Judge Orders Potentially Exculpatory Evidence in O’Keefe Case to Be Destroyed
Left-Wing Epistemic Closure to Inconvenient History
Nina Easton: What I saw at the SEIU thug protest at that banker’s home
Media Matters’ Response to O’Keefe Wrist-Slap? More Obfuscation, Of Course
Misdemeanor plea by James O'Keefe in Landrieu phone case
How Liberals Think, Part XLIII
DC Bank Protest: So, SEIU Now Owns the Cops Too?
Blumenthal Issue Highlights Difference Between Left And Right
Dissent is, er, what?
Unions: Hey, Because We Haven't Extracted Enough From You Already, Why Don't You Give Us Another $164 Billion?
Calderon’s Lies
After Months of Myopic Musing, Media Matters Still Misleads
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Links of the Day
Friday, May 21, 2010
Links of the Day
Mexican President Calderone Lied to Congress
DeMint didn't admonish Rand Paul for civil rights comments
At your own risk
The Left: Misogyny Apologists Under the Guise of Tolerance
The Tonya Craft Trial and the Evisceration of the Rights of the Accused
Michael Waller & Frank Gaffney on Mexico's Immigration Law Hypocrisy
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Links of the Day
The Blumenthal Rules
New Blumenthal defense: He described his service accurately in same speech where he lied
Keith Olbermann's Dog That Did Not Bark
Blumenthal Defense: I Didn't Lie All The Time
I got carried away by Liars - Joe Conason
Media Matters Quotes Infanticide Supporter to Defend Health Rationing
Latest Polanski Accuser Claims to Have Corroborating Witness
Illinois: Where Recording On-Duty Cops Is Treated Like Sexual Assault
Mark Levin goes nuclear over hypocrite Calderon and our moron President
Mexican President Calderon – flaming hypocrisy from the lawn of the White House
Democrats give Mexican president standing ovation for dumping on Arizona
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Links of the Day
Blumenthal lies about lying
Dem Path to Victory in 2010 - Run As Conservative Republicans
Did Rachel Maddow Know Non-Existent Offshore Oil Royalties Claim Was False When She Made it?
Blumenthal’s “outrageous distortion”
Sweet: White House abandons Specter on eve of likely primary defeat
Left-Wing Think Progress Advocates Stripping Citizens of Constitutional Rights Without Benefit of Trial, Conviction, or Notice of Even Being A Suspect
Latest Polanski Accuser Speaks Out In Extensive Interview
Villaraigosa sends non-sequitur reply to AZ Corporation Commissioner on boycott challenge
Pre-Crime Policing
Friday, May 14, 2010
Links of the Day
Republicans Attacking Republicans
Kenya Believe it? NY Times Toddling Towards Truth On Obama's Birth Certificate
Soros Funded Think Progress Cries Astroturfing Wolf
The Most Outlandish Historical Revisionism I Have Ever Seen
White House Task Force on Obesity Report: Lies, Distortion, and Little Else
Lee Fang, the Left’s Favorite Fabulist
FBI Files: CBS's Walter Cronkite Aided Vietnam Protestors in 1960s
Kevin Drum's Strangely Incomplete List
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Links of the Day
The Rehabilitation of Elena Kagan and the Military
Bloomberg “needs his head examined”
The Fiercely Independent Partisan Hackmanship of Ezra Klein
Today Show Features the Discredited Wendy Murphy
A New Book Coming Soon from Michael Bellesiles
When You Are In A Hole, Stop Digging
The Tonya Craft Case: The Mask Slips Off
Secret' telecom anti-Net neutrality plan isn't
Kagan: You Have the Right To Free Speech, So Long As The Government Decides The Social Harm of Your Speech Doesn't Outweigh the Benefits
Michael Bellesiles and the Bogus NRA Conspiracy
Columbia, Missouri Police Chief: “I Hate the Internet”
Monday, May 10, 2010
Links of the Day
School District: Actually We Should Not Be Disciplining Students For Wearing Patriotic Clothes
It's Called "Due Process", Dana
Confirmed: Charles Johnson is the Dumbest Man Alive
Judge’s Ruling a Victory for Hutaree and Free Speech
Obama administration reverses itself on Times Square bombing conspiracy
Maher Digs Himself Deeper
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Links of the Day
Please let this narrative take hold in the media/nutroots.
Democrats on Track to Increase Congressional Majority: Sean Hannity on Suicide Watch
It will make the rage over a 2010 GOP Election victory greater than 1994. Of course the author does not let facts get in his way.
About the only hope the GOP has of overtaking Congress is a terrorist attack. Terrorist attack? Oh yeah. One was just foiled in Times SquareThe Times Square time bomb went off and was defective. Nothing the Obama regime did beforehand "foiled" it.
TWS Obtains Top Justice Department Official's Recusal Document
The ‘Hutaree Militia’ Case Starts To Unravel — On First Amendment Grounds
The Leftist Reality Disconnect
Beyond Schadenfreude: What George Will’s Crucifixion of Bill Maher Really Means
Hypocrites Bash Arizona Law
Olbermann's Absurd Defense Of Banning Dissenting Voices From Show
Today Slanders the Lacrosse Players
CoC and dKos: a look at the progressive caste system.
Linda Lingle rewrites history on Obama certificate issue; breaks the law?
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Links of the Day
Contessa Brewer Is Frustrated That Times Square Bombing Suspect Is A Muslim UPDATE: Note Brewer's Double Standard For Islamic Terroists And Militia Members
Bank Bailout Bill: Is This Why Andy Stern Left SEIU
Comfortably Dumb
The Left's New Times Square Meme: Dumb and Dumber
Let The Self-Recriminations Begin!
Monday, May 03, 2010
Rachel Maddow is a Hack part 2
'The Rachel Maddow Show' for Tuesday, September 16 2008
MADDOW: Still ahead, I'll talk with Bill Maher about Governor Sarah Palin. He's an independent. I wonder if she's won him over to the Republican side.
Roundtable discussion of ABC's "This Week" May 05 2010
MAHER: I think a lot of people on the Left have with the country and have for many years is that there's no one that really represents our point of view.
Links of the Day
George Will Smacks Down Bill Maher On This Week: Brazil Doesn't Use Oil?
You DON’T wanna be illegal in Mexico!”
Declining journalism education
Amanda Marcotte: Liar and Deceiver
When rape is comedy gold
OK, We’re Confused Now
Pelosi Caught In Major Lie- Says Bush Didn’t Warn Congress About Financial Crisis… Records Show He Warned Congress 17 Times in 2008 Alone