Leftist Suddenly Concerned About Domestic Terrorism
Ohio taxpayers footing bill for defense of "Joe the Plumber" attackers
Jerry Brown and the ONE DAY STORY!!
Brad Blog, Media Matters Refuse Bill Sparkman Retractions; Blame Michelle Malkin and 'Friends' for Making 'Ugly, Dangerous World'
The "Chicago Machine Politics" of International Science
Death Knell to Global Warming– Renowned Statistician & Software Engineer Says Hockey Stick Data Was “Fudged”
LA Times’s James Rainey just making up quotes now?
Calif. Attorney General Offers Incoherent, Troubling Answers When Asked About ACORN Doc Dump
NO evidence for global warming
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Links of the Day
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Links of the Day
How Wrong I Was Just Proves How Right I Was
Climategate: hide the decline – codified
The Real Problem With the Climate Science Emails
Send the Body To Glenn Beck!
Charles Johnson Teaches Us Some Ethics...
More brilliance from Amanda Marcotte
Men have no right to complain and stop paying child support when they discover that a child is not their biological offspring.
DNA Isn't All There Is To Reproducing
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Links of the Day
Three Navy SEALS Charged With Giving Terrorist A Bloody Lip
Calling For Sparkman Apologies
There is no A in Filibuster
A Brief Summary of Climate-Gate
CEI Files Notice of Intent to Sue NASA GISS
The appearance of hypocrisy at the NYT – Note to Andy
The 9/11 trial Clueless Moment of the Day
But the doctors were so sure…
Cosmo goes against the Stupak amendment too
NYT Policy on Illegally Acquired Documents
How Could He Have Strangled Her Without a Permit to Carry a Handgun?
Daily Kos Now in Charge of Military? Navy SEAL's Get Court Martial Instead of Medal for Capturing Most Wanted Terrorist
Monday, November 23, 2009
Links of the Day
NYTimes: We Won't Publish "Statements that Were Never Intended for the Public Eye."
The sanctimonious hypocrisy of the New York Times
ACORN Statement on Latest Los Angeles Video: The Hallway Defense
San Diego ACORN Document Dump Scandal
Thanks for Paying Attention Big Journalism
Global warming’s “Pentagon Papers”
Carol Rhodes Blows the Whistle on Michigan's Family Courts
Scouts Score SEIU Scalps.
Swift Boating the Climate Scientists
Paternity Fraud Crusader Carnell Smith Responds to New York Times Hatchet Job
Obama WH scrambled for story to smear Walpin
After Multiple Acorn lies are exposed when a new video is released. Media Matters twisted Filmmakers words to defend Acorn.
In LA video, O'Keefe and Giles expose their own dishonesty
Andrew Breitbart: ACORN Stalker
Friday, November 20, 2009
Links of the Day
Get The Tar & Feathers Ready, Folks
Breitbart to AG Holder: Investigate ACORN or We’ll Release More Tapes Just Before 2010 Election
Hacked Emails Show Climate Change Scientists Committing Fraud
How to Get Ahead in Law
L.A. Times Columnist Uncritically Quoted Star of Latest ACORN Video
Breitbart to Eric Holder: Investigate ACORN, or else.
AGW’s Crumbling House Of Cards
Jim Rainey Brings the (Always Unintentional) Laughter
AGW/CC travesty confirmed
NPR's Daniel Schorr Blames The Internet For Ft. Hood Shootings
Global Warming Hysterics Get Burned by Predictions
Latest progressive meme on Andrew Breitbart challenge for the Acorn tapes.
This is funny since Ellen supported the Miss California Pageant using her "sex tape" to blackmail Carrie Prejean into dropping her lawsuit.
Andrew Breitbart Trying To Blackmail The Obama Administration With ACORN And Other Videos
Breitbart trying to ‘blackmail’ Dems with more ACORN tapes
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Links of the Day
Meet The Real Biggest Losers
Palin-Phobia: It’s the Christianity, Stupid
Marikafka County, Arizona: Now With More Kafka!
Holder’s defense
Democrat theme of the week: “Let’s not ‘cower’ over KSM civilian trial”
Will Ferrell Is the Most Overpaid Actor In the World
Wall Street Journal on McIntyre: Global warming’s most dangerous apostate
America's most authoritarian sheriff
Not finding any, Gore airbrushes in hurricanes for his new book
SEIU thugs lash back over Boy Scout debacle
Hadley CRU has apparently been hacked – hundreds of files released
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Links of the Day
How the KSM Trial Will Undermine the Law
Holder's Testimony
Wherein It Turns Out I Am Not Loyal to the US
Runner’s World did not give Newsweek permission to run Palin photo
Who you gonna believe? Me or your lyin’ eyes?
Never Mind The Sexism
Pigs Fly: Media Matters Gets It Right On Palin Newsweek Cover
Maddow at Most Orwellian: Murder of Abortion Doctor 'Terrorism' - But Not Ft. Hood Massacre by Jihadist
Palin photographer breached contract with sale to Newsweek
Hypocrisy for me, but not for thee!
Would Obama have allowed the Nuremberg trials?
The Nuclear Hypocrisy of Dana Milbank
Judge finds Arizona detention officer in contempt of court
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Links of the Day
Gore has no clue – a few million degrees here and there and pretty soon we’re talking about real temperature
Al Gore, the scientist
Calif. Attorney General Brown Will Face Independent Investigation for Secretly Recorded Conversations
Hasan Wanted His Patients Prosecuted
Modern journalism
Media Matters: Marx’s own words aren’t Marxist (you crazy stupid rednecks!)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Links of the Day
Idiocy: Law Professor Argues Stupak Amendment Is Unconstitutional Because, Wait For It, Religious Groups Support It And Some Other Goofy Reasons
Matthew Yglesias on Veterans Day: Unbelievably Putrid Anti-Americanism
Dear Mr. Mulally...
being raped by Larry
Politico Story on RNC Insurance containing "Abortion Coverage" is Bogus*
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Links of the Day
Police Defend, Lie About Devices That Extract Money From and Cause Bodily Harm to Citizens
Embarrassing Setback for TSA; Victory For Fourth Amendment, Gold Standard
Maddow Joins Media Matters in Cheap Smear of Heritage Overcriminalization Project
Did Doug Hoffman concede too early?
Hoffman Didn’t Lose NY-23 Race After All?
You Can’t Blame Tiahrt
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Links of the Day
Natalie Portman: Meat’s a Sin, Free Polanski
Natalie Portman: Eating Meat Is Bad, But It’s Okay For Men To Sleep With Little Girls
Astonishing Greenwald Dishonesty: Greenwald Lies About What He Says In a Post — In An Update to the Very Same Post
Chicago Mayor Daley Blames Fort Hood On America’s Love Of Guns!
“Feminists” are funny
Pathetic Pro-Choicers
The President’s Abortion Distortion
Exclusive: Audio From ACORN Claims Jerry Brown Will Whitewash Investigation
Teary Scozzafava: Maybe I’ll Run on a Republican Ticket Again in the Future
Today’s proof of global warming
Radley takes Soros website Media doesn’t Matter to Task.
Stay Classy, Ezra!
Friday, November 06, 2009
Links of the Day
Note to Andrew Sullivan: Don’t Blame Breitbart For My Thought Crimes
Under Govt. Run Health Plan YOU Will Pay for Abortions
Always Works, Doesn’t It?
Pelosi Lied, Transparency Died
NY-23: My Take
So, Mr. Krugman, Who Incited This Violence?
Jackass 101
Jihadist Attack at Fort Hood! - Nidal Malik Hasan Said 'Muslims Should Rise Up' - U.S. Islamists, Leftists in Damage Control!
White House War Against Fox News Expands
Madison versus Hoyer (with sources!)
White House v. FOX News 2.0
WAR: A Man of Indeterminate Religion
New Congressman From NY-23 Breaks 4 Promises Within One Hour Of Taking Office
David Neiwert who is the first to condemn/blame the Right wing for any violence remotely connected to it (Abortion Doctor,Holocaust museum, ambush of Pittsburgh Police shootings) and wrote a book about it, is condemning the “rush to judgment: of the Fort Hood shooter.
Wingnuts rush to conclusions about Fort Hood shooter -- but cousin says he was 'good American' harassed for being Muslim
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Links of the Day
Gibbs: You're So Stupid I Can Tell You Anything Update: Gibbs Apparently Reading Kos for His Spin
Welcome to Marikafka County, Arizona
We Need More Such Democratic Victories
The Poisoned Water of Maricopa County
What Did NY-23 Mean?
Rahm Emanuel 2005: Our gubernatorial wins in NJ and Virginia are huge
Boulder Police Chief, Mark Beckner, You are the Asshat of the Week
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Links of the Day
Obama’s Most Frequent White House Visitor Is Radical Socialist
Al Gore: Making a bundle form global warming
Looking At NY-23 - Final Predictions and a Few Caveats
Bill Clinton: A Walking Advertisement For The 22nd Amendment
The AGW Payoff For Al Gore
How Democrats Will Spin the IED That’s About To Explode In Their Faces
Monday, November 02, 2009
Links of the Day
Calbuzz: Jerry Brown Must Fire Flack Who Secretly Taped Reporters
ACORN’s Defenders Not Remaining Silent
Finally: AGW Scientists Admit That There's Some Exaggeration Going On
The Real Story
Planned Parenthood Leader Resigns After Watching Abortion Ultrasound
Ignore All GOP Wins Tomorrow, They Won't Matter for the GOP