John Burge’s fondness for torture has cost Chicago taxpayers $33 million so far, with $7 million more on the way.
How the myth of “rape culture” was constructed, or, how to turn 2.5% into “one in four”.
From The Desk of Mayor Bloomberg
DC Police Chief Lays Down New Cell/Camera Policy: 'Don't Seize. Don't Delete. Don't Interfere.'
How far will Paul Krugman go to suppress speech that he does not like?
Partners in Crime: Media Matters and DOJ
DNC director: Obama still wants the assault-weapons ban reinstated; Update: AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, says Obama
IG report on Fast & Furious will come in “weeks and not months”
As The Earnest Feminist Awaits Her White Knight...
Burge Who?
When a Leftist Calls You a Racist There Is Only One Way to Respond – “Thank You
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Links of the Day
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Links of the Day
Mike Bloomberg: Cops Should Go On Strike Until Gun Control Laws Are Toughened. BONUS: Bloomberg Pretty Sweet On Communist Vietnam
Mayor Bloomberg Says Cops Should Go On Strike Until Americans Give Up Their Guns
Bloomberg tells cops to go on strike for expanded gun-control laws
IRS wants $29 million in estate taxes for bald-eagle sculpture that … can’t legally be sold
MILLER: Dispelling gun myths
The missing link on gun control
Crisis management, Dem style
David Frum: Uninformed on Fast and Furious
Monday, July 23, 2012
Links of the Day
MSNBC's NOW With Alex Wagner Uses Aurora Shootings as Excuse to Slam NRA
Think Progress Lies About Assault Weapons Ban
Cop Stuff
Noted Climatologist Paul Krugman Cites Disgraced James Hansen in Latest ‘Climate Change’ Screed
Paul Krugman–climate alarmist
Scott Brown answers my question STRONGLY!
How desperate and dense are the Obama lapdogs at MSNBC?
D.C. Police Officially Declare Photography Is Not a Crime
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Links of the Day
How #p2 inadvertently confirmed their own belief in a liberal media bias.
"Aaron Sorkin is why people hate liberals."
The Corrections That Didn’t Happen in Alex Pareene’s Piece on Brett Kimberlin
Exclusive: Brett Kimberlin Threatens to File Criminal Charges Against Me, Again
You Didn’t Build That!
Obama Apologists Pounce on Mitt Romney “You Didn’t Build That” Response
Liberal talking point: Obama’s ‘you didn’t build that’ line just came out wrong
Of “canards” and canaries Jazz Shaw and TPM
The Ultimate Takedown of Obama’s ‘You didn’t build that’ Speech
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Links of the Day
How A Right Goes Very Wrong
“Fault On BOTH Sides?” Fuck You Very Much, and Fuck Just Right the Fuck off, You Murdering Swine
ANN ALTHOUSE busts Matt Taibbi for racial dishonesty.
On the accountability of universities
Quote of the day—Cliff Schecter
Did the DoJ hide whistleblower memos that prove officials lied to Congress?
ZOMG! Teresa Heinz Kerry Released the 'First Two Pages of Her 2003 Tax Return' — How Dare You Deflect Attention, Mitt Romney, How Dare You?
Schumer calls for “limits on First Amendment rights” during Senate debate
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Links of the Day
Zombie Reviews/Rebuts George Lakoff's "Little Blue Blook"
The Little Blue Book: Quotations from Chairman Lakoff
Plouffe: Romney backers are trying to “purchase” the election
Patterico Points Out Pareene’s Fellating of Various Tools
Debbie Wasserman Schultz: World’s Biggest Hypocrite
Left-leaning ethics group fingers Issa for releasing Fast and Furious wiretap application
Paul Krugman’s Deliciously Ironic Archived Idiocy edition.
Romney Demands Apology For Obama Campaign's 'Felon' Lie
Hot new leftist attack: Romney might have committed a felony by lying about when he quit Bain or something
Monday, July 09, 2012
Links of the Day
Facts Trump Eban's Fiction
The Truth about Fortune Magazine's 'The Truth about the Fast and Furious Scandal'
Florida Cop Told Teenager: "I am the law...I can fuck you up and no one will say anything about it"
Citizens United Was About Freedom Of Speech, Not “Corporate Rights.”
By this logic, Chris Mooney should be blaming Obama for not seizing the opportunity to talk about global cooling last winter
America as South Park Nation: Where Life is a Bad Cartoon, Part II
LaHood: Golly, I envy the Chinese government
Manslaughter Charges Filed Against Philadelphia Officers
‘Reckless’ Prosecutors Escape Accountability
Incentive to Punish
Monday, July 02, 2012
Links of the Day
Liberals: Oh No You Can't Use Reconciliation To Undo ObamaTax Republican Senators: Oh Yes We Will
Fortune Flat Out Lies About Fast & Furious
Former US Attorney Behind Assault Weapons Ban Ran Fast & Furious
When The Basic Facts Are Wrong By the Second Paragraph...
Sharyl Attkisson double-taps Eric Holder on CBS News: perjury, cover-up and retribution confirmed
Here are the Bombshell Transcripts: Secret Wiretap Applications Prove Eric Holder Lied to Congress
E-mails reveal retaliation, cover-up at ATF, DoJ following Fast & Furious exposure
Oversight Chair Darrell Issa makes Justice Department perfidy part of the official Operation Fast & Furious record.
FURIOUSER AND CURIOUSER: Will Eban’s report be pursued in the press?