Philly DA Blows the Whistle on Pennsylvania’s State AG
Back on the Offensive
The @AmandaMarcotte Birth Control ObamaCare Fear-Mongering Crusade
The Bitterness of Your Rage Is Sweet On My Tongue
Bloomberg’s $600k Pennsylvania Politician
BLAME THE VICTIM: Bureaucrat smears 16-year-old abortion protester battered by UCSB prof
Unruly Progressives
THE DARK STATE: Lack of open records prevents complete picture of many Kansas criminal cases
Please Don’t Attack The “Outsiders”: California University Official Issues Letter In Miller-Young Controversy
The Liberal Mindset As It Relates To Guns And The Second Amendment
Ebony Magazine, The RNC And, Liberal Projectionism
Leland Yee denounced by gun lobby as a 'hypocrite' and 'scumbag'
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, March 28, 2014
Links of the Week
Friday, March 21, 2014
Links of the Week
Thom Hartmann Unearths Long-Discredited October Surprise Crackpottery
One Unjustified Arrest, One Permanent File, and One Corrupt Sheriff: The Ordeal of Mark Patterson
Politico’s Byers Wants to Dictate Conditions For Criticizing Obama’s Foreign Policy
“Most transparant” White House ever rewrote FOIA to exclude its docs
Nevada deputy who took $50,000 from a man ordered to return it
Kansas ‘retaliation’ bill would allow police to arrest people who complain about officers
Steyn discovers the ‘essence of Mann’: Eau de weasel
LAW/POLITICS: Court: Planned Parenthood Violated Fourth Amendment in Home Raid
Victory For Scott Olsen
Feminist Studies Professor Who Accosted Pro-Life Students Charged With Assault
Feminist prof now claims ‘MORAL RIGHT’ to attack 16-year-old abortion foe, destroy sign
UCSB Police Department Releases Report on Professor Mireille Miller-Young
Professor Who Assaulted Pro-Life Protester to Take Her Sign Pleads Novel Defense: She Was Psychologically "Triggered" By Thoughts and Images She Didn't Agree With Politically
Darryl Howard and the rampaging prosecutor: Durham learns little from Duke lacrosse debacle
Comments on the Balko Article
Democrat Attorney General Shuts Down Corruption Investigation After Catching Democrats Accepting Cash Bribes, Because Racism
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kane lawyers up
Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane (D) threatens to sue newspaper for committing… journalism.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Shifts Blame for Botched Bribery Investigation to Previous Administration, Lawyers Up For Possible Lawsuit Against Newspaper
Friday, March 14, 2014
Links of the Day
The Destroyer Cometh
A Glossary of Leftist and Feminist Terminology
The Left’s Message To Teens: More Sex, No Guilt, No Consequences
Babysitting Tumblr
How the Gun Lobby Became a Threat to Public Safety
A Mindless Twit Speaks
House report demonstrates wisdom of Lois Lerner’s Fifth Amendment plea
House Oversight Committee: IRS’s Lois Lerner lied to us, you know.
The mysteries of TENS
Email to Lois Lerner Refutes Absurd Claims by Robin Abcarian About the IRS Scandal
How “Trigger Warnings” Silence Dissent And Protect Fragile Egos