"The Justice Department notified members of Congress that it is closing its two-year investigation into whether the IRS improperly targeted tea party and other conservative groups."
The DA Who Is Trying To Shut Up 177 Arrested Waco Bikers Won’t Shut Up
Hillary At The Benghazi Committee
2A “Supreme Law of the Land?” Are You Crazy?
What Ben Carson Should Have, But Could Not, Say to John Dickerson About Guns
Video: CNN’s Chris Cuomo nails the Benghazi committee… while being wrong on everything
Truth and the New York Times
Quote of the Day, Ah, The Convenient Vagueness Of Global Warming Predictions edition.
NYPD Cop Convicted of Falsifying Arrest Report on New York Times Photographer
We Live in a World Where Experts Say the Shooting of Tamir Rice Was ‘Reasonable’
Tamir Rice: Bad Law And Worse “Law”
Tamir Rice’s Basically Reasonable Murder
Rumors of NRA’s Demise are Greatly Exaggerated
How’s That Gun Control Working Out For Ya Pat?
Seven Questions Britain Has For America About Guns
Threatening to arrest for videorecording police officer clearly violates First Amendment
Body Cams, Policy And The Public’s “Right” To Know
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, October 23, 2015
Links of the Week
Friday, October 09, 2015
Links of the Week
‘YouTube effect’ has left police officers under siege, law enforcement leaders say
FBI director calls lack of data on police shootings ‘ridiculous,’ ‘embarrassing’
‘In other words, yes, we really do want to take your guns. Maybe not all of them. But a lot of them.’
The Mask Falls: Left Calling for "Gun-Free Society"
Supreme Court Makes Preet Bharara’s Bad Day
Cross: Judge Richard Kopf on Cops Who Lie
‘Stuff Happens': CNN’s Ryan Lizza Is Why America Hates and Distrusts the Media
Remember Waco II? No? Good. That Means Everything Is Going As Planned
Yes, That Oregon Campus Was a Gun-Free Zone
Get your climate popcorn out
Australian scientist discovers ERRORS in Global Warming models that COMPLETELY undermine climate theory!!!
Every Single Suspect Arrested In Waco Biker Shootout Has Been Set Free
UN Broadband Commission Releases Questionable Report On 'Cyber Violence' Against Women
Here It Comes: Wash Post Writer Calls for "A Gun-Free Society"
Police Mag Calls Marilyn Mosby 'The Wolf That Lurks'
Cass Sunstein’s ‘Just Embarrassing’ Revisionist Second Amendment History
Ghastly! Former Abortion Dr. Describes A Typical 2nd Trimester Abortion To Congress
Obama: You Know, Hillary Might Have A Point. Perhaps I Should FULLY Embrace My Inner Tyrant And Unilaterally Enact Gun Control Measures Congress Won't Pass.
Cass Sunstein purports to explain "How the Gun Lobby Rewrote the Second Amendment."
If You’re Slut-Shaming Bristol Palin, You’re Not Actually A Feminist
Friday, October 02, 2015
Links of the Week
Rather Shameful
WashPost’s ‘Fact Checker’ Goes Full Politifact Over Fiorina’s ‘Secretary to CEO’ Bio
Leftoids Make Tentative Incursion On Final Taboo
Lancaster, Texas Chief on Administrative Leave over an Internal Affairs Investigation of a Lieutenant
Cops Like Frascatore Are Exactly What The NYPD Wants
Douthat on Planned Parenthood and Fiorina
Revisiting The UN Broadband Commission's "Cyberviolence" Report
When Insulting the Police is a "Crime"
Federal Stats on Police Killings to Remain Incomplete, Confusing, Mostly Useless
Settled Science: America Will Be Out Of Oil By 2015
One Sentence Shows Just How Much The Media Is Covering For Planned Parenthood
Infuriating Video Exposes Cops Who Think the 1st and 2nd Amendments are Crimes
Not Even Motherhood Evokes Empathy
Arthur Chu’s Top Three Reasons To Eliminate Section 230
Winning or Appearing To Win The “War On Police”?