Calls Cindy Sheehan A Liar
They are Pro-Abortion, Not Pro-Choice
Helena Houdova's Cuba
Media Fight Pursuit Of Truth, Justice
Democrats Blame Producers
This Won’t Make NARAL Happy
A Call for Tolerance (Within Limits)
Oil: the fly in the economic custard
Why won't the hippie generation STFU?
Vigilante Censorship Alive and Well in Kentucky. Until a University President with Some Huevos Stepped in and Drove a Stake Through Its Heart"
Mortuary Owner Calls Cindy Sheehan A Liar
They are Pro-Abortion, Not Pro-Choice
Helena Houdova's Cuba
Media Fight Pursuit Of Truth, Justice
Democrats Blame Producers
This Won’t Make NARAL Happy
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Links of the Day
The Politics of Global Warming
Wade Zirkle, who served two tours in Iraq doesn't think much of John Murtha:
Libby, Fitzgerald, Etc.
Clinton Laughs At His Past Foibles
The ‘Black’ Helen of Troy?
Hey, this guy should start a Bush-bashing blog
"Vigilante Censorship Alive and Well in Kentucky"
Wade Zirkle, who served two tours in Iraq doesn't think much of John Murtha:
Libby, Fitzgerald, Etc.
Clinton Laughs At His Past Foibles
The ‘Black’ Helen of Troy?
Hey, this guy should start a Bush-bashing blog
"Vigilante Censorship Alive and Well in Kentucky"
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Links of the Day
Cindy Sheehan Can’t Explain Lack Of Headstone
The agenda of "Science"
Global Warming Alarmism
When the Duke lacrosse story first broke
Racism 101 at Duke
The Left Bullys The Science Community To Get Your Money
ACLU Have Second Thoughts On Censoring Free Speech Of Pro-Lifers?
Well, the Smell is Certainly Biological...
Global Warming Dissenters Suppressed?
The agenda of "Science"
Global Warming Alarmism
When the Duke lacrosse story first broke
Racism 101 at Duke
The Left Bullys The Science Community To Get Your Money
ACLU Have Second Thoughts On Censoring Free Speech Of Pro-Lifers?
Well, the Smell is Certainly Biological...
Global Warming Dissenters Suppressed?
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Links of the Day
Silence is golden -- especially when it's someone else's gold
The Cult of Joey W
"Kyoto is pointless, say 60 leading scientists"
Making Excuses For McKinney
Duke Rape Case
Climate Change 'Consensus' Crushed
Silence is golden -- especially when it's someone else's gold
The Cult of Joey W
"Kyoto is pointless, say 60 leading scientists"
Making Excuses For McKinney
Duke Rape Case
Climate Change 'Consensus' Crushed
Monday, April 10, 2006
Links of the Day
The Orwellian Worldview of Bush-haters–where Releasing Facts Means Having Something to Hide
Hopelessy Compromised (II)
Bush’s response more than a line…
Two Things To Keep In Mind About The President And Joe Wilson
DHS Child Sex Sting Official Is A Democrat
"Nailed" Means What, Exactly?
And it rises in the East, too
Joe Wilson Calls Political Enemies Homos
Washington Post Editorial: Bush Was Right To Leak, And Joe Wilson Is A Liar
Hopelessy Compromised (II)
Bush’s response more than a line…
Two Things To Keep In Mind About The President And Joe Wilson
DHS Child Sex Sting Official Is A Democrat
"Nailed" Means What, Exactly?
And it rises in the East, too
Joe Wilson Calls Political Enemies Homos
Washington Post Editorial: Bush Was Right To Leak, And Joe Wilson Is A Liar
Friday, April 07, 2006
Links of the Day
When it says Libby Libby Libby on the label label label...
Harry Reid's Phony Illegal Immigration Conversion Story
Harry Reid Tells A Tall Tale?
Another university thwarted in its attempt to help students think and discourse "correctly"
ACLU Endorses Bill To Supress Free Speech Of Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers
Seeking a Crackdown on Deceit by Radical Anti-Choice Centers
Still Crying Over The Lost Fitzmas
Slugger McKinney
Hopelessly Compromised
When it says Libby Libby Libby on the label label label...
Harry Reid's Phony Illegal Immigration Conversion Story
Harry Reid Tells A Tall Tale?
Another university thwarted in its attempt to help students think and discourse "correctly"
ACLU Endorses Bill To Supress Free Speech Of Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers
Seeking a Crackdown on Deceit by Radical Anti-Choice Centers
Still Crying Over The Lost Fitzmas
Slugger McKinney
Hopelessly Compromised
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Links of the Day
Cynthia McKinney - Agent For R.O.V.E.
Egghead Journalists Are Cracked
Cynthia McKinney’s Spokesman Coz Carson is an Idiot Racist!
Daniel Pipes: CAIR Loses to Anti-CAIR
Things that make you go hmmm. . . .
Feingold: The far left’s candidate continues to emerge
Feingold Claims The Fringe Left
Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness (unless and until such time as said "happiness" conflicts with the dicta of your betters, who will then step in and direct you to the Kashi
DeLay's Going Out, But He Wants To Take Slappy McKinney With Him
Now This Would Have Been A Great TV Exposé
Egghead Journalists Are Cracked
Cynthia McKinney’s Spokesman Coz Carson is an Idiot Racist!
Daniel Pipes: CAIR Loses to Anti-CAIR
Things that make you go hmmm. . . .
Feingold: The far left’s candidate continues to emerge
Feingold Claims The Fringe Left
Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness (unless and until such time as said "happiness" conflicts with the dicta of your betters, who will then step in and direct you to the Kashi
DeLay's Going Out, But He Wants To Take Slappy McKinney With Him
Now This Would Have Been A Great TV Exposé
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Loyal Subjects at Balloon Juice.
You have seen the security video? If the video comes out and proves that your events are wrong will you retract these statements on your blog? I am willing to do the same.
Here is what was reported that a eyewitness saw:
Breaking News: Cynthia McKinney Slaps Cop On Capitol Hill
"Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) punched a U.S. Capitol Police officer today after he mistakenly pursued her for failing to pass through a metal detector.
Members are not required to pass through metal detectors and the officer, manning a position at Longworth House Office Building, apparently did not recognize McKinney and didn't see her Member pin.
The officer called out "Ma'am, Ma'am," in an attempt to stop her.
When the officer caught up to McKinney, he grabbed her by the arm.
McKinney pulled her arm away, swung around, cell phone in hand, and punched the officer square in the chest, according to the witness.""
Quite different from your list of events.
The Other Steve Says:
It’s not that I condone Cynthia McKinney, it’s just that I hate the Capitol Hill Police.
I don’t hate or condone either. I just don’t understand why the Capitol Hill Police is trying to politicize this.
Congress woman walks past gate.
Officer doesn’t recognize her, demands she stop.
Congress woman responds back the usual “Don’t you know who I am?”
Officer grabs her.
Congresswoman pushes him back.
You have seen the security video? If the video comes out and proves that your events are wrong will you retract these statements on your blog? I am willing to do the same.
Here is what was reported that a eyewitness saw:
Breaking News: Cynthia McKinney Slaps Cop On Capitol Hill
"Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) punched a U.S. Capitol Police officer today after he mistakenly pursued her for failing to pass through a metal detector.
Members are not required to pass through metal detectors and the officer, manning a position at Longworth House Office Building, apparently did not recognize McKinney and didn't see her Member pin.
The officer called out "Ma'am, Ma'am," in an attempt to stop her.
When the officer caught up to McKinney, he grabbed her by the arm.
McKinney pulled her arm away, swung around, cell phone in hand, and punched the officer square in the chest, according to the witness.""
Quite different from your list of events.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Links of the Day
Immigration protests: Is a backlash building?
Don't Confuse Them With Logic
My New Fiancees
Tolerant & Enlightened
McKinney: "I'm a Victim!"
Before Global Warming There Was Global Cooling
Finding Common Ground On Cynthia McKinney
McDermott: Illegal Tape Recording About Voter's Rights
Please Take The Scary Pictures Away, Daddy!
Don't Confuse Them With Logic
My New Fiancees
Tolerant & Enlightened
McKinney: "I'm a Victim!"
Before Global Warming There Was Global Cooling
Finding Common Ground On Cynthia McKinney
McDermott: Illegal Tape Recording About Voter's Rights
Please Take The Scary Pictures Away, Daddy!