Human being to Vagina Warrior
Ezra Klein’s Modified Limited Hangout (on the Public Option)
The Key to the Mystery of Democratic Perversion
NY appellate court throws Gunga Dan vs. CBS lawsuit out of court in its entirety
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Links of the Day
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Links of the Day
Weirdest Neutrality Argument I’ve Read This Week
Cry Havoc, And Let Slip The Rape Apologists
The Polanski Thing
'I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman ... Because She Wouldn't Let Me'
Just So We’re Clear; Roman Polanski Is A Pedophile Rapist
More Disreputable “Science” From The AGW Alarmist Crowd
Why Does Will Ferrell Hoard His Money While Children Suffer?
Progressive spin of the Day
Conservative media raise ACORN bogeyman to baselessly cast doubt on Franken's campaign victory
Rachel Maddow: David Iglesias on the GOP's Use of ACORN as a Wedge Issue
Why does Fox insist on calling human beings 'illegals'?
Ezra Klein uses the out-of-context defense that the public option is a step to single-payer
Monday, September 28, 2009
Links of the Day that the Hockey Stick died
The Global Warming Hockey Stick Is Irretrievably Broken
Steve McIntyre proves AGW "hockey stick" proxy data was cherry picked
Quote of the week #20 – ding dong the stick is dead
Massive scientific fraud: Blatant and grossly deceptive data selection (”cherrypicking”) by Warmist “scientists”
Paul Krugman Tries To Play Scientist, As Real Scientist Uncover Serious Flaw In Global Warming Data
Michael Moore Fails to Call Out Keith Olbermann's Hypocrisy
New York Times: If ACORN Says Something and It Turns Out to Be False, We Just Won’t Report That. Because, You Know, Otherwise, They Might Look Like Liars!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Links of the Day
Too Biased Even To Describe The Bias
It’s Baaaaaaack! VRWC Cause For Obama’s Problems
NYT Reporter Scrubbed ACORN Quote Report Because He Didn't Want To Imply They Were Lying
The End of an Illusion
Left Employing Sexist Tactics to Discredit Giles, O’Keefe?
Film Your Bangs
Rising Rightroots and Declining Netroots Now at Parity (or Better)
The newest Media Matters spin for SCORN
In failed bid to salvage O'Keefe's credibility, Wallace attacks Media Matters
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Links of the Day
Two Cheers for Andrew Breitbart
A partial listing of our material on teens, sex offending, and the infamous registries.
Enviros Use ACORN Tactics and Attack the Journalist (Literally)
The Dog Ate Global Warming
Dishonorable Recrimination
Latest ACORN spin from Media Matters and allies.
NBC latest to gloss over controversies surrounding O'Keefe
ACORN Files Suit Against Conserative 'Pimp' - And May Give Us A Look At His Funding
Amynda Marcotte Defends the Hoftstra Student Danmell Ndonye who Recanted Her Rape Story.
Once again, sexists choose punishing a woman over their own self interest
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Links of the Day
Media Matters Launches Fight FOX Campaign
Taking on the myth of life expectancy.
Nothing to fear but Fears himself
Can't all conservatives at least agree that Glenn Beck is not the enemy?
If I could amend the Constitution
Astroturfing the NEA: Winner & Associates in on the Scheme?
Politifact’s logic failure
Playing Games With the Law
Why Not Name the Hoftstra Student Who Recanted Her Rape Story?
Man files lawsuit against off-duty cop, city
Oh, Perfect: Conyers Wants Probe of ACORN... and Shady Practices of Breitbart, Giles, and O'Keefe
Registration leads to confiscation
Making Children Of Women
The Times, the Post, and Hofstra
An ACORN in the Media's _____
Monday, September 21, 2009
Links of the Day
Breitbart: We Rolled the Vids Out Like This Not Just to Expose ACORN, But to Expose the Media as Corrupt
Advice to Massachusetts
No, It Wasn’t My Idea for Hannah Giles to Dress Like a Hooker and Infiltrate ACORN
Media Matters dishonest editing in support of their “smear” argument exposed
It depends on what your definition of “truth” is
Arrividerci, Acorn
“We Were Rapists, We Were Dirt” - Another False Accusation Of Rape
ACORN'S Useful Idiots
Bertha Lewis Does Not Know the First Law of Holes
Another Distortion and Attempt to Defend ACORN by Attacking the Messenger
Media Matters still defending ACORN
Post ombudsman adopts right-wing mantra that ACORN videos are a major story
Friday, September 18, 2009
Links of the Day
Hofstra Woman Cries 'Rape,' Recants
Rape hoaxter poised to get off scot free?
They do ruin everything
Joe Conason's Revisionist History of ACORN
Media Matters Smears Hot Air
Media Matters: Hot Air “smeared” Van Jones by calling him a Truther
Media Matters: Police Report Filed From ACORN Office
MEDIA MATTERS: On Fox, Breitbart bashes CNN's ACORN coverage
Media Matters is in full spin mode/defend mode for ACORN.
Network news largely silent on Fox News' role in hyping, distorting ACORN story
Wash. Post ignores ACORN filmmakers' credibility problems
Even funnier the Joe Conason who condemned the first ACORN video as Propaganda when it came out.
Now is now providing a Propaganda piece to defend ACORN
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Links for the Day
Gee, Wonder Who Just Hired a PR Firm Specializing in Corporate Crisis Management?
Longtime ACORN Ally Bob Casey Stands By His Favorite Group
ACORN chief vows to fight “modern-day McCarthyism”
John Holdren in 1971: “New ice age” likely
Far Left Mouthpiece Marc Lamont Hill Smears O'Keefe and Giles on O'Reilly Big Government Responds
Wait, I Thought These Were Smears?
MSM Dam Bursts
Bertha the Hutt: "We've seen this behavior before. They used to lynch us."
The Washington Post's Turn At Covering ACORN
No Double-Standard Here
Sinestrosphere follows MSNBC, NY Times and Washington Post in defending ACORN against the fake, doctored, edited, dubbed, McCarthyite, illegal entrapment smear videos.
NY Times, Baltimore Sun ignore possible illegality of ACORN videotapers' actions
Why Won't The Media Address the Real Issue? 'ACORN' Is Wingnut Code for The 'N' Word.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Links of the Day
Fact-Checking Politifact on Immigration
Media Matters spin: How dare Fox show Kaelke accusing herself!
An Allergic Reaction To The Race Card
NYT: ACORN Victim Of R-Wing Hit Job
Tea Party March pic - YES, Hundreds of thousands
Limbaugh Hits a New Low
Liberals are more selfish than conservatives
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Links of the Day
Andrew Sullivan: One Standard for Me, and Another for Thee
Video: Greasy ACORN spokesman greasier than ever
Blumenthal on Church Shooting: You Brought This on Yourself, B***H
Atlanta's police chief tries to excuse illegal searches.
Whistling Past The Graveyard.
Senate Votes To Defund ACORN
Monday, September 14, 2009
Links of the Day
Will Baltimore prosecute other journalists, too?
The Face of Leftwing Hate
David Shuster Tweet: It's Far, Far, Far Too Early to Assign a Political Motiation to the Guy Who Killed the Pro-Life Activist
Heh: Joe Wilson Outrages and then Out-Raises the Left
The End of An Era
Petty Things
Elections and Protests
An honest account of the DC rallies
Sullivan On 9/12: Blame Bush
Charles Johnson’s Done
Something Smells Bad In Baltimore
POLITICS: Inconvenient Truth
James O'Keefe Has Interesting Manner of Treating MSM’
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Links of the Day
Can We Stop Pretending Like Van Jones Was Smeared?
David Sirota Dodges My Bet, Keeps Firing Blanks
Post Trying to Macaca McDonnell
Five Lies Obama Will Tell Tonight
Jon Henke Challenges Rachel Maddow
Lunatic Fringes That Aren’t So Fringe
Paul Krugman Vs Sarah Palin On Health Care
Olby: Pretty much all criticism of Obama is racist
'Hammering' Jane Hamsher Takes It to the White House-K-Street Neoliberal Lobbying Complex!
Repeat After Me: "You Are Not Worthy"
HuffPo Writer & Dem Activist David Serota: Glenn Beck Is a Rightwing Terrorist Leading a Rightwing Lynch Mob
Note to Ezra Klein: "It's the Bureaucracy, Stupid"
Far Left Going Mad Over Van Jones, Imploding From Slap From Reality
Van Jones: Does the NYT Know What a Truther Is?
Reading The Lefties So You Don’t Have Too
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Links of the Day
Just in case you ever doubted that Keith Olbermann is nuts
No Investigation This Time
Obama Among The Schoolchildren. And Bush.
What the Left Will Never Understand About the Right
It Has Begun... Far Left Says Van Jones Was "Swiftboated"
Craven Media Whore Puts Best Spin on Van Jones Resignation
Sure, Doc... If'n You Cancel Both Sides of It!
The "Obama Love Army"? You've Got To Be Kidding Me...
When Bush 41 Spoke to Schoolkids, Democrats Investigated and Held Hearings
Van Jones: ‘Stronger Than Bombs’
Glenn Beck, the Racist
Useful Idiots, Or The Next Right?
The Left Has Turned Hypocrisy Into An Art Form
An Unexpected Development
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Links of the Day
Glenn Beck Boycott Lessons Not Learned
Van Jones resigns
today’s from the wayback machine
The resignation (and coming MSM/left-wing martyrdom) of Van Jones
If Any Other Group Had This Disproportion, It Would Be A Sign
Feds Bust Doctor for . . . Meeting Women on the Internet
In Case You Wondered How It Works…
Ever Clueless...
Ezra Klein's Most Cracked Spin Yet?
Breaking: Van Jones A Remarkably Bad Liar
Dear lefties Nice Try
Two Huge Stem Cell Trials Are In The Works. Guess Which Type
Townhall Protesters Winning Public Relations Battle
If Nothing Else, His Timing Is Impeccable...
NRA Threatening Pittsburgh
Scripted Complaints About Conservatives Being Scripted
Ted Kennedy: Another woman-hating asshole.
Horror in Knoxville update: Cobbins gets life without parole
Ezra Klein's Confusion Over "Rationing"
Just a reminder: Obama’s a mindblowing hypocrite when it comes to partisan attacks
Al Gore: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!
Cheney was Right, Waterboarding Worked!
Gavin Schmidt responds to criticism of his climate change picture book
Olbermann Falsely Claims Joe Kennedy Jr Was Shot Down in WW II
Consider, Compare And Contrast
They're not after your guns. Really.
Life Expectancy
GOP Cries About 'Hypocrisy' as Massachussetts Prepares to Make Quick Appointment
Progressive hacks David Neiwert and Jane Hamsher fight against the swiftboating of Van Jones
Van Jones' resignation: Glenn Beck gets a scalp, Obama gets a white feather
Van Jones: A Moment of Truth For Liberal Institutions in the Veal Pen
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Links of the Day
Michelle Goldberg argues against heated rhetoric while mentioning that she "hated Bush so much" and talks of the "blessed day" when Dick Cheney dies
Floundering Olbermann Claims to Have Highest Ratings in Cable News
Liberals Still Don’t Get It
The Burden of Proof
Apparently, Jon Henke = Conservative Blogosphere
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Links of the Day
Making Up The Law
Krugman versus Krugman on deficits and debt -- who can you believe?
Ignorant Or Dishonest. Take Your Choice...
ADMINISTRATORS AT DUKE DEMONSTRATE THAT THEY’RE not smart enough to learn from experience.
The magnificent hypocrisy of Charlie Rangel
The Death of the Individual
Police Efforts Against Accountability Never Stop