Disgusting. White House Says Bush Supported Death Panels Too — NOT True (Video)
The Filibuster, Again
It’s a Trap, Folks
Is There a Case Against Christine O'Donnell?
Assistant U.S. Attorney Tanya Treadway Successfully Silences Sibhan Reynolds and the Pain Relief Network
Feds Investigate Christine O'Donnell's Use of Campaign Funds Based on Complaint from Soros-Funded CREW; O'Donnell Denies, Claiming All Expenses Were Legitimate
Ezra Klein: The Constitution is Hard to Understand Because It's Old or Something
Unions to blame for slow snowplow. Question is, will Bloomberg stand up to these union thugs?
But When You’re Runnin’ Down Merle Haggard Man, You’re Walkin’ On The Fightin’ Side Of Me
Flashback 2000: ClimateGate Researchers Told us “Snowfalls Will Become a Very Rare And Exciting Event”
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Links of the Day
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Links of the Day
Fox News Watchers Misinformed?
Amanda Marcotte, Digby, and TBogg Nominated for 'Moore Award' at Daily Dish
Sady Doyle Bleats Non-Apologies After Getting Moe Tkacik Fired for Speaking Truth to Feminist Hypocrisy
Union Visits Private Home To Intimidate, Local Media Calls It “Caroling”
PolitiFact’s lie of the day
Kook Global Warmer James Hansen: ClimateGate was a 'Viscous' Hoax by Professional Swiftboaters
Shameful: Bloomberg and His Hacks Rigged Ground Zero Mosque Approval
The Bizarre "Birther" Intellectual Dance
"a discussion with the likes of Brad DeLong is not productive"
Just a Bunch of Man-Originated-In-Africa Deniers
Is Gitmo really a jihadist recruiting tool?
Bush Memoir Sells Nearly As Much In A Month As Clinton’s Sold In A Year
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Links of the Day
Julian Assange, Feminism, and Rape
The vindictive grand jury investigation of pain-relief advocate Siobhan Reynolds.
In a Sign of Foreclosure Flaws, Suits Claim Break-Ins by Banks
Progressive Hubris
How to Record the Cops
Wishful Thinking
Politifact’s Lie of the Year Is An Exaggeration With Elements of Truth
The Filibuster Briar Patch
Monday, December 20, 2010
Links of the Day
Has Media Matters’ Eric Boehlert Discovered Shame? Sadly no.
The Odious Eric Boehlert
Media Matters: When Will the Insufferable Soros-Funded “Journalist” Eric Boehlert Apologize For His Violence-Inducing Hate Speech?
Libtalker Dishonestly Uses FL Shooter Incident To Attack Beck
The Dude Who Tried Shooting Up The School Board Meeting
Jill Filipovic Responds to Michael Moore's Dismissal of Julian Assange Rape Charges as 'Hooey'
It's a Penalty ... It's a Tax ... No, It's SUPERMANDATE!
Manning Should Be Removed from Solitary
PFC Manning’s “Shameful” Treatment?
Syracuse University Thinks Satire Is Actionable Harassment
A Cuban Hospital Is No Place To Be Sick
Great news: Cuba banned Michael Moore documentary for being too rosy about Cuban health care
Moore: Hey, Cuba loved my movie!
Sicko Fatso strikes back
PolitiFact’s biggest lie
Politifact Is Not So Much Arbiter of Truth But A Bunch Of Liberal Hacks And Apologists
White House Science Czar Orders No Political Interference in Global Warming Sham
About That Study of Misinformation and Fox News
Aside From 4 Shots, It Was A Nice, Sunny Day
Top 10 Hoaxes Perpetrated by the Left and Trumpeted by a Complicit Media
Funny - Kaus Rubs It In, Good and Hard, on Dave Weigel
Does the Estate Tax Contribute to the Destruction of the American Family Farm? Media Matters Says No, Which Means...
Missile defense: a necessary cost?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Links of the Day
How The Big Boys Play The Game...
Solitary Confinement as Torture
Where Freedom Goes to Die: The Center for Science in the Public Interest
Haven’t We Been Told that Comparing Gay Sex to Incest Was Wrong?
Great Moments in Liberal Idiocy
Oops… Federal Judge Rules Liberal Fish Study That Forced Officials to Cut Off California Water Was Based on Junk Science
Yep, communism kills – but fools still defend the other fools who believe in it
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Links of the Day
AIDS Cured By Adult Stem Cell Transplant?
The glorious return of Uber Dawks
There is no excuse when men rape; but women who make false rape claims are merely defending their femininity
Like Dogs to Vomit, Media Matters Cleans Up Liberal Media Messes
Media Matters’ Body Count? Awaiting Eric Boehlert’s Apology
Media Matters Comes Close to Having a Body Count
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Links of the Day
Jessica Valenti: America should model rape laws after Sweden's -- where some legal experts want to make sex a presumptive crime whenever a woman cries rape
Judge Kozinski to federal prosecutors: "This is not the way criminal law is supposed to work."
How Can Anyone Defend Kissinger Now?
Yet Again, Media Exaggerates Scale of Gun Smuggling from U.S. Into Mexico
Mr. Putin, Tear Down This Network
Columbia Eminent Domain Case Will Not Be Heard
The Preposterousness of the Commerce Clause
Scarborough points out bias of … MSNBC?
Chuck Schumer – Tea Party Expert
An Honest Question for Lefties
Monday, December 13, 2010
Links of the Day
Breyer: Madison wrote 2nd Amendment to appease the states
Justice Breyer is an Originalist on the Right to Bear Arms!*
Historically illiterate indeed
UC Berkeley Police Officers Allegedly Arrest Journalist for Taking Their Picture
The upcoming Lisak rape report: false rape claims are in the single digits
WaPo Reprises the "90% Lie", Whines for Selective, Ineffective BATF
Andrew Sullivan Tagged for Rampant Falsehoods About Catholic Church, Pope
Frum: Lockerbie bomber release “the scandal of the decade”
More protecting and serving
Charles Steger Must Resign as President of Va. Tech
A Columbia professor is arrested for incest — but isn't there a constitutional right to incest between consenting adults?
On Keeping Alleged Rape Victims Anonymous
Comic Artist Dylan Horrocks Explains How Copyright Is Too Often Used To Kill Culture
Friday, December 10, 2010
Links of the Day
GOP Campaign Strategist Joan Walsh Speaks
Jeremy Marks "Attempted Lynching" Case
Fox News: Maddow Is Wrong, Christine O’Donnell Is NOT Hosting Fox & Friends
Lambs to the Slaughter: The Hofstra False Rape Case
Always Remember...
A Friday Roundup of “Nut-Punch” Criminal Justice Stories
Joel Rosenberg: Injustice Anywhere
The Empire Strikes Back
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Links of the Day
A bill for climate data integrity: The Public Access to Historical Records Act
Climate Predictions Come Up Short (As Usual)
Duke public relations office: Group of 88 member—and later apologist—Cathy Davidson has been nominated to the 26-member the National Council of Humanities
The Beltwayification of Obama Is Nearly Complete
Fox News Told Its Journalists to Avoid Using White House Approved ‘Public Option’ And Instead Accurately Call it ‘Government-Run Health Insurance’…
Please Do Not Call This Government-Run Health Insurance Plan A Government-Run Health Insurance Plan
Joel Rosenberg: Alpha Male of the Day
Free Joel
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Links of the Day
Purdue Student Journalist Takes Defiant Stand Against Cop
Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
Update in Northern Virginia: Police Agencies Still Secretive, Newspaper Editor Still Okay With That, Plus a Disturbing Police Visit to the Former Residence of a "Reason Institute" Writer
Allen Chiu, Unethical Prosecutor, Forced to Dismiss XBox Modding Case After Revelation of Numerous Ethical Violations
Feds Tracking Your Credit Card Use Without Search Warrants
Motorhome Diaries Crew Recover Deleted Video of Police Encounter
Meet WikiLeaks' Likely First Victim
Projection Anonymous
Dumbest Website on the Internet Media Matters Thinks Tonight Show Spoof Video Was Created By FOX News
Quote of the day—Police First Sergeant Colisle
Dahlia Lithwick Endorses Originalist Vision of Federalism, Er, Not Really
Lithwick’s History
Fun with Stun
C’mon Feel the Hate
David Frum, Speech Policeman
Obama caves on tax cuts, liberals howl
Civil Rights, Judicial Bias Surround Texas Drug Case
Olbermann, Assange, and the Holocaust Denier
Ex-Acorn Chief rants about Fox News & necrophilia
The War on Cameras
In tax defeat, Dems pay the price for old tricks
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Links of the Day
Meghan McCain: Sarah Palin Is Anti-Intellectual and Anti-Education For Using The Term "Blue Bloods"
PS: By The Way, I Had To Google The Meaning of "Blue Bloods" Because I Had Never Read This Extremely Common Term Before
Inconvenient Logic: What Have You Got to Hide?
Wikileaks roundup
Wikileaks Confirms What We All Already Knew: Obama Has No Idea What He’s Doing
Why Cowardly Rangel Bailed on Ethics Hearing
You Don’t Actually Have to Be Engaged In Commerce For Your Choices to Be Regulated Under the Commerce Clause