Texas DA who prosecuted Tom DeLay has mud on face again
Anti-Gunners New Ploy: “Gun Control” Becomes “Gun Safety”
Trouble with Maryland Correctional Officers
Colorado anti-gun state Senator Evie Hudak (D) abruptly resigns her seat. #recall
Colorado Democrat Resigns to Avoid Recall Fight
Obama responds to IRS abuse scandal by adding more regulations to abuse
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Links of the Day
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Links of the Day
Nuclear: Reid, Senate Dems pass rule change barring filibusters on executive and judicial nominees, 52/48
Quote of the Day, Don’t Get MAD: Get EVEN edition. #obamacare
You’re Not Allowed to Have an Opinion
The cable news sewer
Politico’s Stephanie Simon Twice Claims Arne Duncan Apologized for ‘White Suburban Moms’ Remark; No He Didn’t
The Modern Corporate Harem
Harry Reid opens Pandora’s box
Senate Goes (Partly) Nuclear, Limits Filibusters For Some Nominees
Nuclear: Reid, Senate Dems pass rule change barring filibusters on executive and judicial nominees, 52/48
Fox News Absolves GOP Of Any Blame In Obamacare Problems
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Links of the Week
On Responsibility and Obama
Salon Writer Calls for Lara Logan's Firing Over Benghazi - He's Wrong, Here's Why
Climate Change advocate tells Piers Morgan it’s ‘journalistic malpractice’ to include ‘skeptics’ in the discussion
Angelene Richardson, Less Than Boston Strong
Is “Actually Punished” Enough? - Prosecutorial Misconduct
In A Split Second - NYPD allowed to shoot bystanders
White House to Darrell Issa: Please don’t expect transparency. Issa to WH: HAHAHA no.
Thursday, November 07, 2013
Links of the Week
What Is The Quantum of Proof Necessary for Police to Rape and Torture you in New Mexico?
Something Needs Clenching
New Mexico Police Allegedly Stop Man For Minor Traffic Violation And Use Repeated Digital and Surgical Anal Examinations To Find Drugs . . . And Find Nothing
Welcome to Deming, New Mexico -- Where Police Rape is a Matter of "Protocol"
Wendy Davis declares she’s totally “pro-life” outside the womb
Hillary, Media Matters & #Benghazi Cover-up Part 1.5 : David Brock Is A Liar
Friday, November 01, 2013
Links of the Day
Friendly reminder from CNN: Senate Democrats killed a 2010 GOP proposal to let more people keep their plans
Jonah Goldberg Unloads On Greg Sargent, Liberal Healthcare Policy Wonks And Assorted Other Fools
Looking Back On Past Global Warming Predictions Is Always Fun
Here Come the Astroturf Libertarians
IRS' Lois Lerner gave confidential Tea Party tax info to FEC, violating law
"Qualified Immunity": A License to Commit Criminal Violence
Did The DEA Think Patty Would Go Away?
Felony! Lois Lerner Shared Confidential Info About Conservative Groups With FEC