"Jena 6" Teen Shoots Self After Shoplifting Arrest
Police Informant's Death Brings New Law, Lawsuit
Still waiting for Glenn Greenwald to tell us what would be a "proportionate" Israeli response
The Lefty way of war
today’s crystal-balling by Madame Yurgona Freishiurazov
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Links of the Day
Monday, December 29, 2008
Links of the Day
'Appeal against the thunderstorm'
Oprah falls for another hoax
I just don’t get the left’s argument
Leftist: "There is Nothing Proportionate in this Response"
The end-of-year "anthropogenic global warming" post - the emperor has no clothes
No Free Vacation for Greenwald:
Child Brides and Mass Kidnapping
War breaks out, Hamas apologists answer the call
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Links of the Day
The Ridiculousness of the NY Times
The Op-Ed the New York Times Wouldn’t Run
The "new" science, same as the old science
Scientist Fired by Al Gore Over Global Warming Skepticism; Says Al Gore Told Him, "Science Will Not Intrude on Public Policy"
Rather seeks trial to promote his revisionist history, but the world still can't look to CBS News for the actual truth
All of Hoover’s Men
Monday, December 22, 2008
Links of the Day
Matthew Yglesias' big brain tackles Somalia
Looks like Dissent is no longer the highest form of patriotism
Larisa Alexandrovna: Not a Tinfoil Hatter
The Left: Trying desperatedly to change the rules
Al Gore's Mansion Uses As Much Electricity In A Month As An Average House Does In A Year
The Incredible Lightness Of Being Andrew
AP's 'Novel' Name That Party Wrinkle: Purging Dem Party IDs from Original Local Reports
John Holdren to be Obama's Science Advisor
Tierney on Holdren
The Population Bomb That Bombed
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Links of the Day
Lila Rose debuts a second video of an Indiana Planned Parenthood breaking the law
Ten Questions for Rev. Barber
My Intolerance And Other Myths...
Matt Yglesias Is A Moral Leper
Benicio del Toro: still an apologist for mass-murderers
Down goes Yglesias! Down goes Yglesias!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Links of the Day
Break Out the Popcorn: Rendell Hammers Obama, Emanuel Runs for Cover
The Unreal Bill Ayers
More Obfuscation in Prince George’s County
Pot Condemns Kettle's Legacy
That Didn't Take Long
A Lot Of Idiot, Little Of Savant: Rahm Emanuel Backs Down From Crazy Claim Of Death Threats
Apparently feminists don’t have to follow dress codes anymore, either
Yet Another Reason Why I Laugh When Someone Says "Algore Said..."
Botched raid costs Minneapolis $600,000
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Links of the Day
Feminist Professor Wendy Murphy Seems Unhappy about Due Process in Rape Cases
Obama Says He Will Change Earth's Climate
Oh, So Obama Didn't Discuss His Senate Seat With Blagojevich?
Obama: Do Not Believe Your Lying Eyes
Media Matters Attacks Sean Hannity by Relying on Famous Convicted Felon
Bill Ayers Whitewashes History, Again
Ayers still not sure nonviolent protest is better than setting bombs
The "global warming" farce continues