Howard Kurtz Scoffs At DC Police Probe Into Gun Criminal David Gregory
Gregory on MTP: Likely Broke DC Law, Hypocritically Mocked NRA’s Armed Guards Proposal
Oh, Frabjous Joy!
David Gregory should be arrested for violating DC’s gun law.
Obama to gun-control petitioners: “We hear you”
David Gregory Meet James O’Keefe
Benghazi penalties “bogus,” officials returning to work?
Free Speech for Me but Not for Thee: The Case of Erik Loomis
"Code of Silence" Stands
Shorter Rachel Maddow: Hey, rubes!
Hispanic firearms homicide rate
This is #GunControlNow
Don’t worry. They aren’t coming for your guns, wingnuts. Until they are.
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Links of the Week
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Links of the Day
Ezra Klein Says We Know How to Reduce Gun Deaths: Ezra Klein Is Lying
Homeschool or die: Part 563
McMoron Supports Thugs
Carney: Obama will “actively support” Dems’ push for new assault weapons ban
Professor Loomis and the NRA: A Story In Which EVERYONE Annoys Me
The Police And Their View Of Assault Weapons
It's Time For A Conversation About The First Amendment
Make this their last stand
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Links of the Week
Washington Post Blogger: Given How Crowder Has Attempted To Publicize His Beating, I Wouldn't Have Publicized His Beating
Fuck You, Men’s Rights Activists
Mayor Rahm: Just Another Brick In Chicago's Blue Wall
Michigan Police Scratch Their Heads At Fox Contributor’s Post-Punch Media Tour
Susan Rice: I'm Withdrawing My Name From The Nomination Process Because I Don't Want My Hearings Devolving Into Irrelvant, Pointless Political Bickering About Massive Lies I told About Murdered Americans
Oh Shut Up, Ezra, You Ignorant Slut
Megan McArdle Suggests We Train Children to Act as Human Body Shields — Seriously.
Jack Shafer: It’s your fault if you believe the media
NBC News Host, Analyst Lift NRA Attack Points From Media Matters
Let’s Not Concede the Battleground to Lefty Gun Grabbers Out of a Misplaced and Naive Sense of “Propriety”
WORLD'S DUMBEST BLOGGER: My "Facts" About Gun Control Aren't Political, As Far As You Know
MSNBC Host: Hopefully CT School Shooting Will Result In ‘Political Capital’ To Reform Gun Laws
Cook County Anita Alvarez Under Attack For Bizarre Claim In CBS Interview
Cheshire Police Defend Triple Murder Response
Cop Stuff - set up a perimeter
This Heritage Action video is giving the Left the fainting vapors.
“Wilsonian” is not actually a compliment.
Debunking Tommy Christopher on the Attack on Steve Crowder, Part 1: Christopher Extensively Connects Lee Stranahan and to Crowder Tape
Attorney Leaks Dash Cam Video of Police Shooting After DA Rules Shooting Justified
Freedom of Information, Courtesy of the Chandler Brothers
Let’s Have A Conversation
Idiots in the gun control debate
A Thought Experiment Related to School Shootings
Jimmy Cefalo is a Conservative And I am a Kangaroo
Speaking of rhetoric "Killer was home schooled"
What is wrong with killing children?
Cop who arrested Assemblyman Paul Moriarty for DWI suspended without pay
Sandy Hook: The Corrections Begin
Too little punishment for Pr. George’s police officer’s assault
David Frum Pushes ABC’s Anti-Gun Propaganda
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Links of the Day
Washington Post Blogger: Given How Crowder Has Attempted To Publicize His Beating, I Wouldn't Have Publicized His Beating
Fuck You, Men’s Rights Activists
Mayor Rahm: Just Another Brick In Chicago's Blue Wall
Michigan Police Scratch Their Heads At Fox Contributor’s Post-Punch Media Tour
Susan Rice: I'm Withdrawing My Name From The Nomination Process Because I Don't Want My Hearings Devolving Into Irrelvant, Pointless Political Bickering About Massive Lies I told About Murdered Americans
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Links of the Day Hires Double Down On The Bubble
Ken Burns' "History" Lesson
Milwaukee Cop Who Punched Handcuffed Woman in Face Reinstated Thanks to Police Bill of Rights
Ezra Klein: Often Wrong, Never In Doubt
The Epistemic Closure of progressives to their violent union thugs
New Unedited Videos Show AFP Tent Being Attacked by Union Thugs as Lefties Claim “False Flag”
Rewriting History on the Attack on Steven Crowder and the Relevance of Kimberlin/Rauhauser Tactics
Emptywheel writes the narrative but who writes the Checks?
Conversation About Gun Control: Shut Up, They Explained
Cheap Rooms in Collinsville
Anita Gets Hammered
Gawker Crosses A Line, Demonstrates Utter Lack of Worth
MSNBC: Conservatives “deliberately” destroyed AFP tent in Lansing
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Links of the Day
Enough ‘We’re All Responsible for Acts of Horror’ Nonsense
Holder's Chief of Staff to Resign After Critical Fast and Furious Report
Prosecutors in Trayvon Martin Case Finally Release Picture of George Zimmerman With Bloody, Clearly Broken Nose
An open letter to Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock
Supreme Failure: Chicago’s Anita Alvarez and the Campaign To Criminalize Citizen Monitoring of Police
ATF Takes Action Against Agents Involved In Fast and Furious
Michael Reichert and the Road Pirates of Collinsville, Illinois
Fast & Furious firings coming: WSJ