10 Hours Of Walking In New York City As A Racist White Woman
Sheryl Attkisson: CBS Honchos Ordered Me to Present a False Account of Obama's Words on Whether Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack
Science: Actually, Mass Shooting Incidents Aren't Going Up At All, If You Bother To Do the Actual Research
Girls in Games: setting the record straight
Jeff Deskovic, wrongly convicted of rape and murder, awarded $41.6 million in damages
Billy’s predictions for the mid-term election and its aftermath
But You Can Trust The Cops, Right?
To California Cops, Stealing and Sharing Naked Photos of Women in Custody Is a “Game
Eric Holder Says He Regrets Lying To A Judge And Saying A Reporter Was A 'Co-Conspirator' But The Law Made Him Do It
Giffords tries to make guns an issue in this election
Donna Brazile pens the most dishonest defense of teacher tenure in memory
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Links of the Week
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Links of the Week
Rewriting the Berlin Wall
Scary news from MoveOn: If Republicans win the Senate, they might use a dubious procedure known as “reconciliation”
Either Praise the Police, or Shut Up
The #GamerGate White Knight Syndrome
A response to Brianna Wu
St. Louis Cops Claim Free-Speech Right to Warn Employers About Your Tweets They Don't Like
Deputy Matt: Forget Ferguson And Love Me
Eric Holder Regrets
Why Did CNN Think Bristol Palin Recounting Being Called a ‘F***ing C***’ Was Funny?
Obama Asserts Fast and Furious Executive Privilege Claim for Holder’s Wife
How to Write 1,000 Words About Why Your Critics Don't Matter, by John Scalzi.
Judge Sides With IRS, Dismisses Lawsuits by Conservative Groups Over Targeting Scandal
Friday, October 17, 2014
Links of the Week
Snap Out of It
A double standard in prosecutorial misconduct
NYT 'Discovers' Iraq had chemical weapons
St. Louis Policeman Who Called Activist's Employer Now Under Internal Investigation
You Didn’t Know About the 550 Tons of Yellowcake Uranium the Bush Admin Shipped Out of Iraq to Canada?
The Gov't Lied, People Died. Next Up: Water is Wet
Judicial Application of the First Rule of Law Enforcement
Quote Of The Day - only force on this planet which can defeat the US militarily and economically is the Democratic Party.
Pentagon hid info on thousands of chemical weapons in Iraq for years
Feminist gaming critic cancels speech out of fear of concealed carry attendees
Oceania Has Always Been at War with Eastasia
Darwinian Blithering
Cop Handcuffs and Detains a Man to Force Him to Talk
Documents Confirm Fast and Furious AK-47 Used in Phoenix Gang Assault
Friday, October 10, 2014
Links of the Week
Surprise! Sandy Hook Commission Targets Homeschoolers Despite Lack Of Evidence
Lena Durham's fake rape
The Alison Grimes campaign may now start imploding.
Nancy Pelosi threatens the Democratic party…
Austan Goolsbee Claims Innocence as Court Orders Investigative Records Released
Cop-bashers’ bogus ‘bad apples’ bull
Georgia Grand Jury Rejects Criminal Charges Against Drug Warriors Who Burned and Mutilated a Toddler
Cops Seize Car When Told To Get A Warrant, Tell Owner That's What He Gets For 'Exercising His Rights'
Law: Too Little, Too Late
Gay Marriage Is A Farce
DEA: We’re Doing It, So Of Course It’s Legal. Because Shut Up.
What Comes Around, Goes Around
There is no such thing as marriage equality
Stop Calling It Marriage Equality
Of homeschooling and purple penguins
James O'Keefe Brings His Dishonest, Doctored Videos To The World Of Political Campaigns
Friday, October 03, 2014
Links of the Week
I wonder if Austan Goolsbee will go to jail for Barack Obama’s sins.
Fake But Accurate: Neil DeGrasse Tyson Somehow Claims Vindication Even While Admitting Error
Emma Watson’s Banal Feminist Hypocrisy
Pluto is a Planet Again!
The Best Defense? Pennsylvania Blames Prison Employee For Her Own Rape By Inmate
No, Pennsylvania Is Not Blaming A Woman For Her Own Rape
Do not expect the Democrats to panic until it is too late.
Fake, but accurate
The government’s right to paw through your stuff
Vermont Cop Pulls Car Over for Nonexistent Traffic Violation, Tows It to Search for Evidence of Nonexistent Crime
Sometimes, Video Doesn’t Matter
It’s Not The Crime, It’s The Cover-Up
How Liberals Became the New Book Banners