Just pretend this dead lion is a human baby, and then you won’t be so upset
Warrants: Bulwark Of Liberty, Or Paper Shield?
North Carolina Cop Admits in Court to Lying About 911 Call to Enter Home, Police Chief Shocked—Shocked—This Would Happen in His Department
I’ll check my white male privilege right after you check your arrogant liberal assumptions
Lessons From Nazi Gun Control
Sorry, Chuck Schumer, Ted Cruz is right about Democrats’ plans to repeal political speech protections in the First Amendment
Until Cops Pay a Real Price For Their Lawlessness, There’s No Reason to Expect Them to Stop
1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, Chicago Hates Them All.
The MSM is Attacking CopBlockers, We Must Be Doing it Right!
The a**holes of “True Blood” fail in effort to embarass Sarah Palin
Israel has a right to defend itself. And no obligation to be a fool about it, either.
Ways and Means Committee: We’ve learned that Lois Lerner’s hard drive was scratched — but data was recoverable
Because Judge Kane Did His Job
Next on the Social Left’s “To-Do” List: Normalize Polyamory
Uh Oh
Ex-'60 Minutes' Producer Is No Hollywood Hero
Senator Walsh’s Ted Kennedy moment
Federal Judge to Camera-Shy Austin Cops: People Have a Right to Record You. Deal With It.
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, July 25, 2014
Links of the Week
Friday, July 11, 2014
Links of the Week
The slippery slope is not a logical fallacy
Those Iraqi WMDs That Didn't Exist Are Now In ISIS Hands
Brit Academics: Paedophilia Is Natural and Normal
Who’s the Real Grifter?
Ain’t that a shame: Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell hate each other.
Lane’s Law of Gun Control Activism demonstrated by Michael Bloomberg.
Media Keep Citing Bogus Stat about Catholics and Birth Control
Lois Lerner Warned IRS Employees to “be cautious about what we say in emails”
Samizdata quote(s) of the day AGW
Comment Of The Week - Control freaks love psychiatry
Daniel Chong is the entirely predictable result of dehumanizing drug offenders
Thursday, July 03, 2014
Links of the Week
Dear Emptyheaded Left Wing Writers
The Real Money in the Climate Debate
SWAT teams as public charities?
You Have to Work to Be This Much of an Asshole
Globaloney: NOAA Quietly Changes Warmest Year Back to 1936 Without Comment
Jon Stewart: Supporting Firearms Same as Supporting Kiddy Porn
The left loses their minds over Hobby Lobby decision