Issa: 'Operation Choke Point' Is Illegal, Must Be Dismantled
Steny Hoyer: We Must Protect The Most Important Clients of the VA-- Democrat-Voting Government Bureaucrats
Federal Appeals Court Reaffirms Your Right To Record Cops, Including Cops At Traffic Stops. Also, Why It's Probably Wise To Do That Surreptitiously
A false indictment
Amanjaw Marcuntte’s Singularly False Premise
"Conservatives stung by talk of John Doe settlement with Scott Walker."
Is the Men’s Rights Movement a Reaction to Deranged Feminist Misandry?
Richard Martinez Is Becoming the New Cindy Sheehan
Scientist Sacked for Linking Gay Sex to HIV Transmission
"Media Matters" stoops to new low to defame NRA
Silly Mundane -- "Civil Rights" are for Killer Cops
Redefining incompetence
Elliot Rodger Is The First Male Feminist Mass Murderer
Oh, wow, ThinkProgress did a 2006 article on the VA healthcare system.
Blurred Lines
A Small Right With A Huge Loophole
What’s So Dumb About Smart Guns?
White Privilege Causes Everything
Mr. Tokowitz refuses to cave
N.C. judge overturns Darryl Howard conviction, finds prosecutor misconduct by Mike Nifong
The War on the Second Amendment: the Mental Health Gambit
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, May 30, 2014
Links of the Week
Friday, May 23, 2014
Links of the Week
The peculiar madness of 'trigger warnings'
Neil deGrasse Tyson Knows That Skepticism Has No Place in Science
University of Queensland doubles down on Shollenberger – with a straw man argument on ‘confidentiality’ for names already listed in the paper!
Threats from the University of Queensland
After Two Officers Are Indicted For Shooting Citizens, Dallas Police Dept. Decides Body Cameras Might Be A Good Idea
Rabinowitz Eviscerates Author Cohan
Piketty and the Shoe Event Horizon
Finally, Government Surveillance to Get Behind: FBI to Start Recording Interrogations
Feds to Raided Smoke Shop Owner: Say Your Sister Assaulted a Federal Agent or No Bail For You
Arrestee alleges government misconduct; federal magistrate orders arrestee to apologize and recant, as a condition of bail
Adam Carolla Says He Called Out NPR’s Attempt to ‘Ambush’ Him in Truly Epic Fashion: ‘We’ll See If He Has the Balls to Air It’
Pick A Card
DEA retroactively gets warrant after violent, botched raid on wrong address
Report: Thomas Piketty’s numbers are off
Friday, May 16, 2014
Links of the Week
The Cops Are The Thugs In Philly -- And Prosecutors Let Them SkateThe Cops Are The Thugs In Philly -- And Prosecutors Let Them Skate
First Amendment versus the University of Queensland
Judge Signals She’ll Force Holder to Hand Over Fast & Furious Documents
The Guy Executed (Badly) In Oklahoma Last Week?
IRS Scandal Rekindled By Judicial Watch's Ignorance About How IRS Policy Is Made
Karl Rove Outfoxes the Clintons
New IRS e-mails: Yep, direction came from D.C. and yep, it was political
House Majority PAC and the permanent Democrat majority or whatever
Ohio Cops Taser Man, Seize Phone, after he Video Recorded them Making Arrest
Despite court rulings, people are still getting arrested for recording on-duty cops
Judicial Watch Obtains New Documents Showing IRS Targeting Came Directly From Washington D.C.
EXCLUSIVE: IRS Stonewalling FOIA Request Surrounding Correspondence With Democratic Members of Congress
University of Queensland threatens lawsuit over use of Cook’s ’97% consensus’ data for a scientific rebuttal
Coming Soon: World War II, The Director’s Cut Edition
13 Benghazis That Happened Under Bush’ Viral Meme Taken Apart & Destroyed Before Your Very Eyes
Friday, May 09, 2014
Links of the Week
Benghazi- Shut up they said
Video: John Doe case halted by injunction … again
Fed District Court enjoins Wisconsin “John Doe” anti-conservative investigation
“This is what the Fourth Amendment looks like?”
“F-Bombing the Mann”
Thank You Hillary Clinton...
Cop T-Bones Passing Car, Driver Charged With DUI After Being Honest
The Fifth Screw
But for video: Wisconsin deputy badly injures woman in crash, attempts to blame victim
NYPD Officers Expect Public To Be Stupider Than They Are; Justify Shutting Down Recording With 'iPhones Are Guns' Claim
Circuit Court Overturns Immunity For Law Enforcement Officials Who Sent An Innocent Man To Prison For 22 Years
Friday, May 02, 2014
Links of the Week
The attempted rehabilitation of Mike Nifong
How the Media Again Failed on the Duke Lacrosse Story
Lawsuit: Audio depicts another police conspiracy to plant drug evidence
Felonious Mike Dickinson
Judicial Watch Secures White House Email Stating That Primary Goal of Susan Rice Appearances Were to Establish That Benghazi Attack Was Due to "Internet Video" and Not "Failure of Policy"
Video: Scarborough explodes when Deutsch makes Benghazi about … Republicans
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Why aren’t we also outraged that Donald Sterling was secretly recorded?
Deputy Dove And Policing For Profits: Nevada County Settles Cases Where Drivers Were Stripped Of Cash But Refuses To Charge Or Fire Officer
Tennessee Officer Shown Choking An Unresisting Student Into Unconsciousness
Media Matters staff discovering that their bosses are union-busting hypocrites.
Behold the Democratic Future, Boasts Jonathan Chait, Because Suspicion of Government Is Racist
The Requisite Pearl Clutching Over #NRAAM
Benghazi: Not Exactly Rocket Science
Gun Control In The Wild West
How It Will Happen For Cliven Bundy
It is not possible to get leftists to feel embarrassment or shame