Lying About Lying About Lying
But I Have a Hat
No Slippery Slope Here, Boss
The NYT Wages War for John Kerry vs. Swift Boat Veterans
The catastrophe wasn't Katrina, says Eugene Robinson
Why on earth would John Kerry want to bring up the swift boat controversy again?
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Links of the Day
Kerry still fighting the Swift Boat Veterans
Ask Mr. Science
Why Kerry Is The Democrat's Nightmare
Return of the magic hat
NYT Hypes Kerry Restarting Anti-Swift Vet Machine: 'They Lied About Everything'
Kerry and the Swiftees
When Partisanship Overcomes Decency
What Sucks Even Harder Than Wonkette?
Did The Band of Brothers Change Their Tune?
Put up or shut up, Senator Kerry
Enough With The "Magic Hat"
John Kerry Wants To Re-Fight The Swift-Boaters, And The Media Posse Has His Back
Kate Zernike Reporting For Duty
Journalist Says Lacrosse Women ‘Ignorant’ for Supporting Accused Lacrosse Players
Ask Mr. Science
Why Kerry Is The Democrat's Nightmare
Return of the magic hat
NYT Hypes Kerry Restarting Anti-Swift Vet Machine: 'They Lied About Everything'
Kerry and the Swiftees
When Partisanship Overcomes Decency
What Sucks Even Harder Than Wonkette?
Did The Band of Brothers Change Their Tune?
Put up or shut up, Senator Kerry
Enough With The "Magic Hat"
John Kerry Wants To Re-Fight The Swift-Boaters, And The Media Posse Has His Back
Kate Zernike Reporting For Duty
Journalist Says Lacrosse Women ‘Ignorant’ for Supporting Accused Lacrosse Players
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Links of the Day
Quote of the Day
"Personally, when a Republican starts talking about "our kids," I worry for the Bill of Rights. When a Democrat starts talking about "our kids," I worry for my pocketbook."
MSM still aiding Kerry’s lies about Viet Nam service
Sabanes-Oxley Not NYSE For New York
NAACP Wants Gag Order In Duke Rape Case
Fitzgerald Ratchets Up Attack On Cheney
Not to beat a dead horse...
More Missing Evidence in the Duke Lacrosse Case
Enron Convictions Tar Bush, Says Newsweek's Howard Fineman
Comment Fisking
Dear Useful Idiot
Duke Rape Case Stupidity
Two Columns Worth Reading
Jurors in the Enron case say Lay and Skilling sealed their doom by opening their mouths:
McCain-Feingold Comes Home to Roost
Stolen Valor, And Hollywood
Even More Weaknesses in the Durham District Attorney's Case
Jesse Macbeth(?) posts his discharge form
More MacBeth
Jesse MacBeth’s - REAL- DD214
Cops Say Duke Rape Accuser Changed Story
Jesse MacBeth’s Friends: IVAW, Lying Dirtbags
Times Says Kerry Can Now Prove His Vietnam Stories
Bring It On
IVAW speaks to Stars & Stripes about Lady MacBeth; McQ has the real DD214
Literary Flair
firedoglake: Where Hate Speech Will Always Have A Home
MSM still aiding Kerry’s lies about Viet Nam service
NYT’s Is Full Of Kerry
"Personally, when a Republican starts talking about "our kids," I worry for the Bill of Rights. When a Democrat starts talking about "our kids," I worry for my pocketbook."
MSM still aiding Kerry’s lies about Viet Nam service
Sabanes-Oxley Not NYSE For New York
NAACP Wants Gag Order In Duke Rape Case
Fitzgerald Ratchets Up Attack On Cheney
Not to beat a dead horse...
More Missing Evidence in the Duke Lacrosse Case
Enron Convictions Tar Bush, Says Newsweek's Howard Fineman
Comment Fisking
Dear Useful Idiot
Duke Rape Case Stupidity
Two Columns Worth Reading
Jurors in the Enron case say Lay and Skilling sealed their doom by opening their mouths:
McCain-Feingold Comes Home to Roost
Stolen Valor, And Hollywood
Even More Weaknesses in the Durham District Attorney's Case
Jesse Macbeth(?) posts his discharge form
More MacBeth
Jesse MacBeth’s - REAL- DD214
Cops Say Duke Rape Accuser Changed Story
Jesse MacBeth’s Friends: IVAW, Lying Dirtbags
Times Says Kerry Can Now Prove His Vietnam Stories
Bring It On
IVAW speaks to Stars & Stripes about Lady MacBeth; McQ has the real DD214
Literary Flair
firedoglake: Where Hate Speech Will Always Have A Home
MSM still aiding Kerry’s lies about Viet Nam service
NYT’s Is Full Of Kerry
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Links of the Day
Paul Campos is that rare thing: a liberal academic who can be fair and reasonable.
I am so proud to be a hippy
Newsflash: Left Lies About Iraq
The latest left-liberal celebrity is Jesse MacBeth
Harry Reid and the end of liberal thought
A White House Aide debunks antiwar myths spread
Katrina: What the Media Missed
Iraq: an "F" for domestic political support
Jesse MacBeth: an interesting case study
Slippery Slopes
At Least They're Consistent
Dixie Chicks Learn the Difference Between Censorship and Capitalism
US Blasts Amnesty International Hypocrisy
Duke Rape Case: 1,300-Page Discovery Bolsters Defense
Truth on Sale
News on the Duke Lacrosse Case
Wake Up And Throw That Trash Away
The Martyrdom of the Smear Artist
The Jesse MacBeth Video
I am so proud to be a hippy
Newsflash: Left Lies About Iraq
The latest left-liberal celebrity is Jesse MacBeth
Harry Reid and the end of liberal thought
A White House Aide debunks antiwar myths spread
Katrina: What the Media Missed
Iraq: an "F" for domestic political support
Jesse MacBeth: an interesting case study
Slippery Slopes
At Least They're Consistent
Dixie Chicks Learn the Difference Between Censorship and Capitalism
US Blasts Amnesty International Hypocrisy
Duke Rape Case: 1,300-Page Discovery Bolsters Defense
Truth on Sale
News on the Duke Lacrosse Case
Wake Up And Throw That Trash Away
The Martyrdom of the Smear Artist
The Jesse MacBeth Video
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Links of the Day
Redefining terms for fun and an agenda
Kurtz: The Truth Is Out
Big Wheels Keep On Spinning
ABC Employs Former Gun Control Activist to Cover NRA
Guilty Until Proven PC
Winter Soldiers, Revisited
President Bush's plunge in the polls began
Out, Damned Spot!
Redefining terms for fun and an agenda
Kurtz: The Truth Is Out
Big Wheels Keep On Spinning
ABC Employs Former Gun Control Activist to Cover NRA
Guilty Until Proven PC
Winter Soldiers, Revisited
President Bush's plunge in the polls began
Out, Damned Spot!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Links of the Day
The slippery slope of hate speech
Lying Shit Schumer on Gun Rights
Keep Those Goalposts MovingMore Questions About the Duke Lacrosse Case
The Caged Virgin
Sex Survey for Teens.
Ah! The Joys of Answering SCO's FUD
The Hammer Drops On Big Legal
Get Cheney
Okay, but if it doesn't happen tomorrow, I'm not going to hold the front page any longer... (UPDATED)
Who’s the Racist Again?
"U.N. Urges U.S. to Shut Guantanamo Prison"
"A Complete Straight Shooter"
When Was Last Week?
Lying Shit Schumer on Gun Rights
Keep Those Goalposts MovingMore Questions About the Duke Lacrosse Case
The Caged Virgin
Sex Survey for Teens.
Ah! The Joys of Answering SCO's FUD
The Hammer Drops On Big Legal
Get Cheney
Okay, but if it doesn't happen tomorrow, I'm not going to hold the front page any longer... (UPDATED)
Who’s the Racist Again?
"U.N. Urges U.S. to Shut Guantanamo Prison"
"A Complete Straight Shooter"
When Was Last Week?
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Links of the Day
Unequal Justice: Duke Lacrosse Team vs. Three (!) Minority Football Heroes
The Duke Lacrosse case
Duke Rape Accuser's Parents Verify Identity as *** *** ***
ESPN Legal Analyst Slams Duke Player's Innocence Plea as Attempt to Taint Jury Pool
Some Hidden Evidence?
Midnight in the garden of Moe and Curley
The Duke Lacrosse case
Duke Rape Accuser's Parents Verify Identity as *** *** ***
ESPN Legal Analyst Slams Duke Player's Innocence Plea as Attempt to Taint Jury Pool
Some Hidden Evidence?
Midnight in the garden of Moe and Curley
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Links of the Day
Immigration ClueBat
Leaping Leopold
Defending the Scoop
Rove Indicted?
Kerry in Vietnam Redux
Obviously Five Believers
daVinci Code: Suddenly scriptural accuracy means nothing?
Backing Off The Rove Indictment
I Heard That Too
The Latest Developments In The Duke Lacrosse Rape Case
Immigration ClueBat
Leaping Leopold
Defending the Scoop
Rove Indicted?
Kerry in Vietnam Redux
Obviously Five Believers
daVinci Code: Suddenly scriptural accuracy means nothing?
Backing Off The Rove Indictment
I Heard That Too
The Latest Developments In The Duke Lacrosse Rape Case
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Links of the Day
Database ClueBat
Still No Match After 2nd Duke DNA Test
Like Bullets Off Superman's Chest
WP: Cheney Wrote Note Saying Plame Sent Wilson
Obligatory Duke Lacrosse Post
"Boyfriend" source of DNA in Duke Rape case
Highlights from John Stossel's appearance
Cheney’s Annotations
Howard Dean: How’d he screw this up?
AP Has Its Knives Out Already For Tony Snow
Teachers Union Says Teachers Underpaid, Overworked
Federal Supermarkets
Still No Match After 2nd Duke DNA Test
Like Bullets Off Superman's Chest
WP: Cheney Wrote Note Saying Plame Sent Wilson
Obligatory Duke Lacrosse Post
"Boyfriend" source of DNA in Duke Rape case
Highlights from John Stossel's appearance
Cheney’s Annotations
Howard Dean: How’d he screw this up?
AP Has Its Knives Out Already For Tony Snow
Teachers Union Says Teachers Underpaid, Overworked
Federal Supermarkets
Friday, May 12, 2006
Links of the Day
What was that Amendment? Oh yeah, the First.
Rank Hypocrisy
Gun Control a Right?
Infant Morality: The statistical scam continues
7 out of 10 Journalists Say They Were Accused of Bias
Paging Jamie McIntyre
When is a $400 Million Dollar Retirement Package Not an Outrage?
Sullivan's Folly
1994 all over again? Wasn’t it 1980 all over again in 2004?
No Wonder Many Americans Think We Are In A Recession – This Is Dispicable
A word from Steven Den Beste
Press Secretary Snow Blasts NYT For Biased Economic Coverage
Plame leak probe descends into absurdity
Howard Dean, "Christianist:" Defines Marriage As Between A Man And Woman On The 700 Club
Conservatives Deserting Bush
Ambiguous DNA At Duke?
Rank Hypocrisy
Gun Control a Right?
Infant Morality: The statistical scam continues
7 out of 10 Journalists Say They Were Accused of Bias
Paging Jamie McIntyre
When is a $400 Million Dollar Retirement Package Not an Outrage?
Sullivan's Folly
1994 all over again? Wasn’t it 1980 all over again in 2004?
No Wonder Many Americans Think We Are In A Recession – This Is Dispicable
A word from Steven Den Beste
Press Secretary Snow Blasts NYT For Biased Economic Coverage
Plame leak probe descends into absurdity
Howard Dean, "Christianist:" Defines Marriage As Between A Man And Woman On The 700 Club
Conservatives Deserting Bush
Ambiguous DNA At Duke?
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Links of the Day
Why Duke Had a Slow Response to the Allegations against the Duke Lacrosse Team
Mary Cheney
Atrios Gives Us A Look At The Liberal Agenda
Howard Dean or John Murtha could have said this about Iraq:
Unilateral disarmament in the economic war for oil
Al Qaeda: Every year is worse than the last in Baghdad
US Border Control Gives Minutemen Locations to Mexican Government
Guns & Brains
The Duke Lacrosse Team Members and Fairness
Bozell Column: Bye-Bye, "Culture of Corruption"
L.A. Times: Extra! Extra! Fox News’s Ratings Plunge 17%!!!! (In a Much Less Important Story, CNN’s Ratings Slip by a Modest 38%)
Mary Cheney
Atrios Gives Us A Look At The Liberal Agenda
Howard Dean or John Murtha could have said this about Iraq:
Unilateral disarmament in the economic war for oil
Al Qaeda: Every year is worse than the last in Baghdad
US Border Control Gives Minutemen Locations to Mexican Government
Guns & Brains
The Duke Lacrosse Team Members and Fairness
Bozell Column: Bye-Bye, "Culture of Corruption"
L.A. Times: Extra! Extra! Fox News’s Ratings Plunge 17%!!!! (In a Much Less Important Story, CNN’s Ratings Slip by a Modest 38%)
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Links of the Day
Wilson Outed Plame?
Narcissism, Thy Name Is Joe Wilson IV
For those of you not too distracted by "Hookergate," here's a blast from the past: More on "Plamegate"
The Rove Indictment Nears?
My New column on the Great White Defendant
More on Kerry on Jefferson on Dissent.
Knowing the Enemy
Film Of Iraqi Journalist Beheading Found
Is there a more officious jackass on Earth?
When And Where Joe Wilson Changed His Story
Narcissism, Thy Name Is Joe Wilson IV
For those of you not too distracted by "Hookergate," here's a blast from the past: More on "Plamegate"
The Rove Indictment Nears?
My New column on the Great White Defendant
More on Kerry on Jefferson on Dissent.
Knowing the Enemy
Film Of Iraqi Journalist Beheading Found
Is there a more officious jackass on Earth?
When And Where Joe Wilson Changed His Story
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Links of the Day
New Brady Bunch Boss
Mouth-Frothingly Good
Liberals Vs. The Laffer Curve
Andrew Sullivan — Preferring Cheap Shots to Civil Discourse
Beat the Press: Libby Defends Right to Subpoena Media
Echoes Of The Past
Kerry Stooge Brinkley Calls Nagin A Coward
More Fun With David Shuster
House Votes Down Allowing Expansion Of Refining Capacity Then Wonder What They Can Do To Lower Gas Prices
CNN Reporter Spins For Zarqawi's Weapon Incompetence
Friendly Fire
Documenting the hypocrisies
Woody Allen, This is Your Lucky Day
AP Whitewashes Antisemite "War Critic"
Bookstore-Liberal Age Categorizations
How Media Bias is Done
Goss Smeared By Crackpot Larry Johnson
Andrew Sullivan Can't Cop To An Error; Instead Blames Bush For Insanity Of Wackjob Left
Yet MORE Fun With David Shuster
Andrew Sullivan: Bush to Blame for his Political Opponents Holding Views that Secret Jewish Cabals Run the World
Confusion and Arrogance: A socialist's (inadvertant) performative
What Name Is Missing From This Story?
Mouth-Frothingly Good
Liberals Vs. The Laffer Curve
Andrew Sullivan — Preferring Cheap Shots to Civil Discourse
Beat the Press: Libby Defends Right to Subpoena Media
Echoes Of The Past
Kerry Stooge Brinkley Calls Nagin A Coward
More Fun With David Shuster
House Votes Down Allowing Expansion Of Refining Capacity Then Wonder What They Can Do To Lower Gas Prices
CNN Reporter Spins For Zarqawi's Weapon Incompetence
Friendly Fire
Documenting the hypocrisies
Woody Allen, This is Your Lucky Day
AP Whitewashes Antisemite "War Critic"
Bookstore-Liberal Age Categorizations
How Media Bias is Done
Goss Smeared By Crackpot Larry Johnson
Andrew Sullivan Can't Cop To An Error; Instead Blames Bush For Insanity Of Wackjob Left
Yet MORE Fun With David Shuster
Andrew Sullivan: Bush to Blame for his Political Opponents Holding Views that Secret Jewish Cabals Run the World
Confusion and Arrogance: A socialist's (inadvertant) performative
What Name Is Missing From This Story?
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Links of the Day
Jim Lindgren Tracks Down that Bogus Jefferson Quote
Aparently, Justice Ginsburg Doesn't Believe in Checks and Balances
How Many False Rape Accusations Are There?
Friend Today, Joker Tomorrow
Saddam Hussein Was Not a Feminist
Duke’s Poisoned Campus Culture
The Cole Report
Is Glamour Magazine's Bias Putting Women At Risk For Breast Cancer?
Public Health Busybodies Move in on Parents
An Outrageous Rush To Judgment
The Passion of Eliot Spitzer
Summary of Hitchens vs. Cole
Aparently, Justice Ginsburg Doesn't Believe in Checks and Balances
How Many False Rape Accusations Are There?
Friend Today, Joker Tomorrow
Saddam Hussein Was Not a Feminist
Duke’s Poisoned Campus Culture
The Cole Report
Is Glamour Magazine's Bias Putting Women At Risk For Breast Cancer?
Public Health Busybodies Move in on Parents
An Outrageous Rush To Judgment
The Passion of Eliot Spitzer
Summary of Hitchens vs. Cole
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Links of the Day
Big City Bigotry
Adventures in Stupid
Caught Out
Priest’s Pulitzer Prize Winning Propaganda
Happy Pinko de Mayo!
How Liberals Justify Their Dissent
USA Today's Duke Lacrosse Report is Blatantly Biased
Not Credible
And the leaks go on. And the leaks go on...
Plame Outing Responsible For Iranian Nuke Crisis?
Thomas Jefferson's Love of Dissent
‘Hardball’ Declares Plamegate Has Worsened Iranian Nuclear Standoff
Big Picture
The Astonishing Eleanor
Is MSNBC Lying About Damage Done By Plame’s Outing?
Leisure Hack Larry
Adventures in Stupid
Caught Out
Priest’s Pulitzer Prize Winning Propaganda
Happy Pinko de Mayo!
How Liberals Justify Their Dissent
USA Today's Duke Lacrosse Report is Blatantly Biased
Not Credible
And the leaks go on. And the leaks go on...
Plame Outing Responsible For Iranian Nuke Crisis?
Thomas Jefferson's Love of Dissent
‘Hardball’ Declares Plamegate Has Worsened Iranian Nuclear Standoff
Big Picture
The Astonishing Eleanor
Is MSNBC Lying About Damage Done By Plame’s Outing?
Leisure Hack Larry
Monday, May 01, 2006
Links of the Day
Larry Johnson, Pro-Leaks 'Patriot'
Special Counsel Fitzgerald Not *Too* Special
Professor Cole, redux
Mapping McCarthy, continued
The Worst Kind of Drivel
Who Blew the Big Blow?
Who Blew the Big Blow - More Details Than You Can Shake a Stick At
Duke Rape Accuser Made Similar Claim Ten Years Earlier
Duke Lacrosse Rape Accuser Made Rape Accusations 10 Years Ago, But Judge May Bar Evidence
Generalizations And The Peril Thereof
Inside the Mind of a Tolerant One
Experts vs. Advocates
Black Panthers To “Deal With” Lacrosse Players
Chickenhawks on the Left
Chickenhawk II
Special Counsel Fitzgerald Not *Too* Special
Professor Cole, redux
Mapping McCarthy, continued
The Worst Kind of Drivel
Who Blew the Big Blow?
Who Blew the Big Blow - More Details Than You Can Shake a Stick At
Duke Rape Accuser Made Similar Claim Ten Years Earlier
Duke Lacrosse Rape Accuser Made Rape Accusations 10 Years Ago, But Judge May Bar Evidence
Generalizations And The Peril Thereof
Inside the Mind of a Tolerant One
Experts vs. Advocates
Black Panthers To “Deal With” Lacrosse Players
Chickenhawks on the Left
Chickenhawk II