‘A Cult Worthy of Jonestown’? Hey, Democrats Embraced Jim Jones!
Federal Judge: NSA Metadata Collection Likely Unconstitutional
Podesta Compares GOP Congress to Notorious Democrat Mass Murderer
A loudmouth female police cadet, Trayvon Martin, and the “Knockout Game”
Rachel Maddow is a nightmare!
New York Times on the Gun Control Battle in Congress
Haters Gonna Hate, Deniers Gonna Deny
Poking holes in another argument from Amanda Marcotte
Drug Warriors Kidnap and Sexually Assault a Woman After Getting Permission From a Dog
First NYPD Officer Being Prosecuted for Stop and Frisk Misconduct
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Links of the Day
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Links of the Week
Paul Krugman, The Wonk Gap, and The Eternal Church of the All-Seeing State
When Obama Claimed He Was "Outraged" By IRS Targeting Scandal, He Was, Get This, Lying
Who Got To George Zimmerman's Girlfriend?
Selena Roberts: The Serial Misleader
LA County Sheriffs Charged with Systematic Abuse, Corruption in Federal Case
Excellence in police marksmanship
Chief Judge For 9th Circuit Cites "Epidemic" Of Prosecutor Misconduct
Chief Judge Writes Scathing Dissent Warning of “Epidemic Of Brady Violations” By The Justice Department
Another Burge victim has conviction thrown out
Lawsuit Charges NYC Cops With Stomping a Parakeet (and Beating Humans) During a Warrantless Raid
Gawker & the Truth; never shall the twain meet
The latest Zimmerman drama
Thursday, December 05, 2013
Links of the Week
Fullerton Police Lawyers: Kelly Thomas Killed Himself
NYPD: Baby, You Know We Love You. Why Do You Make Us Angry Like That?
Politico Magazine: It's Your Fault Obamacare Doesn't Work Yahoo/Daily Ticker: It's Your Fault The Economy Sucks
Latest Orlando MAIG public records are in.
POLITICS: Have You, At Long Last, Sir, No Sense of Shame?
Martin Bashir resigns from MSNBC
Issa: FBI impeding inquiry into IRS targeting of conservative groups
Missouri Lawyer Accuses Police Of Threatening To Kill His Family Pets And Kick In Front Door If He Insisted On A Warrant
How Do You Charge an Unarmed Man with Shooting People? Get the NYPD Involved.
Senator Al Franken (D, Minnesota) is in more trouble than the Democrats want to admit.
The Plum Line is officially alarmed that the GOP will win in 2014/2016.
The Other Way To Conform Cops’ Stories
Sex differences are hard-wired
FBI: Just Because We Use The Radical Leftist Southern Poverty Law Center As A Source For Our Hate Crime Stats Doesn’t Mean We Endorse Them…