That DHS Report About the Dangerous Sovereign Citizen Terrorists? It’s Hooey
Yet Another Houston Officer (Badge 7428) who doesn’t Understand Failure to ID
Wow. IRS Caught in a Huge Lie
Notorious Democratic Big Data shop Catalist accused of violating election law.
Worthy of Contempt: Ohio Judge Tim Grendell Abuses His Office To Suppress Criticism
Update: Judge Tim Grendell's Odd Letter To The Paper About His Censorious Thuggery
"Potential Criminal Activity" As IRS Straight-Up Lies to Congress and Refuses to Look for Back-Up Tapes for Lois Lerner Emails
Brady Campaign Backs Down from Promises to Anti-Gun Pols
The Right To Go Red
Bad Cops, Bad Cops, What You Gonna Do?
Politifact On George Washington On Guns
Here’s Why Wonder Woman Isn’t Getting A Movie Any Time Soon
Cop Assaults Man for Filming Brutality, Stomps Phone to Destroy Evidence — Video Survived
Eddie Ray Routh is guilty
An SJW guide to making games
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, February 27, 2015
Links of the Week
Friday, February 13, 2015
Links of the Week
Jessica Valenti tries to justify her hostility to due process for men with a rationale that doesn't hold water
Bill Maher, Living in an Echo Chamber
The Gif that Destroyed Global Warming
Obama administration stonewalls FOIA request on IRS targeting scandal
Eric Holder may have never really understood his job
Two Philadelphia Police Officers Charged In Beating of Unarmed Suspect
But For Video: Philly Scooter Edition
Stop Resisting: We’re All Felons Now
Dean Obeidallah and the Vaguely Latino Plague
Yes, Senator Ernst is a Combat Veteran…
The Routh trial
Holder claims lack of new gun laws is his ‘single failure’
KISS MY ASS! Eric Holder To DOJ Prosecutors Objecting To How He Handled Fast And Furious
Friday, February 06, 2015
Links of the Week
Arrest of God’s Lawyers™ by police officers.
Finally, Officer Safety is Put in its Proper Place in a Police Magazine
Some necessary pushback on the reporting of Congress’s invite of Pope Francis I.
On Fox News’ decision to show the IS death cult in action.
Lon Horiuchi: American Sniper
There Is No “Officer Safety” Exception To The Constitution.
The Rationale For Concealment
The Myth That Won’t Die
If You Don’t Want To Watch This Video Of ISIS Burning A Man Alive, Then Don’t
"Whatever Ideology They're Operating off of, it's Bankrupt"