Alan Grayson: Hates Children, Hates Seniors, Loves Satan
Miscarriage of Justice in Maricopa County, Part I
As Expected, Kangaroo Inquest Clears Metro Cops That Killed Erik Scott
So, Gloria Allred Knew Her Client was Breaking the Law
More Adventures in Police Professionalism
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Links of the Day
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Links of the Day
SPLC To Apologize to Prof. Guenter Lewy For False Accusations
Medicare Queens, Matt Taibbi and the cluelessness of the left
Did you know new Hilary Swank movie “Conviction” was about Martha Coakley in Massachusetts?
Eric Holder and Prosecutorial Misconduct
James O'Keefe's Odd Prank
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Links of the Day
Misbehaving Federal Prosecutors
David Weigel Pines for Cindy Sheehan of Yore
Prosecutor in Stevens Case Commits Suicide
Pot meets kettle: Steve Benen
Mayor's group's report on "gun trafficking"
Maryland Judge Tosses the Felony Wiretapping Charges Against Anthony Graber
Judge Dismisses Wiretapping Charges against Motorcyclist for Recording Traffic Stop
Maryland Court Rules Citizens Have Right to Videotape Officers in Public
Tap a Cop in Maryland
Not a Good Day for Prosecutors
The Execrable Alan Grayson
Alan Grayson: WHORE.
The context behind Grayson’s despicable “Taliban Dan” ad
Congressman Alan Grayson: Dishonest Scum
POLITICS: Grayson Sinks Lower
Monday, September 27, 2010
Links of the Day
Evidence points to left-wing activist as source of Boehner affair rumor
GOPs Are Right to Fear the "Lame Duck"
John F'n' Kerry's Theory On Why The Democrats Are Losing: Voters Are Stupid
Stupid voters, why don’t you believe us?
Prosecutors Lying and Not Being Punished; We're Shocked, SHOCKED!
Breitbart to Bill Maher: You know you’re not a libertarian anymore, right?
New Alan Grayson ad: My draft-dodging GOP opponent doesn’t love America like I do
Alan Grayson Gets The Liar Of The Week Award
Coulter: Gays Should Be Anti-Abortion “Because Once They Find The Gay Gene Guess Who’s Getting Aborted”
Media Matters’ 9 Most Embarrassing Screw Ups
Another Bill Ayers Controversy
Maryland judge throws out wiretapping charges against Anthony Graber
Friday, September 24, 2010
Links of the Day
Under-the-Bleachers Blogger Externalizes Rage, Demands to See Speedo Picture
Research Proves Christine O’Donnell Is Correct Again (With a Cherry on Top!)
Obama DOJ Enabling Voter Registration Fraud?
JStreet Credibility: Not So Good
The 10-percent myth
Of course your base is barking mad!
Krugman's (Non)Partisan Adventure
IPCC: ummm, ahhhh, yea maybe the Sun does have something to do with climate
Maine congresswoman’s use of private jet stinks of hypocrisy, may have violated House rules
Which Malik Shabazz Visited White House in July 2009, Mr. President?
'This Is What the Marines of the Marine Corps League Find Inexcusable and Despicable'
Hippie punching the professional left
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Links of the Day
MoveOn Email Of The Day
If Stupidity Was Illegal, Slate Would Be In Trouble
Dahlia Lithwick: It’s “Weird” for a Senator to Consider the Constitutionality of Legislation
Pennsylvania Police Officer Charged With DUI Accident While Not Be Charged With Leaving Scene of Accident
Erik Scott memorial blog
Oh, My: Liberal Bloggers Getting Tired of Putting Out (Propaganda) for Obama?
Fun: Axelrod, lefty bloggers get testy with each other on conference call
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Links of the Day
New Records Show DOJ Lied About New Black Panther Dismissal
To Murder and to Lie
Thoughts on tracing of guns in Mexico
Pervert DA Insists He Needs Therapy, Refuses To Resign
Looks Like a Civil Rights Suit
How to Record the Cops
Koch Industries Lawyer to White House: How Did You Get Our Tax Information?
Zeros to heroes: Ulcer truth was hard to stomach
Friday, September 17, 2010
Links of the Day
Another From The Life Isn't Fair Files
MSNBC Eliminationist Rhetoric Spurs Otherwise Normal Man to Issue Death Threats Against Republican Congresswoman
Sorry Inconvenient Truthers, the ‘Skeptical Environmentalist’ Is Still Skeptical
Justice Breyer Clarifies Earlier Remarks, Suggests Koran-Burning Is Constitutionally Protected After All
Stunner: Congresswoman wheedles lobbyist for money
The morphology of “global warming”
Andrew Sullivan Defends TARP, Criticizes Libertarians for "utter disengagement" with "political reality" (Like That's a Bad Thing)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Links of the Day
How Democrats can hold the House
Did Justice Breyer Say There Is No Right To Burn Korans In First Amendment?
WHY YOU SHOULD OWN A GUN: Shocking testimony reveals police inaction in Conn. horror home invasion.
We Can't Handle The Truth
Lomborg Denies Global Warming Conversion - I Told You So
Why Sluts Make Bad Wives
MSNBC's Ed Schultz Thinks You Hate America
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Links of the Day
More on Breyer’s horrible equivocation about burning Korans
Breyer’s contempt for free speech and expression
Five Common Sense Problems with Justice Breyer’s “All the World’s a Theater…” Remark
Our stupid Supreme Court Justice
Confessions: Voluntary, Reliable and False
Spin, spin, baby
Ines Sainz: The Woman Who Cried Wolf Whistle
Me no Nifong!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Links of the Day
When Innocent People Confess To Crimes They Didn’t Commit
Federal Judge Rules That a Former Mississippi Prosecutor, Now a Judge, Lied in Court
Justice Breyer: No right to burn Korans in First Amendment?
The left’s zombie “meme” – “we the ungovernable, the unreasonable, the irrational”
Meghan McCain’s Dirty, Sexy Politics
Monday, September 13, 2010
Links of the Day
Southern Poverty Law Center Completes Its Descent Into Madness
Former Commie-TRUTHER Green Czar Van Jones Was Behind the “Turn 9-11 into Community Service Day” Movement
Michael Moore Touts Ground Zero Mosque, Suggests McDonald's Worse Than Terrorists
HHS Secretary threatens insurers with “exclusion” if they don’t toe the government line
Tom Friedman, world’s biggest fraud
Pelosi took in twice as much lobbyist cash as Boehner
White House Set a Trap for Boehner but Snared the Entire Democratic Leadership.
Dancing to Dems’ Tune, Corrupt New York Times Dutifully Pulls Hatchet Job on John Boehner
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Links of the Day
George Soros On Helping The Nazis During The Holocaust
Holocaust Denial: George Soros vs. the Tea Parties
A Call for Consistency
Misunderstanding Markos Moulitsas and American Taliban
Latest DCCC Internal Polls Do Not Directly Quote Chip Diller
Krugman – wow, just "wow".
VDH piles on Krugman
The Philadelphia Loophole
Applying science to string theory
‘Refudiating’ the Vanity Fair Palin Piece
Four Reasons Progressives Are Running Like Heck From The Vanity Fair Hit Piece on Sarah Palin
Progressive Narrative Watch
Controlled Panic
Nightline: One of Four Female College Students Will Be Raped Before Graduating
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Links of the Day
Robert Gibbs Lies About Obama’s Position on the Iraq Surge
And That’s the Problem, Lt. Healy
Save This Tweet For Use In Political Emergency
Boxer discusses conversation with Condoleezza Rice that, er, never happened
How the liberal media committed suicide
Ed Schultz rejects Dr. King
German recovery, part II