New York Informant Caught Planting Crack Before Arrest Of Businessman
Robin Roberts and ABC News!
POLITICS: For Paul Krugman, Everything's An Exception
When did national Democrats know that Filner was sexually harassing women?
Nancy Pelosi must resign from the House over Bob Filner coverup.
Bob Filner to taxpayers: How about you pay my legal fees to defend these sexual harassment suits, sweetheart?
Leftism, the Ideology of the Intelligent, Educated, Informed, and Nuanced
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Links of the Day
Friday, July 26, 2013
Links of the Day
What Defense Lawyers Really Think
Justice review of Phila. police will be broader
Zimmerman THE STORY BEGINS: Fake facts never die!
New Yorker Begins The Collective's Coordinated Mass-Hate on Anthony Weiner
Lawsuit Alleges That Pittsburgh SWAT Team Engaged in Gang-Style Retaliation
Want To Burglarize A House With Impunity, Then Nickle-And-Dime The Restitution? It Helps To Be A Bank.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Links of the Day
Fired Cop Thug Jonathan Josey to be Rehired!
Treasury IG to add O’Donnell case to probe?
Federal Marshals Raid Woman’s Home After She Screams And Hides From Officer Pointing Gun At Her Through Window
Ed Schultz Identifies Detroit’s Fatal Flaw: City Became A ‘Conservative Utopia
IRS rank-and-file STILL not getting it?
“Racist and Proud” sign wrongly used to show Zimmerman supporters are racist
Ray Kelly Says That the NYPD Has Never Stopped and Frisked a Person Who Didn't Have It Coming
No compromise with stupid, cowardly, irresponsible bints
Joe Scarborough is a blooming idiot, and “stand your ground” laws have been around for a long time
Police errors may have caused victims their lives in CT home-invade horror
Friday, July 19, 2013
Links of the Day
Melissa Harris-Perry’s Delusional Assessment Of Detroit: Happens When Gov’t ‘Small Enough To Drown’ In Tub
Fired Whistleblower to Sue Angela Corey, Zimmerman Prosecutors
Chicago Police Chief Says People Are Stupid
Treasury IG: IRS improperly probed political candidates, campaign donors
Cops Drag Woman Having Diabetic Episode Out of Car After Minor Car Wreck, Leave Her Limp and Handcuffed on Asphalt on Summer Day in New Mexico
Samizdata quote of the day - Companies have no broad “duties
Start Thinking Like a Cop
Monday, July 15, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Links of the Day
IRS supporters 0-for-3 on putting scandal to rest
Cops And Union Rep Lie About What Video Shows Because Judge Never Allowed Recording As Evidence
The Anthony Mitchell Case
One Key Difference Between Our Side and Theirs
Get Ready for More DUI Checkpoint Video as Libertarians Build an Organized Campaign
Note To Libs Who Swoon Over Liberal Europe: Majority of Countries Ban Abortions After 12 Week Mark, Only Two Have Laws Allowing Late-Term Abortions…
The Overreach of the IRS Overreach Narrative
Greg Sargent And Me
Friday, July 05, 2013
Links of the Day
Third Amendment Case in Nevada!
Nevada Family Says Police Occupation of Homes Violated the Third Amendment
Nevada Family Sues After Police Reportedly Demand To Use Home As Stake Out, Bash In Door, Shoot Homeowner with Pepperballs, and Arrest Him And His Father
Police Take Over Private Home, Giving Rise To Possible Third Amendment Violation
"These human burdens are ours, but we don't want 'em. So we demand that you take 'em off our hands. That way we don't get stuck with 'em."
IRS investigation still lags–I’m guessing they can’t find anyone who wants the job
But For Video: Former Cop Rory Bruce Acquitted Edition
East Haven internal affairs report slams officers' conduct, actions as 'unconstitutional'
Know your enemy : the foot soldiers.