Thursday, May 06, 2010

Links of the Day

Please let this narrative take hold in the media/nutroots.

Democrats on Track to Increase Congressional Majority: Sean Hannity on Suicide Watch

It will make the rage over a 2010 GOP Election victory greater than 1994. Of course the author does not let facts get in his way.

About the only hope the GOP has of overtaking Congress is a terrorist attack. Terrorist attack? Oh yeah. One was just foiled in Times Square
The Times Square time bomb went off and was defective. Nothing the Obama regime did beforehand "foiled" it.

TWS Obtains Top Justice Department Official's Recusal Document
The ‘Hutaree Militia’ Case Starts To Unravel — On First Amendment Grounds
The Leftist Reality Disconnect
Beyond Schadenfreude: What George Will’s Crucifixion of Bill Maher Really Means
Hypocrites Bash Arizona Law
Olbermann's Absurd Defense Of Banning Dissenting Voices From Show
Today  Slanders the Lacrosse Players
CoC and dKos: a look at the progressive caste system.
Linda Lingle rewrites history on Obama certificate issue; breaks the law?

Monday, May 03, 2010

Rachel Maddow is a Hack part 2

'The Rachel Maddow Show' for Tuesday, September 16 2008
MADDOW: Still ahead, I'll talk with Bill Maher about Governor Sarah Palin. He's an independent. I wonder if she's won him over to the Republican side.

Roundtable discussion of ABC's "This Week" May 05 2010
MAHER: I think a lot of people on the Left have with the country and have for many years is that there's no one that really represents our point of view.