Police guild “circled the wagons” after Zehm
Police official says she sought felony charges in videotaped beating
Excuses for not covering Benghazi–a helpful list for members of the Jurassic Media
Now, this is interesting
VDH describes Krugman and his kind
The Obama/Panetta Doctrine: Delay, Deny, CYA
And then they voted....
Former Delta Operator on "The Panetta Doctrine" or also known as "The Dumbest Shit I Ever Heard!"
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Links of the Day
Monday, October 29, 2012
Links of the Day
The Unraveling
Congressional Fast and Furious report places blame on senior Justice Department officials
Michael Mann Sues NRO, Mark Steyn, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and Rand Simberg
Michael Mann – never fully investigated, thus never exonerated
Bigger than Watergate: Proof that the President is Lying about Benghazi?
Benghazi – OK, this is serious and it’s bad
Obama’s Navy: Ignorance or intent?
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Links of the Day
Chicago Bartender Gets Her Day in Court — 5 Years Later
Here’s How Easy It Is to Illegally Donate Money to Obama’s Campaign
How to Raise a Choir Boy
The Daily Beast: RIP, Netroots (2001-2012).
Obama’s Navy: Ignorance or intent?
Michael Mann – never fully investigated, thus never exonerated
Michael Mann Sues NRO, Mark Steyn, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and Rand Simberg
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Links of the Day
Soledad’s Journalism Classes
Abbate Civil Trial
When Reporters Make Assumptions
California Official Who Misreported Unemployment Is Obama Donor
Tapper Busts Biden In VP Debate Lie, Narrative Gatekeepers Spike It
Lying, prevaricating weasel dragged over finish line by treacherous “moderator,” thereby meeting liberals’ criteria for “victory”
Prolife activists force Planned Parenthood to admit that it does not provide mammograms.
La responsabilità della scientista
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Links of the Day
Oh no! We can’t let Romney win, he’ll let lobbyists in the White House!!!
NYT Officially a National Joke: Paper Still Wondering if YouTube Video Caused Benghazi Attack; Still Wants To Wait for "Full Investigation" Before Concluding It Was a Pre-Planned Terrorist Attack
Officers’ trial on U-Md. assault charges under way
Quote of the day — Bill Maher - second amendment
Romney vs Obama, Round II
How Obama’s claim (and Crowley’s intervention) will likely backfire
Candy Crowley loses it
The Romney Assault Weapons Ban That Wasn’t
Gun Control In The Debate
Obama Calls For Renewal Of Assault Weapons Ban
Media Matters: Obama Said Benghazi Attacks Were Terror All Along
Monday, October 15, 2012
Links of the Day
STUDY: A History Of Gun Violence And The Presidential Debates
Oakland to Punish Cops for Handling of Occupy Protesters
Global warming appears to have stopped 16 years ago
The Crude Method of Debate Analysis Liberals Employ To Claim Biden "Won" His Debate With Ryan
Now This Was an MSNBC Debate
Media Matters On Defense For Obama Administration. Again.
Biden lied about voting against wars
Stephanie Cutter: Benghazi is only an issue because of Romney and Ryan; Update: NYT more or less agrees
NYPD Officers Caught On Tape Roughing Up Teenager and Threatening To Break His Arm
The Man Who Called for "Death Panels" to Save Money Now Claims Mitt Romney Wants to Let People Die to Save Money
Milwaukee Police Officer Michael Vagnini: Inserting His Authority
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Links of the Day
Snort: Andrew Sullivan Melts Down
Hilarious: Obama's Friends Explain Why He Lost The Debate
(Hint: It Might Involve Him Being Too Smart, Too Kind, Too High-Minded, and Too Cool)
Frankly, I Don't Care How Due Process Makes You Feel
The Obama Campaign Processed This Donation
A Confession
Philly Student Harassed For Wearing Romney Shirt At School
Ethical Stem-Cell Researcher Wins Nobel Prize for Medicine
New O’Keefe video: Obama campaign staffer caught helping activist vote twice
Hey, how come Jay Carney’s not holding televised press briefings anymore?
Emerging liberal media spin re: Benghazi: Chaffetz voted to cut embassy funding
Phony Baloney Fact Checkers
Why Do Men’s Activists Bring Up The Draft?
As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office
Fast & Furious Whistleblower Demands Fortune Mag Retraction
Axelrod: We don’t need a President who shoots first and asks questions later …
Jim Wallis tells Pamela Geller that Christians all over the world are going to pay for her hateful subway ad
Monday, October 01, 2012
Links of the Day
Phony Baloney Fact Checkers
Why Do Men’s Activists Bring Up The Draft?
As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office
Fast & Furious Whistleblower Demands Fortune Mag Retraction
Axelrod: We don’t need a President who shoots first and asks questions later …
Jim Wallis tells Pamela Geller that Christians all over the world are going to pay for her hateful subway ad