Cop To Vet On Receiving End Of Bogus Raid: Investigating Things Beforehand Just Slows Us Down
Video of Samuel Dubose’s Killer, Officer Tensing, Violating Rights During 2014 Traffic Stop
L.A. Court Prohibits Center for Medical Progress From Publishing Some Undercover Materials About Abortion
"Don't Miss"
Planned Parenthood “Hacking” Sure Looks Like An Orchestrated PR Stunt
Of Course: Court Orders Pro-Life Group To Stop Releasing Videos That Make Planned Parenthood Look Bad
The end of snark
Moira Greyland obliterates the rainbow
Turns out ‘Good Samaritan’ killer a LEGAL immigrant let in by Obama admin
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, July 31, 2015
Links of the Week
Friday, July 24, 2015
Links of the Week
A feminist hits the wall
Confessions of a male feminist
Why Ben Shapiro Is A Twerp For Inciting Zoey Tur
Big Drag Queen In Trouble Now
Why everyone hates McRapey
Beware the grasshoppers
Maryland Court Says Police Misconduct Files Can Be Withheld From The Public
DOJ's Gag Order Request On Reason Was As Ridiculous As You'd Expect
Dear Feminists, I’m Sorry, I Was Wrong, I Take It All Back
"The Wisconsin Targets Tell Their Story/After victory in court, conservative activists talk on the record for the first time about their 21-month ordeal."
Gawker Was Always Vile
Cops Who Can't Keep Their Cool
Sinking CNN refloats the swift boats
Sandra Bland and the ‘lawful order’ problem
SMOKING GUN! IRS Used Tea Party Donor Lists To Target Audits
We Asked Companies About Their Donations to Planned Parenthood. Here’s How They Responded.
Waco: Told You So
Police liability for interfering with lawful citizen videorecording
GG tactics work
Loretta Lynch: I'll Be Looking at "All Information" Connected to These Planned Parenthood Videos
Megyn Kelly On Sandra Bland Case: "Even If You Know The Cop Is In The Wrong, Comply And Complain Later"
Heritage’s Daily Signal strips away some of @PPAct’s armor.
The worst kind of media bias: When it’s okay to threaten someone on national TV
Friday, July 17, 2015
Links of the Week
It’s Legal To Get Fetal Baby Parts, And Should Be Easier
"The Wisconsin Supreme Court ends criminal investigation into coordination between conservative groups and Gov. Scott Walker’s 2012 campaign.
Wisconsin Supreme Court: the partisan John Doe investigation was unsupported in reason or law
A Great Example of How the Media Twists Facts on Climate
Puzzled by the Behavior of the Pro-Abortion Left
Leftist talking points vs. facts in Oregon’s persecution of Christian bakers
Rick Perry, shutting Mark Halperin down on Planned Parenthood question.
So apparently the opposition to a 20 week abortion ban is about the MONEY.
The Second Lesson of Gardena
Again, They Are Coming for Your Guns
What is “qualified immunity,” and how does it work?
The First Law and the NYT
New York Times Approves of Illegal Immigrant Murderers
Friday, July 10, 2015
Links of the Week
They Still Have No Idea What They Are Up Against
Not a Smidgen of Corruption: Lois Lerner Met With FBI Officials to Plan Prosecutions of Obama Political Opponents
Fact checking Trump- updated
Turns out Mitt Romney was right, and OPM Director Katherine Archuleta was wrong.
Political Hack Katherine Archuletta Goofed on Romney for Not Being "Up to Date" on National Security Threats; CNN Blames Republicans for Confirming Her
The Million Dollar Hoody
Jake Tapper resists ‘Think Progress’ idiotic race and gender-baiting; women, minorities hardest hit
Evangelical Christianity and Its American Future: Churches and Christian Organizations Will Have Government Scrutinize Their Doctrines
Likely Grand Jury Investigating Waco Biker Club Massacre Headed by Waco Police Officer
What Did A Federal Prosecutor Need To Get A Gag Order On Reason Magazine? Pitifully Little.
Lawsplainer: So Are Those Christian Cake-Bakers In Oregon Unconstitutionally Gagged, Or Not?
Do Judges Have Inherent Dignity?
Thursday, July 02, 2015
Links of the Week.
For $167,000, You Too Can Call A Woman A “Chick”
Polygamy and the Price of ‘Dignity’
The Real Guerrilla Race War That The Media Covers Up
About that “polygamy is inevitable” thing…
Polyamory Is Next, And I’m One Reason Why
Politifraud is Mostly Useless
DoJ's Gag Order On Reason Has Been Lifted — But The Real Story Is More Outrageous Than We Thought
No, Federal Grand Jurors Do Not Issue Federal Grand Jury Subpoenas
There’s a Special Place in Hell for Those Who Subpoena Internet Comments
Reason and AUSA Niketh Velamoor’s Unreasonable Reaction
Judge Rules Police Can't Block Defense Lawyer from Seeing Waco Motorcycle Club Massacre Video Footage
I Guess Pat Toomey Didn’t Learn His Lesson
Media Hide Facts, Call Everyone Else A Liar
The Tale of the Herald
The Week that Changed this Country -- And Our Lives -- Forever
An Inconvenient Truth