Where Was His Right To Choose?
Freeman Dyson On Why He's A Climate Change Skeptic
Newly Released FBI Files: Ted Kennedy Was a Pompous, Commie-Sympathizing Pervert, i.e., a Perfect Democrat Icon
Judith Curry takes on the climate establishment
Radley Balko gets what he wanted.
Rachel Maddow Plays Gay Card: Defends Her Own Lies By Calling Critics Homophobes
Maddow Digs Herself Deeper With More Election Spending Semantics
Two more leftwing front groups
Left-wing legal group snookers Ezra Klein on Voter ID
Inspector General Finds NOAA Climategate Emails Warranted “Further Investigation”
Chutzpah Award
Now that ObamaCare is law, liberal bloggers can admit (almost) their hysterical rhetoric was ungrounded
Ted Kennedy, Party Man
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Monday, February 28, 2011
Links of the Day
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Links of the Day
More ATF on guns in Mexico
Pennsylvania Police Blatantly Lie to Reporter About Wiretapping Laws
Climate scientist concludes “hide the decline” done to dishonestly hide data that didn’t support AGW conclusion
Union Thug Attacks FreedomWorks’ Tabitha Hale
Meet Three Anti-Koch Left Wing H8 Ralliers: Roger Fraser, Bonnie Reiss, and Don Wallace
Planned Parenthood Falsely Uses Mammograms to Defend Tax-Funding
Union protester grabs FreedomWorks staffer’s camera, hits her with sign
The Imperial Presidency
Southern Poverty Law Center Still Peddling Lie That Giffords Shooter Was Right-Winger
Confusion on Public vs. Private Unions
Quotes of the Day
Houston Police Chief: Citizen Recordings of Violent, Thuggish Police Officers May Lead to Violent, Thuggish Behavior Against Police Officers
Union Fleebaggers Get Violent; Media Doesn't Notice
Left-wing front group CREW doesn't like public employee study
Phill Kline unmuzzled: Records sought were for child rape victims
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Links of the Day
What is a Beta Male?
Have media ever asked Democrats to explicitly deny Trutherism?
Allen West Rips CAIR Executive a New One During Town Hall: “Don’t Blow Sunshine Up My Butt”…
An Open Letter to Mr. Daily Kos
Lies, damn lies and 'voluntary agreements'
Some British advice to America's public sector trade unions
A failure of atheist logic
Charges dropped against Florida student arrested for videotaping cops
Rachel Maddow Caught Lying About Wisconsin's Budget Crisis
Kay Hymowitz and the entitlement of “manning up”
Brad Delong
The Consequences of CBS’ Cover-Up of Lara Logan’s Assault
Morning Joe Deserves Credit
MSNBC Makes Shocking Discovery: Union Protests Not Covered In The Same Way Tea Parties Were
Have media ever asked Democrats to explicitly deny Trutherism?
Politifact: George Will was right on Wisconsin
Think Stupidity
Wisconsin State Senator Smacks Down Chris Matthews: 'You're Completely Uninformed'
Friday, February 18, 2011
Links of the Day
Paging Jill Filipovic
Lara’s sadly predictable horror
Celebrating Egyptian democracy
Lara Logan and the liberal feminist denial of reality
Crackpot Leftist Marcotte: Violence Against Women Is No Different in the US Than in Egypt
Media Matters Methods: Part 1
Libtalker Threatens Andrew Breitbart'
Dumbing down and dreaming on
Grassley to Holder: ATF refused to answer specific questions in briefing
Miami Police Assault TV Reporter Trying to Interview Chief
Hastings Law Professor Subject To Mistaken Drug Raid
I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve learned a lot about civility this week
Sen. Inhofe turns tables on global warming ambushers — and gets it on tape
New York Woman May Win $70 Million Default Settlement After Photography Arrest
Video: Union activist demands Walker “come to the table” on CNN, but …
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Links of the Day
The Diminished Relevance Of Media Matters: Fox News Insider Story Largely Ignored
Think Progress Makes a Martyr Out of Brad Friedman, While Censoring Any Mention of His Business Partner, Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin
Get Ready… Junk Scientist Al Gore Predicted North Pole Will Be Completely Ice Free By Next Year
Shirley Sherrod Catches Andrew Breitbart's Car
David Gregory Wonders Why John Boehner Doesn’t Hit Birthers With His Gavel and Lock Them in a Closet
Husband Want a Vasectomy? He’ll Have To Get Your Permission
A Pot and Kettle Moment For ‘Media Matters’
Man Prosecuted For Recording TSA Screening Is Acquitted
Friday, February 11, 2011
Links of the Day
“Mexico’s Gun Supply and the 90 Percent Myth”
Surprise! Rachel Maddow‘s Claim About Fox News Proven ’False’
Selection bias at Politifact?
Live Action Planned Parenthood Investigation Gaining ‘Big Mo’ in MSM; Left-Wing Media in Denial
Where are the lawsuits?
Why Katrina vanden Heuvel Declines to Acknowledge a Mistake
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Links of the Day
The Top 10 Craziest Posts At Feministing
Andrea Mitchell Was Smoking Crack In The 1980s
Sady Doyle shames sackless Steelers fans on Super Bowl Sunday
Live Action, the Left, and a Modest Proposal
Progs Expose Their True Agenda with Planned Parenthood Defense
Abortion Media Matters
The Sad World of a Senior Fellow (at Media Matters)
Adam Liptak and the New York Times Finally Start to Catch Up on Citizens United
Top Six Planned Parenthood Deceptions: In Order of Increasing Absurdity
POLITICS: Making Stuff Up
House Democrats Call On Justice Thomas To Recuse Himself From Heathcare Litigation
Monday, February 07, 2011
Links of the Day
Matt Yglesias: The One Man Mistake Factory . . . Or “I Laugh at the Inferior Intellect”
Media Matters Offers Pitiful ‘Gotcha’ on Planned Parenthood Video; Unwittingly Destroys Their Own Spin
Media Matters Helps Prove the CDC Did Cover Up Abortion Data
Democrat Racism Tidbit
Lefty ‘Journalists’ Plot Planned Parenthood Defense — With Org Officials in Attendance
The Erik Scott Case: Update 10: The First Cracks Appear?
Lila Rose fights the Man.
The Gentler Sex
More Professionalism
Company you keep
Common Cause’s Filibuster Flip
Think Progress and the Racist Video Double Standard
The Stonewalling of the New Black Panther Party Investigation
Friday, February 04, 2011
Links of the Day
In high-stakes poker game with Darrell Issa, Janet Napolitano passes again
Anatomy of a Smear- How Media Matters Exploits Fake Bigotry To Protect George Soros.
It’s time for the impeachment of Barack Obama
Avert Your Eyes, Texans
JOURNOLIST 2.0: Soros Sites Hold Con Call To Map Strategy for Planned Parenthood Defense
Obama Botches Bible Quote; Media Matters Botches Defense
Media Matters lame defense of Planned Parenthood
Sorry, Guys: That "Planned Parenthood" Video Is Still A Hoax
The "Sting" That Wasn't: Right-wing Media Hype Bogus Version Of Planned Parenthood Video Story
Standing with Planned Parenthood
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Links of the Day
A girl who was statutorily raped gets her abortion paid for by the taxpayers; a boy who was statutorily raped is obligated to pay child support if his rapist decides to keep the baby
Obama Administration Covering Up Abortion Data
Miami Police vs. Citizens With Cameras
Koch protests include calls to lynch Clarence Thomas
Video Showing Houston Cops Beating Teen Finally Released
Groups Whose Quotes Used By Soros Group to Attack Glenn Beck, Repudiate Anti-Beck Effort
No, No-One Is Trying To “Redefine” Rape
Balloon Juice Exposes My Corruption
Valerie Jarrett She Knew What She Was Doing
As Planned Pimphood struggles to squelch sex trafficking scandal, Lila promises more to come
Make-Believe Media Circle Wagons Around Planned Parenthood; Tie Pro-Life Whistleblowers to Arizona Shooting
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Links of the Day
Piven: Fiery and fearful Socialist advocate for mob violence complains she is target
Maddow Blames Beck and Other Conservatives for Her Getting Duped by Satirical Website
Redefining rape . . . much ado about probably nothing
Planned Parenthood fires clinic manager in latest video
Central Jersey Planned Parenthood Fires Worker After Release of Undercover Video
Obama administration stonewalling Issa on document demand?
When Did The Left Turn Against Free Speech?” When they started losing the debate.
Dear Journalists: We Dare You to Live up to Your “Selective Editing” Standards
Assange: It’s Only Transparency When It Happens To Other People; Otherwise It’s Malicious Libel
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Links of the Day
Left’s Celebration of Planned Parenthood’s Ethics Blows Up in Their Face
Free Advice to Liberal Organizations: If Someone Comes in Claiming to be Trafficking Underage Girls, DON’T HELP THEM
Detroit Mosque (Would-Be) Bomber: Another “Right-Winger” . . . Who Was Jailed for Threatening Bush
The Obama Administration Spits in Judge Vinson’s Eye and Other Reactions to Today’s Ruling
Surpassingly Curious
BBC4?s “Meet the Skeptics”
“Our Donations Are Different”
The Planned Parenthood Sting Video Prebuttal