State Dept. switches from lying about Benghazi to lying about having lied about it
Why Eric Posner is wrong about free speech
We Are All Blasphemers: A Response to Eric Posner
Eli Lake at the Daily Beast: Admin Knew That Benghazi was Terrorism ‘Within 24 Hours,’ Hid It From the American People
Police Delete Aftermath Footage Of Suspect Shot 41 Times
Matt Damon forced to alter anti-fracking film
‘Piss Christ’ returns to New York along with ‘Piss Moses’
Fox News confirms Obama admin designated Benghazi sacking a terror attack within first 24 hours
Columnist Arrested In New York While Trying To Spray Paint Over Anti-Muslim Poster
WaPo’s Cillizza Tells Us Why Republicans Are Losing
Mona Eltahawy wants everybody to watch her.
Politifact Lies About The NRA
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Links of the Day
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Links of the Day
OIG Report On Fast And Furious: Failure
The Rights of the Unappreciated
Limbaugh Attacks Obama Using Gun Control Myth
The abyss stares back
Those Racist Misogynists
Another Misrepresentation: There's Actually No Evidence At All Suggesting That Gitmo Detainee Released By Bush in 2007 Had Anything To Do With Benghazi Attack
Friday, September 21, 2012
Links of the Day
Fast and Furious: Gary Grindler’s One Degree of Separation From Holder
OMG! @ParisHilton Gets Wrongly Tagged ‘H8R’ for Talking About Gay Sex
I'm Sure They're Consistent, Mr. Attorney General
Fast and Furious Hearing: Some Answers, But Case Not Closed
IG Horowitz Contradicts Old Media on Fast & Furious
Obama: You know, the IG report should really put an end to all this criticism of Eric Holder
The White House’s Libya Narrative Has Collapsed
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Links of the Day
Three Generations of a Hackneyed Apologia for Censorship Are Enough
“Hate speech” is bullshit
When 'Mother Jones' Opposed 'Selectively Edited' Video 'Reported Uncritically By the Media'
“Complete” video of Romney missing 1-2 minutes of remarks on the 47%
Corn, Mother Jones Lie While Peddling Incomplete Romney Tape
Emails reveal Justice Dept. regularly enlists Media Matters to spin press
Not Even Nifong?
Monday, September 17, 2012
Links of the Day
Hating on the Dollar
Today in dumb left-wing equivalencies
A Response To Oliver Willis’s First Amendment Ignorance
A Place called Saletan-land:
Oh, the delicious irony! Patrick Fitzgerald leaked information to the press
I would like to thank the Left for helping move WI to the GOP column.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Links of the Day
William Saletan: Romney Betrayed Free Speech By Championing It
Judge finds Reid method oppressive
Remember when dissent was considered patriotic?
1979 Anyone?
Slate Gets It Wrong on Paternity Fraud
Administration officials: Romney was right, that statement from the Cairo embassy was awful
University Of Pennsylvania Professor: Arrest The Makers Of That Anti-Muslim Movie
What Does It Take To Be A Professor At Penn And To Get An Opinion Published In USA Today?
Dallas Deputy Suspended for Arresting Motorcyclist with Head Cam
The American Media Beclowned Themselves Yesterday
Obama reverses himself on his Egypt gaffe.
U.S. Embassy In Cairo Apologizes For Our Failure to Execute Blasphemers
And the optimism continues
The Ultimate Goals Of Fast And Furious
Anti-Gun Ignorance From RECOIL And H&K
1980: Jimmy Carter Attacks Reagan’s Foreign Policy As “Shoot First Ask Questions Later” – 2012: Obama Attacks Romney’s Foreign Policy As “Shoot First Ask Questions Later”…
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Links of the Day
Expect Nothing from the DOJ IG Report on Fast and Furious
Fast And Furious IG Report, The Hearings, And A Whitewash
If you are surprised at all by this Gawker article defending Pedophelia….
Inclination, Action, and Justice: Gawker's Pedophilia Article and the Angry Reactions To It
Is Krugman an Economist or Just a Partisan Shill?
Manufacturing Consent
Charles Lane: "I cannot describe the moral repugnance" of the Chicago Teachers Strike
Eqyptians Storm U.S. Embassy Over Sacrilegious Film, U.S. Embassy Condemns the Filmmakers
Friday, September 07, 2012
Links of the Day
War Is Hell for 'Strategic Veterans'
Elizabeth Warren: “The system is rigged.” Yes. Yes, it is.
Just as nasty as he wants to be
Dianne Feinstein to reintroduce assault weapons ban bill
Meanwhile, in Bizarro World… Amanda Marcotte
Reminder: Bill Clinton Was President In An Era Without Blogs Or Social Media
Tax cuts are responsible for Clinton-era economic boom
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Links of the Day
Teacher who allegedly abused student gets… transferred?
Video: Obama promises Janesville that plant will “thrive,” “will be here for another 100 years”
The 2012 Democrat Platform On Firearms
DNC website blatantly lies about Democrat history on civil rights
The Reality Based Community Is Officially Dead
DNC chair: That awful conservative newspaper misquoted me by, er, accurately writing what I said
PROOF: DNC Chair caught lying AGAIN after being called out by Ambassador of Israel
Maryland Officer Pistol Whips Teen, Accidentally Discharges Weapon, and Then Charges Teen With Assaulting Him
Democrats Vow to Amend the Constitution “If Necessary” to Overturn Citizens United
The Media and Abortion: Worse than You Think
Obama Bundler and Solyndra Scammer Hits the Red Carpet at DNC as ‘Finance Guest’, Then Flees News Camera