The Kaley Forfeiture Decision: What It Looks Like When The Feds Make Their Ham Sandwich
Police Department Clears Officers Of Beating and Falsely Charging New Jersey Man . . . Reporter Then Finds Dashcam Video Proving All Of The Allegations
The Art Acevedo Defense: At Least My Minions Didn't Rape Her
But For Video: Just Another Resisting Edition
Because “Rape Culture” Answers The Question?
Adrian Thomas Wins, But What Of The Rest Of Us?
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, February 28, 2014
Links of the Week
Friday, February 21, 2014
Links of the Week
Rove Rips Former Ohio Gov. Strickland, Whose Admin Invaded Joe the Plumber’s Privacy, for Criticizing Christie
Mann and the Muir Russell Inquiry #1
Florida Deputy Falsely Tells Mother That Recording Him In Public Is A Crime And Proceeds To Drag Her From Car and Arrest Her
Broward Sheriff’s Deputy Violently Attacks Woman for Recording Traffic Stop
Good news and bad news on recording the police
Friday, February 14, 2014
Links of the Week
Mann vs. Steyn: The Trial of the Century
Scandal clowning reaches new heights!
"You have a prosecutor — whether intentionally or unintentionally — reveal information that is covered by the gag order. There's nothing you can say about this as a target to put things in context."
The democrat IRS cancer grows
Wendy Davis: On second thought, it’d be impossible to craft an appropriate ban on abortion after 20 weeks
Karl Rove: Why is Rand Paul beating up on Bill Clinton for old sins?
Eight Police Officers Fire 103 Times At Two Unarmed Women Delivering Newspapers . . . Commission Rejects Calls For Any Officer To Be Fired Or Even Suspended
NOW Demands Wall Street Journal Fire Columnist James Taranto for Promoting 'Rape Culture'
Media Matters Shamelessly Lies About James Taranto
The Crime of Regret
“Rep. Dave Camp: 100 Percent of Groups Audited by IRS Were Conservative”
How @JAMyerson Blamed @SarahPalinUSA for Tucson
Friday, February 07, 2014
Links of the Week
98% percent of scientists agree that the 97% of scientists who agree with man-made global warming are only 13% of scientists in any case... and 100 % of the 13% are funded by the government
They’re Not Even Hiding It!
Jake Tapper: No, I Don’t Call Edward Snowden a Traitor
Obama’s IRS scandal: Stonewalling is not exoneration
Gheys Need to Stop Pretending They’re Just Like Black Folk
Abortion Barbie: Victim of the Patriarchy
Oh, Joy, the Left Has Found Someone New to Hate
One Of Six Omaha Cops Fired For Excessive Force, Illegal Search And Seizure Is Already Back In Uniform
Parallel Construction Revealed: How The DEA Is Trained To Launder Classified Surveillance Info
*Trust* David Plouffe, Democrats. He is all-knowing, and always right.
Lois Lerner Loves it When a Plan Comes Together
Liberals desperately trying to maintain political financing monopoly.