Kaus on Krugman
When traveling to Norway remember. When seconds count the police are 90 minutes away.
Climate alarmist theory dealt yet another factual blow
Finally: NASA Data Destroys Global Warming Hoax. Plus: Arctic scientist under investigation for scientific fraud regarding polar bear population decline
Ron On Palin And Bachmann
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, July 29, 2011
Links of the Day
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Links of the Day
Rachel Maddow, MSNBC Sued for Defamation
TSA Tries To Confiscate Video At Airport Security Screening Checkpoint
Think cops and prosecutors and judges are honest? I give you Lee's Summit, Missouri!
Canton Ohio Council President forgot the first rule of PR is that when you find yourself in a hole, to stop digging:
Bill O'Reilly Shreds Media for Calling Norway Terrorist ‘Christian’
'I Can Never Have Faith in Justice in This Country Again'
Damon Root Discusses Myths Surrounding Unions and the Great Depression on Stossel
White House Knew About ATF's Fast and Furious (You Didn't Get This From Me)
Jane Hamsher is right about S&P playing politics
Monday, July 25, 2011
Links of the Day
Glenn Beck 1, Politifact 0
Wisdom from Media Matters on scoring political points from violence
MMfA PROPAGANDA WATCH: Angelo Carusone Manufactures Racism At FoxNews
Ms. Marcotte, your prejudice is showing:
The Noble Lie, Feminist Style - False accusations of rape are more common than you think.
Police - Smile, you're on candid camera.
Great police response to 'open carry' activist
SLED: No record of high-profile police misconduct investigation
Friday, July 22, 2011
Links of the Day
“As a law enforcement professional my-own-self, I state here and now that that man makes me ashamed of my chosen profession.“
Paul Krugman admits madness in four words.
Pennsylvania Family Court Orders Father To Delete Blog Critical Of Ex-Wife
Judge Orders Father to Take Down Website Critical of Judge, Mother
Who is the Officer Behind the Viral Canton Traffic Stop Video & What’s Become of Him?
Deepak Chopra explains why it's essential for Obama to be reelected you idiots.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Links of the Day
Police officer threatens concealed-carry driver with execution, beating
Why Notification Laws are Nonsense
Polyamory – at least be honest about it
Al Franken Distorts CDC Study to Claim Distortion of Study
Eric Holder's only defense of the ATF's "Fast and Furious" program is that he didn't know it existed.
Because No Moron Would Prosecute
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Links of the Day
Comrades! Rejoice in the Death of Right-Wing Media!
A Cop Gets It
Another Cop Weighs in on Recording Cops
Two Years Probation Chicago police officer blames political structure for Anthony Abbate
‘RH Reality Check’ Misrepresents Lila Rose, Pro-Life Movement as ‘Anti-Sex’
Wayne Madsen: Leftist Spin Merchant and “Red Diaper Baby”
Evidence Of Prosecutorial Misconduct In Casey Anthony Trial
“Exculpatory” Is Just Another Word For “Liberal, Criminal-Coddling Nonsense”
Monday, July 18, 2011
Links of the Day
Irony - Barack Obama war criminal
For your eyes only: prosecutors really can’t look at privileged documents
Flashback: Every Dem Senator Including Obama Voted Against Raising Debt Limit In 2006…
Pot, Kettle, Black NY Times
Hugo Schwyzer: Alpha of the Century
Rebecca Watson's Race to the Bottom
Slow and passive
PolitiFact: 32 is the same as 80 when Obama says it
Guilt by association
Politifact’s Review of Josh Trevino: Mostly Hackery
In The Land of Knuckleheads...
The expanding catalogue of Obamacare fables
PolitiFact or PolitiSpin?
More Lessons in Liberal Civility: Rape Yes, Target Maps, No.
The imitation of Man
That Wonderful, Magical Social Security Trust Fund
Friday, July 15, 2011
Links of the Day
Yes, she is a girl. So hit her.
Smug Ed Schultz Forced to Admit Huge Blunder About News Corp.
We Knew That: FOIA Documents Show Obama WH Declared Jihad On Fox News, Trashed 1st Amendment Right To Free Press
Everyone unhappy with the shutdown-ending budget deal
“Ron Paul Republican” Stands Up to Police, Faces Ouster TONIGHT!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Links of the Day
Meet Officer James Kuehnlein
Polygamists sue using gay marriage logic
Global Warming Hype Process
“Liberal” Does Not Reliably Mean “Respectful of the Rights of the Accused”
Obama Lied Repeatedly Of Mother's Death Bed Experience During Campaign
Hugo Schwyzer Proves the Need For the Sexual Double Standard
Rebecca Watson May Be Lying, and a Call-Out to Elevator Man
Say It Ain’t So, Joe: Scarborough Recognizes Liberal Media’s Vile Rhetoric
Expecting Privacy In Public
University Gone Wild: Senior UMSL Administrators Bare (Almost) All in Embarrassing Internal Emails
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Links of the Day
A lawsuit challenging Utah's anti-polygamy law, premised on Lawrence v. Texas.
Brown Family To File Challenge To The Criminalization of Polygamy In Utah
Turley's Many Wives
Nancy Grace - Not Fit For Television
Fresh doubt cast on Obama's health care story
'That wasn't the kind of stimulus I ordered!'
Whoopi Goldberg’s Misplaced Anger
Monday, July 11, 2011
Links of the Day
Paul Ryan accuser won't talk
Newsflash! Rich Man Drinks Expensive Wine!
Public Money Is Not the Same As Private Money
Paul Ryan Wine Accuser Susan Feinberg Clams Up
Think Progress is Stuck on Stupid
Obama Sold, Tracked, Same Guns To Cartels He Hoped To Ban Because They Were Tracked From Cartels
Free advice to Assistant AG Ronald Weich.
You’re Probably an Anti-Gun Extremist If …
But For Video, Jackass Edition
If You Want To Win Elections, Adam Kokesh Isn’t Going to Help You
Judge a campaign by its lawyer
Gunrunner vs Fast & Furious: An overview to separate fact from fiction
Here’s More Evidence for Andrew Sullivan about Herbert Hoover’s Big-Government Statism
Juan Cole's Fictions
Rebecca Watson is a Silly Twit: Introducing the “Skeptical Girl” Meme
Rebecca Watson Teaches Omega Men a Lesson
Friday, July 08, 2011
Links of the Day
A Femenist's Sparkly Nightmare
Government Leaks Evidence To Undermine Whitey Bulger Trial — Judge Asks for “Plan” From Justice To End Unethical Disclosures
But Victims Never Lie
Michelle Goldberg (No relation) cuts to the heart of Mark Halperin’s offense
When Women Confuse Being Asked Out With Being Raped At Knifepoint In An Elevator
“Progressive” Deep Thought Of The Day
Laurence Tribe on the absurdly strained notion that the debt ceiling violates the 14th Amendment.
Arkansas Man Arrested After Videotaping Police From His Own Front Yard
What is the political bursting radius of “Operation Fast and Furious”?
Operation Fast and Furious Gets Strange and Sinister
Three Cheers for AUL’s Exposé of Planned Parenthood
Does the Los Angeles Times Understand the Meaning of the Word ‘Discredited’?
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Links of the Day
Musing on Nancy Grace
NYT misremembers 2010
North Carolina Woman Arrested After Blowing 0.0 On Test . . . Police Then Pull Over Lawyer Husband After He Follows Them To Jail
The New Professionalism In Theory; The New Professionalism In Practice
Mailvox: it's raciss!
Rebecca Watson: ‘Stop Sexualizing Me!’
Jamie Leigh Jones lawsuit falling apart
Another high-profile rape case collapsing?
“Oh, White Girl Bleeds a Lot” …Black Youth Mob Attacks & Stomps On Group of Whites in Milwaukee
Eric Holder Mentions Project Gunrunner Two Years Ago
SCOTUS to POTUS: You're Not Very Good At This Whole Law Thing, Are You?
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Links of the Day
Report: ATF’s Melson Tells Congressional Investigators He Knew Nothing About Gun-Walking Until the Controversy Erupted
Joint staff report on Operation Gunwalker
Uh-Oh: ATF Head Melson Secretly Testifies, Without Notice to ATF or Department of Justice
Fast and Furious update: Ken Melson’s secret testimony.
The Nifong Times
So much for the myth that only the uninformed and ignorant are skeptical of AGW
The New Professionalism In Theory; The New Professionalism In Practice
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Links of the Day
Eric Boehlert; Propaganda Minister For a Jew-Bashing Machine
18 Years Of False Imprisonment, Zero Dollars
Dimwitted bimbo Sarah Palin claims Abraham Lincoln Built the "Intercontinental Railroad" (No Such Thing!)
Pima County GOP Establishment Backing Sherriff Dupnik over botched no-knock raid?
Palin Handlers Forgot Teleprompter
Media Matters’ Spin Machine Breaks
Only 24% of Mexican crime guns trace to American FFLs
FBI Official to Federal Judge: OKC Bombing Videotapes ‘Might Have Been Misfiled, Impossible to Know Where’
Michelle Goldberg: 'A Feminist With Paranoid Fantasies About Christian Fundamentalists Taking Away Her Sacred Right to Choose'
Officers threatened after Emily Good arrest
Pima County GOP To Boot Chairman Brian Miller for Criticizing the Jose Guerena Raid