California Prosecutor Fabricates Evidence, Escapes Real Punishment
Why don't they just hold her down?
Have Some Sympathy For Anita Alvarez
300 Scientists Tell Chairman of the House Science Committee: ‘we want NOAA to adhere to law of the Data Quality Act’
Massachusetts Man Awarded $72,500 Settlement After he was Arrested Video Recording Cop Spewing Profanity
This Pennsylvania Attorney General Democratic primary poll is horrifying.
Judge Says Rolling Stone’s Jackie Must Surrender Documents About Fake Rape
Lewinski, Revealed
An Apology Owed To District Attorney Robert James
Giving Hillary Clinton a Pass on Fast & Furious?
Houston Grand Jury Indicts David Daleiden For Organ Trafficking, Issues No Charges Against Planned ParenthoodNo Charges for Cops Who ‘Accidentally’ Fired 107 Bullets at an Innocent Mom and Daughter
Video Exposes NYPD for Falsifying Charges Against a Great Grandpa After a Cop Ran Him Over
“Gotta Cover Our Ass” Illegally Confiscated Cellphone Records Cops Framing an Innocent Man
Our Police at Work: It's Not Public Property. It's State Property! And We'll Make Up a Reason We Bothered You to "Cover Our Ass"
80 percent of Chicago PD dash-cam videos are missing audio due to ‘officer error’ or ‘intentional destruction’
Chicago Police Deliberately Sabotaging Recording Devices, According to Report
Lawyer: 16-Year-Old Shouldn't Be Upset By Explicit Photos Cop Sent Her Because She's Probably Seen Penises On The Internet
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, January 29, 2016
Friday, January 22, 2016
Links of the Week
Against The Establishment
Latest Years' Temperatures With "Adjustments" While Reducing the Temperatures of Previous Years, To Always Make the Current Year "The Hottest"?
Enough really is enough
Pennsylvania State Police Refuse Judge’s Subpoena For Footage
California Prosecutor Fabricates Evidence, Escapes Real Punishment
Holding a Dirty Cop Accountable
An Apology To The Police
Why Hasn’t Jackie Coakley Been Punished For Starting The Biggest Rape Hoax Of The Decade?
Executive privilege in fast and furious
Federal Judge Obama Appointed Strikes Down His Fast and Furious Executive Privilege Claim
When Fudds Conspire To Attack Gun Rights
Former Marine Calls For Gun Control
The satellites are lying: CAGW is real
Nice Judgment You Got There, But You Still Have To Collect
Cleveland’s vile, embarrassing scheme to avoid paying victims of police abuse
Do the Benghazi families have absolute moral authority?
Red Herrings & Cop Apologetics
Latest Years' Temperatures With "Adjustments" While Reducing the Temperatures of Previous Years, To Always Make the Current Year "The Hottest"?
Enough really is enough
Pennsylvania State Police Refuse Judge’s Subpoena For Footage
California Prosecutor Fabricates Evidence, Escapes Real Punishment
Holding a Dirty Cop Accountable
An Apology To The Police
Why Hasn’t Jackie Coakley Been Punished For Starting The Biggest Rape Hoax Of The Decade?
Executive privilege in fast and furious
Federal Judge Obama Appointed Strikes Down His Fast and Furious Executive Privilege Claim
When Fudds Conspire To Attack Gun Rights
Former Marine Calls For Gun Control
The satellites are lying: CAGW is real
Nice Judgment You Got There, But You Still Have To Collect
Cleveland’s vile, embarrassing scheme to avoid paying victims of police abuse
Do the Benghazi families have absolute moral authority?
Red Herrings & Cop Apologetics
Friday, January 08, 2016
Links of the Week
President Obama’s Flawed Constitutional Law Lecture
Obama Squirts a Few and Then Lies About Not Wanting to Take Your Guns Away
The WaPo Fact Checker checks "What Benghazi family members say Hillary Clinton said about the video" and comes up empty.
Univision’s Mexican-born Jorge Ramos denounces U.S.-born Republicans Ted Cruz AND Marco Rubio for “betrayal!”
Black Men and Cops: Why Race Matters…
Judge Helps Ensure That The More Ignorant Law Enforcement Officers Are, The More They'll Be Able To Get Away Withlaw-enforcement-officers-are-more-theyll-be-able-to-get-away-with.shtml
Obama: Hey, forget what I said about Australia (twice) — no one’s looking to take away your guns!
Filming the police (at a safe distance) is not a crime
Stunner: NRA Won’t Participate in CNN’s Anti-Gun Obama Infomercial
Terrorist Ranchers!!
When Prosecutors Have “The Innate Intellect Of A Fifth-Grader”
President Obama And The Rhetoric Of Rights
Tea and Unaccountability: Bureaucracy and the Drug War
Jessica Valenti Calls For Jailing of Critics Of War And The Draft
Cop Who Arrested Sandra Bland Is Indicted for Perjury
Chicago Provides Yet Another Reminder Police and City Lawyers Are Accomplices in Avoiding Accountability
LA Renters Rat Out Airbnb Users, Get Evicted Instead
Corp Counsel Steps in Shit
The Price Of Mistrust
When Rape Is Done By Muslim Refugees It's the fault of the victims.
Sandra Bland’s Death Will Not Be Vindicated
Chicago PD Threatened Laquan McDonald Witnesses; Fabricated Statements
Obama Squirts a Few and Then Lies About Not Wanting to Take Your Guns Away
The WaPo Fact Checker checks "What Benghazi family members say Hillary Clinton said about the video" and comes up empty.
Univision’s Mexican-born Jorge Ramos denounces U.S.-born Republicans Ted Cruz AND Marco Rubio for “betrayal!”
Black Men and Cops: Why Race Matters…
Judge Helps Ensure That The More Ignorant Law Enforcement Officers Are, The More They'll Be Able To Get Away Withlaw-enforcement-officers-are-more-theyll-be-able-to-get-away-with.shtml
Obama: Hey, forget what I said about Australia (twice) — no one’s looking to take away your guns!
Filming the police (at a safe distance) is not a crime
Stunner: NRA Won’t Participate in CNN’s Anti-Gun Obama Infomercial
Terrorist Ranchers!!
When Prosecutors Have “The Innate Intellect Of A Fifth-Grader”
President Obama And The Rhetoric Of Rights
Tea and Unaccountability: Bureaucracy and the Drug War
Jessica Valenti Calls For Jailing of Critics Of War And The Draft
Cop Who Arrested Sandra Bland Is Indicted for Perjury
Chicago Provides Yet Another Reminder Police and City Lawyers Are Accomplices in Avoiding Accountability
LA Renters Rat Out Airbnb Users, Get Evicted Instead
Corp Counsel Steps in Shit
The Price Of Mistrust
When Rape Is Done By Muslim Refugees It's the fault of the victims.
Sandra Bland’s Death Will Not Be Vindicated
Chicago PD Threatened Laquan McDonald Witnesses; Fabricated Statements