Eric Boehlert’s Response to the $100 Challenge: More Lies
Explaining Away The DNA
Wounded Rapist Demands Tougher Gun Control Laws
Politico Fact Check Misinterprets Rep. Ryan
This Is What Happens If You Tell Matt Taibbi You Don't Like His Work to His Face
Sibel Edmonds Makes Hustler
A mainstream meme that cannot speak its name
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, February 26, 2010
Links of the Day
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Links of the Day
It’s Bush’s Fault. And Paulson’s. And Bernanke’s. And ….
Inhofe to release report blasting IPCC on Climategate
Eric Boehlert: Lying Scum
God doesn’t listen to Joe Biden
Obligatory "Obama Was Against The Nuclear Option Before He Was For It"
Inhofe and Boxer Spar Over the Climate Change Hoax at Hearing
JUSTICE: “A young mother who falsely cried rape, sending an innocent man to prison for nearly four years, will experience firsthand what he suffered — she’ll spend one to three years behind bars for perjury.”
Baron Hill (D, IN-09) does not play well with others.
Senator Barbara Boxer and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson Throw IPCC Under the Bus
WHO’S HYPOCRITICAL NOW! Rachel Maddow’s crusade has been a dumb, dishonest mess
My $100 Offer to Eric Boehlert of Media Matters
Challenge to Breitbart: Release the ACORN tapes
Ombudsmanfail Matt Yglesias defends Acorn
Monday, February 22, 2010
Links of the Day
David Neiwert condemns Fox for repeating statements from the Obama administration
Correction Request: Keith Olbermann, MSNBC
James O’Keefe Announces New Video “Ready To Go” At CPAC
McCain: I was misled into supporting TARP
It’s wrong to say a woman resembles a man, except when it isn’t
Crooks and Liars defend ACORN over the Pimp outfit
Is Breitbart 'the pimp?'
And of course David Neiwert takes Max Blumenthal’s side and finds a video that is exceptable to edit
Friday, February 19, 2010
Links of the Day
The little-told story of how the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition with deadly consequences.
If this is true—it's damn frightening.
Bill O’Reilly Supports Gun Confiscation During Weather Emergencies
Atlanta cop arrests 61-year-old woman for asking “why?”
It's Amazing what a change at the top can do for an organization.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Links of the Day
Crystal Gayle Mangum Charged in DV Incident
Don’t Let Her Use Your Bathroom
Stand Down The Discipline; Ramp Up The Ridicule and Shunning
State Tries to Steal Child Support Money From a National Guardsman Who Was Seven Years Old at the Time the Child in Question Was Born? How "Odd"!
Selling Bullshit By The Pound...
Taxpayers Underwrite Prosecutors’ Negligence; Negligent Prosecutors Get Promoted
Are you required to produce ID if a cop demands it?
“What side are the gun nuts generally on? The less educated? The rednecks? “
A tale of two graphs
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Links of the Day
Climategate 2.0 — The NASA Files: U.S. Climate Science as Corrupt as CRU
Get That Man Some Crayons And A Juice Box, He's An Intellectual...
CRU chief: Hey, why don’t bloggers disprove AGW instead of criticizing us?
Taliban Second-In-Command Captured, Now What?
The Deal on Cop Interrogation
The Myth of Settled Science on AGW Has Been Busted
Akron cop fighting suspension ends up with triple the time
Coulter: Bush Wanted To Try Richard Reid by Military Commission, But Left-Wing Wouldn't Let Him
Climategate’s Rathergate Deja Vu
Global Warming Meltdown?
Preferring the Politics of Personal Destruction when Countering a Resurgent Right
Worst Research in the Wooorrrrllld! Meltdown with Keith Olbermann Part 34
Remember when Amanda Marcotte defended ACORN by saying they were just having fun with them because thier disguises were laughable.
O’Keefe, his buddies, and their ugly attitudes about violence against women
Eric Boehlert: James O'Keefe and the myth of the ACORN pimp
Monday, February 15, 2010
Links of the Day
Boob Biden Bashes Brown
Joe Biden Claims He Always Knew The Surge Would Work
The sun rises. Birds sing. Olbermann lies.
Jones on the Medieval Warm Period
"Stolen Valor" law under attack
Eric Alterman: A Symbol of the Left’s Arrogance
Amy Bishop, Detained in Huntsville University Faculty Murders, is Harvard-Trained Left-Wing Professor
Pigs on the Police Force
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Links of the Day
The Three Liberal Stooges: Brad Friedman, Eric Boehlert, and Marcy Wheeler
Racist anti-abortionist kook, beloved by left
Join Me In Co-Sponsoring The Alan Grayson Is a Gasbag Act
Wisconsin pro-life groups illegally investigated by the government and by police
It Has Begun… Biden Says Iraq One of the Great Accomplishments of The Obama Adminstration
Keith Olbermann Blasts Steve Capus, Says He Should Be Fired?!
Remember When Liberals Thought Global Warming Caused Too Little Snow In Washington DC?
A Call To Help Moderate The Moderate Voice
Puff, the Magic Biden: Iraq could be one of Obama’s “greatest accomplishments”
RFK, Jr.: Rush Limbaugh does it, so why shouldn't I?
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Links of the Day
Eric Boehlert Owes Jim Treacher a Correction
The New Dating Game
Deputy NSA John Brennan: It Is Now Officially Pro-Terrorist to Criticize Barack Hussein Obama
Obama Top Advisor & Political Hack Says National Security Critics Are Serving Al-Qaeda
Yglesias Admits His Ignorance
Violation of Stolen Valor Law Now Getting National Attention
How Cheney-esque...
Shoe, Meet the Other Foot
CBS Cites Left-Wing Advocate of Infanticide to Encourage Charitable Giving
Message for John Brennan: First Rule of Holes Is … Stop Digging
Quote Of The Day
Monday, February 08, 2010
Links of the Day
Turley: Stolen Valor law endangers social life
John Murtha dies at 77
Obama's National Security Adviser: A Christmas Night Phone Call Is Like A Wedding, Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace
Focus on the Family psychs out the Feminists
Max Blumenthal, Equal-Opportunity Hater
Juicebox Mafia- Post-Racial my ass
Silliest Super Bowl twit
Testing the Stolen Valor Act
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Links of the Day
Jacob Weisberg Is an Idiot
The Left’s Meltdown Continues
But For Video: Trust Me Edition
BG McSoulpatch arrested by FBI
HuffPost Makes Sarah Seem Like a Genius
The O’Keefe Smear: Theya Culpa
Tea Partiers Need To Become Experts on Democrat Fundraising
Liberal Hate Speech
Correction Request: Max Blumenthal,
Crooks and Liars biggest hack David Neiwert follows hack Max Blumenthal in easily disproven story.
James O'Keefe and the white supremacists: As Breitbart runs screaming for cover, bigger questions loom
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Links of the Day
Welcome to the Acme Corporation. Check Your Rights at the Door
Federal preemption law forbids Penn State from hiding behind “FOIA Exemption”
Please Keep Up The Crazy Talk
Kos Compares Republicans To Taliban
Gerald Amirault Talks About Martha Coakley
Max Blumenthal defends Acorn.
James O'Keefe's race problem
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Links of the Day
Lila Rose assaulted by Planned Parenthood escort
Ben Stein: Free James O’Keefe
Tax subsidy critic Michael Moore receives Michigan tax subsidy he criticized
Krugman the Irrelevant
Possible O'Keefe Explanation: He Was an ACORN 'Secret Shopper'
‘If the Times didn’t think the Acorn story was worth covering, why does it now find Mr. O’Keefe – and other campus conservatives — worthy of so much ink?’
Ultrasound is abortion’s enemy
Andrew Breitbart, master of the rope-a-dope
The Fat Lady Sings for Keith Olbermann
Global Warming “Science” And The Media
Boston Lawyer Sues Police, City Over His Arrest for Recording an Arrest
Danny Williams flies to U.S. health clinics, just like Jean Chretien did
In sex scandal, Edwards braced for media onslaught that never came
Retroactive Surveillance Immunity, Obama Style
January Chart Proves Keith Olbermann: Still a Liar!
O'Keefe/Breitbart: Felony Arrest, Manipulation of U.S. Senator's Phone Not What It Seems