Former Organizing for America staffer interfered with FOIA requests at Department of Homeland Security
Can One Wrong Death Bring Down Corrupt Las Vegas?
Media Matter’s Deceptive Editing On Fox Story
On Batsignals and Media Matters’ Tax Exempt Status
SEIU’s Manifesto? Stephen Lerner Doubles Down on Crippling America’s Economic System
Should the ATF Have Prevented the Sale of the Gun that Killed ICE Agent Jaime Zapata?
Project Gunrunner: Obama’s Stimulus-Funded Border Nightmare
Planned Parenthood CEO’s Mammogram Claims Are False
It's Not All About You
Non-partisan doesn’t really mean non-partisan
Federal prosecutor gets another strike on her record
Nice try Yglesias, but no cigar
Injustice From The Supreme Court, Courtesy Of Justice Thomas And His Fellow Conservatives
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Links of the Day
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Links of the Day
The Epistemic Closure of Joe Bageant
What if Richard Nixon Had Been President During ‘Operation Gun Runner’?
Project Gunrunner: How Did the ATF Get Gun Dealers to Agree to Sell Guns to Criminals?
Georgia Cops "Disciplined" for Beating Girl Trying to Record Them
NJ girl who was detained for videotaping cops files lawsuit
Can we call it something else now?
New York Times Tries Again
Media Continues Determined Embargo on Death Threats in Wisconsin
WashPo’s Greg Sargent Carries Media Matters’ Water Like A Hacktastic Champ
Schumer Follows And Gives Anti-Tea Party Orders
Chuck Schumer Caught Rehearsing Extreme, Extreme, Extreme Talking Points
Joe Biden Circa 1998: ‘Framers Intended to Grant Congress Power to Initiate All Hostilities, Even Limited Wars’
Monday, March 28, 2011
Links of the Day
Behind Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's Sweetheart Deal
Media Matters plots “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” against Fox?
Media Matters breaks kayfabe
Is Media Matters breaking the law in its 'war' on Fox News?
Maddow would protest the Hoover Dam
Anti Gun Reporter: Bought and paid for
A Public Policy of Failure
Think Progress attempts to rewrite political history
Is Biden’s closet packed with media skeletons? Reporter one of many to be ‘caged’ by VP
The Pandora’s Box of 2012 Found Hidden Inside Joe Biden’s Closet
Rep. Grassley slams Obama over stonewalling on ATF’s “Project Gunrunner”
ATF's "Project Gunrunner" Something This Stupid Had to Come From High Ups In the Administration
Watchdog knocks Obama administration on transparency
So The SEIU’s Economic Terrorist Still Works There
In which I respond to the sophisticates, both left and right, in re: Bill Ayers and Dreams
Why Is the Media Covering Up The Kill Team Story?
ACLU lawsuit charges 2 Newark police officers of illegally detaining, threatening honors student
Friday, March 25, 2011
Links of the Day
Disclose As We Say, Not As We Do - CREW's hypocrisy on donor disclosure goes ignored
Oliver Willis. Media Matters Junior Fellow. Pathetic Hack.
Philadelphia Police Threaten To Kill Open Carrier
Predictable spin on "Operation Gunwalker"
Antiwar Senator, War-Powers President
Lautenberg: Republicans “don’t deserve the freedoms that are in the Constitution!”
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Links of the Day
Fourth Circuit Denies Qualified Immunity in Mistaken SWAT Raid
More on ATF "gun walker"
The Media Matters Boot Camp: A Follow Up
New Schumer Gun Possession Bill: Let's Get Tough on Even Those Not Convicted of Drug Crimes
Talking Points Memo Gives Crash Course in Bad Journalism
Media Matters for America forgets the first rule about Fight Club.
Media Boot Camp for Liberal "softie policy wonks"!
Biden: We should impeach presidents who launch attacks without Congressional approval
NOW defends Palin against Maher attack, but says ‘We are on to you, right-wingers’
When is enough actually enough
Robert Farley Banned Meade? Meade!! Bwahahahaha!!!
ATF gunwalking scandal: Second agent speaks out
Monday, March 21, 2011
Links of the Day
How Political Lies Spread On The Left
Democrats Celebrate One-Year Anniversary of ObamaCare by Lying About It
Candyass blogger move of all time: Lawyers, Guns & Money bans Meade!
I Told You So - 2 faced Arab League
Haters to Althouse: We Know Where You Live
25 ATF Agents write letter outlining scandals
Quote of the day — Chuck Schumer
Andrew Sullivan: 'I Don't Know Why Anybody Voted for Obama in the Primaries - It's a Clintonian Mess'
How the Left Keeps Drones In Line: the Origin of Fox News Attacks
Myth: The hedge funds caused the financial crisis
Just A Friendly Reminder: Please Shut The Hell Up
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Links of the Day
A Feminist Flare-Up
NRA Blows Off Obama… Won’t Join in On Gun Regulation Talks
If Tomorrow I Tell The Press That, Like, A Fat Kid Will Get Humiliated, Or A Nerd Will Be Slapped, Nobody Panics, Because It’s All “Part Of The Plan.” But When I Say That One Little Bully Will Get His Ankle Broken, Well Then Everyone Loses Their Minds!
Meet Glenn Beck’s Biggest Fan: Eric Boehlert
Political leader who couldn’t pass a budget lectures on fiscal responsibility
NASA Hack James Hansen in 1986: 2°-4° warmer in 2010. The Reality: No Change!
Responding to a bully
‘Hate-filled Holy Book’: Bill Maher Takes Heat From Left, Source Responds with Koran Quotes
Greg Sargent Is An Uber-Hack
Monday, March 14, 2011
Links of the Day
On the Blaze’s Accusations of Misleading Editing by O’Keefe
Did Ron Schiller Call the Tea Party Racist or Not?
Investigative Journalism: It’s All Fun and Games until the MSM Gets Stung
Mary Katharine Ham destroys the Socialist Weasel
TBogg of Firedoglake a Liar? Well It Depends On What the Meaning of the Word 'Long' Is
Game is the antidote
In One Texas Town, There is No Such Thing as Rape!
New York Times Report on Gang-Rape of 11 Year Old Girl By 18 Young Men Poses Important Question: What Did The Raped 11-Year-Old Do To "Draw" These Men Into Such An Assault?
The Two Faces of Citizen Action and Progressive Reform
PolitiFact Has A Serious Problem, But I Repeat Myself
Another lie from the Left - Hitler and Unions
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Links of the Day
Pondering the “new civility”
Peace Out, Union Bitches
CAIR Caught on Tape Warning Muslims Against Cooperating with FBI at Same Mosque Obama Spokesman Visited March 6
Reckless Disregard for the Truth: My Incredible Interchange With the NPR “Ombudsman”
Dear Ezra Klein: Would you please name the Christian equivalent of OBL?
Quote of the day—Matt Taibbi
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Links of the Day
We Call On the MSM to Adopt the ‘Rose/O’Keefe Standard of Journalistic Transparency’
PolitiFact, FactCheck, and WaPo All Confirm: The $105 Billion Obamacare Slush Fund Exists
WaPo’s Ezra Klein Absolves Radical Islam, ‘Young Christians’ Perpetrate ‘School Shootings’
NPR fact checks, debunks Planned Parenthood’s “3% of all services are for abortion” lie
New Hampshire Police Charge Man With 'Wiretapping' Because He Made A Phone Call During Traffic Stop
More Women Sexually Assaulted in Tahrir Square
Charles Johnson Libels James O’Keefe
One Lawyer Too Many
BBC: What's the harm, when all of NPR's listeners already believe all Tea Partiers are hard-core racists anyway?
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Links of the Day
And thus the MSM goes into Nixonian Stonewall Mode
Tennessee Cops Posed as a Defense Attorney To Get Suspect To Incriminate Himself
Phoenix Cop Shoots And Kills Family Dog And Unarmed Man For No Reason
To Serve Mann
My Favorite Part of the NPR Video
A lesson in equality
James O’Keefe Hasn’t Been Abused Enough . . .
Monday, March 07, 2011
Friday, March 04, 2011
Links of the Day
Annals of the Police-Security State
Mother of 3 Arrested for Taking Pictures of Tourist Attraction at Airport
Think Progress Fails at Another Hackneyed Hitjob
Obama Administration Deliberately Allows Guns Into Mexico; How Many Have Died As a Result?
Busting the Birth-Control Myth
An Update on Citizens-Recording-Cops Cases in New Haven
BATF Agent Says Guns Deliberately Allowed by BATF to Cross Border Used to Kill Border Patrol Agent
Lee Fang Doubles Down
Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Meets Hitler
New Haven Cops Get Schooled on Citizens' Right to Record Them
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Links of the Day
Eric Boehlert Beclowns Himself… Again.
Longhorns 17, Badgers 1
Politico Whitewashes Leftist Vulgarity & Violence – Whines About Vile Leftist Thuggery Captured on Video
The Blue Wall of Silence
Barrasso, Inhofe tag-team Boxer on 1970s “New Ice Age” exposure of Holdren
Think Ignorance, Part 2
In Defense of Sam Alito
But For Video, Consent Edition
Richard Painter’s Ignorance Regarding Goodwin Liu, Reparations
PowerLine Discovers the Left’s Favorite Fabulist Lee Fang
Planned Egyptian Demonstration in Support of Lara Logan Met With Opposition by Egyptians
Transparency! (For You.)
What I learned from Pigeon O'Brien's account of why she dropped a dime on John Edwards and Rielle Hunter
Think Ignorance Swings and Misses
Judicial Watch goes after Elena Kagan’s potential conflict of interest over Obamacare
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Links of the Day
Chris Dodd Lies, Takes Top Lobbying Job, Promises To Trample Consumer Rights
Florida District Attorney Refuses To Prosecute Citizen for Videotaping Officer in Public
The Malign Confluence of the Police-Security-Ruling Class State
Constitutional Right to Prompt Hearing as to Return of Citizen’s Guns
The Instrumentality of a Crime
If The Police Want To Question Your Kid
NY Times Blows Story on Drilling “Dangers”
Because It Is Bitter, And Because It Is My Heart