Top Democratic donors promise to flip Senate to Republicans in 2014.
Joan Walsh goes around the bend!
Olson Claims ‘Gay Marriage’ Not Like Polygamy
Why polygamy will eventually be legalized
Conduct, Not Status
Cops Disarmed By Ammo-Hoarding Gun Nuts, Complains Salon Writer
So what if Adam Lanza had been an NRA member?
Piers Morgan Admits Truth Behind Magazine Restrictions
The Bad Sort of Stringray
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, March 29, 2013
Links of the Day
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Links of the Day
Coulter to Bloomberg: Sodas? What about bathhouses?
Ann Coulter: Why Not Ban Sodomy if "We all have to pay”?
Rachel Maddow keeps keeping it up!
Dana Loesch: The argument for “marriage equality” is NOT a conservative one
The Wrong People Are Dying
Apologizing for authoritarianism
A Lawyer's Choice: Brian Banks
The Assault Weapons Ban: Death of Gun Control?
On Polling and Passing the Buck
SHOCKER: Cuomo bravado over NY’s historic gun control turns to blame shifting as law proves awful
Friday, March 22, 2013
Links of the Day
Gun Fight: NBC Declares All Dems Want Are Background Checks
Weather Service Chief: The Cold Weather You're Feeling Is Precisely What Global Warming Predicted
Cuomo: That gun law I signed turned out to be utterly unworkable, huh?
Meet John Hickenlooper, now-endangered Democratic Governor of Colorado.
Hickenlooper Seeks Political Cover With Signing Statement
Mayor Luke Ravenstahl Gets It Right
Too Much Evidence Against Oakland Cops
This Is What Totalitarianism Looks Like
Leaked! MPAA Talking Points On Copyright Reform: Copyright Is Awesome For Everyone!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Links of the Day
The Truth About Abortion The Left/Liberals Never Want Exposed … Is Exposed
Feinstein's Blood Dancing to the Wrong Tune
An assault-weapons ban is now looking unlikely
Facebook Photo Of Child Holding Rifle Leads To Alleged Late Night Raid On New Jersey Home
Ted Cruz gets a scolding - not an answer
Colorado Sheriff Within Rights Not To Enforce New Gun Control Laws
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Links of the Day
Nuts to Nutter
Philadelphia Mayor: Talking About Race = 'Incitement'
Philadelphia Mayor Suggests Magazine Article on Race Relations Isn’t Protected by the First Amendment
House GOP Not Backing Off Fast & Furious Lawsuit Despite Media Claims
The Worm Turns
What Happens When You Poll Real Gun Owners?
Savor the Richly Deserved Defeat of Feinstein's 'Assault Weapon' Ban
Holy cow: Not even 40 votes in the Senate for the assault-weapons ban, says Reid
Grounds for Warrantless Search and Taking Kids in New Jersey?
Friday, March 15, 2013
Links of the Day
Andrea Mitchell: Let’s face it, Dianne Feinstein pwn3d Ted Cruz in that exchange on the Second Amendment
Video: Dianne Feinstein not happy with Ted Cruz’s question on the Second Amendment
The Big Cruz/Feinstein Blowup
Ted Cruz Went To The Senate To Chew Bubblegum And Kick Ass. He's Out Of Bubblegum
Cruz vs. Feinstein, Texas vs. California, Liberty vs. …???
Feinstein's Defense of Her 'Assault Weapon' Ban: I Feel, Therefore I Legislate
Good news: GSA exec fired in Vegas scandal getting his job back
Police Misconduct Costs Chicago Residents Millions
Video: Florida Police Officers Charge Man With Assaulting Them After One Beats Him Without Provocation and Another Tasers Him In The Face
Adam Carolla, outlaw.
The Presumption of Truth
Saldate's Word
Rabbit Rules of Order
Joe Scarborough: everything that’s wrong with the GOP in a single despicable package
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Links of the Day
In Capitalist America, power abuses you
The Koch Brothers, The Tides Foundation, and the Fundamental Dishonesty of the American Media
Eric Holder and His DoJ Busy Lying and Covering Things Up
The Bad Cop Paradox
About That California AG’s Report On O’Keefe / ACORN
Oops… Gabby Giffords’ Husband Mark Kelly Likely Committed a Felony With His AR-15 Purchase
Thursday, March 07, 2013
Links of the Day
The Best System Ever
The Single Chart That Proves Just How Well Gun Control Works
SPLC the price of not conforming
No, I Don't Want To Take Away Your Damn Guns
New anti-gun idea to avoid arming women: Teach men not to rape
Soviet Spy Harry Dexter White
If There's No Penalty, It's Not Wrong
Woodrow Wilson: Big Government Anti-Catholic
Is Rachel smarter than a third-grader!
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Links of the Day
Joe Manchin doesn’t want the press asking about any of that gun stuff
Why does anyone need a high-capacity magazine - Who Cares?
A sordid business indeed
Not Trial By Video
Can Jill Stanek Sue @bridgettedunlap for invasion of privacy?
Dominican Escort Now Says Menendez Prostitution Claims Were Made Up
Washington Post used the wrong hooker to ‘debunk’ the Bob Menendez hooker story?
Democratic Colorado senator Evie Hudak to rape survivor: “Statistics are not on your side.”
If There's No Penalty, It's Not Wrong
Friday, March 01, 2013
Links of the Day
Your rights are only worth the probable cause used to extinguish them
The State Protects Its Own
Ed Flynn: Milwaukee Crime Lord, Citizen Disarmament Advocate
Leaked 9-page Justice Department Memo details long-term gun grab strategy
When Cops Do Wrong, Blame The Lawyer
Bloomberg Mayor in Hot Water Over Personal Security Spending
Liberals to Dems: No more cozying up to the NRA
Despite apple flavor, Media Matters insists red, non-citrus fruit is actually an orange
A profile in atheist courage
Chicago Police Chief McCarthy’s Shocking Ignorance of History, the Law, and the U.S. Constitution