Outrageous: NOAA demands $262,000 fee for looking at their ‘public’ data
Senator For Gurlz (TM) Kirsten Gillibrand: Don't Blame The "Victim" Who Invented The UVA Gang-Rape Hoax Out of Whole Cloth Just To Get the Attention of a Boy She Had a Crush On
The past has consequences
CNN Panelist: Suggestion That ‘Jackie’ Made Up UVa. Rape Story ‘Flies in the Face of Statistics’
Hey, White House: how’s that response to the Logan Act petition going?
A Snapshot Of Two Proposed Laws
David Codrea On The Acting ATF Director And Gunwalking
Take Away White Man’s Guns
OUR CONVERSATIONS TO NOWHERE: Lawrence O’Donnell provides a safe space!
‘Microaggressions’ And ‘Trigger Warnings,’ Meet Real Trauma
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, March 27, 2015
Links of the Week
Friday, March 20, 2015
Links of the Week
A Reminder About Shouting ‘Fire’ in a Crowded Theater
Anatomy Of A Failed Media Matters Smear
Schadenboner Three
Chris Mooney is a science popularizer who regularly spins all findings as supportive of the Green/Left.
Aww: David Axelrod pretty mad about Netanyahu win
The Thin Blue Line of Entitlement
The (kinda) Rules of the Prosecutors’ Game
SJW is anti-science and anti-mathematics
Politifact Rates Cruz’s Truthful Statement on 17-Year Global Warming Pause ‘Mostly False’
Friday, March 13, 2015
Links of the Week
Michael Jackson needs to take a look at the man in the mirror*
Something Something Traitor Or Whatever
Boren Knows These Expulsions Are Unconstitutional and Won’t Stand. So What?
Another Teacher Caught in Sex Scandal That in No Way Reflects Upon the Teaching Community
Dan Savage, Classy As Ever
Dems may lose WI John Doe law in War on Scott Walker
Senator Tom Cotton (R, AR) speaks truth to Biden on foreign policy.
The Last Temptation of Russ Feingold.
Quote of the Day: Rule of Law edition
Robert Murray In The Unofficial Reports
Kerry Admits Iran Deal is a Hoax
Dear Planet Fitness, why don’t you care about the safety and privacy of women?
Friday, March 06, 2015
Links of the Week
Astonishing Prosecutorial Misconduct Defended By California Attorney-General
Hillary: Catch Me If You Can
Democrats Embrace Lawlessness as Standard Operating Procedure
Dan Savage Still a Miserable, Hateful Person
Hillary's E-mail Problem
Quote Of The Week Gabby Gifford
We’re supposed to believe.
Defend, But Only So Much
When The FBI Went Rogue
Hey, @natashavc, Sorry Your Dishonest Scott Walker Smear Got Breitbarted
But for the video…
Routh appeals murder conviction
Another response to Anita Sarkeesian
Why Hillary Clinton lost.