Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, March 25, 2016
Hero Cops of the Week
Senator Wyden Warns That The Justice Department Is Lying To The Courts; Also Still Worried About Secret Law
Complaint Board Finds Police Officers Violated Policy By Arresting Public Defender Who Demanded They Stop Questioning Her ClientsBMX Rider TOTALLY OWNS Cop In “Most Bicycle Friendly City In America”
Why Don’t Courts Name Names? Kozinski Did
Kozinski & Tallman Fight Over A Brady Violation, But Does It Really Matter?
Iberia Parish Cops Nailed For Years Of Giving Beatdowns In Church
Mitch Brailsford Learns About Cameras and Accountability
This Cop Didn’t Get the Memo on Free Speech, So an Informed Citizen Made Him YouTube Famous
Links of the Week
“Filthy Filner” says he didn’t sexually harass anyone
Fair weather federalism and the Blue Lives Matter Act
Disney, Marvel, oppose religious liberty
The Guardian’s Village Idiot Declares Another Career Ruined
Does Toomey Think He Can Survive As An Anti-Gun Republican?
The Muslim Murder Machine Rolls Through Brussels
Guess what, Hillary: Waterboarding works
Fair weather federalism and the Blue Lives Matter Act
Disney, Marvel, oppose religious liberty
The Guardian’s Village Idiot Declares Another Career Ruined
Does Toomey Think He Can Survive As An Anti-Gun Republican?
The Muslim Murder Machine Rolls Through Brussels
Guess what, Hillary: Waterboarding works
Friday, March 18, 2016
Links of the Week
NRA, NYT agree: Garland will produce most liberal Supreme Court in decades
False Confessions? There’s No Excuse For Unrecorded Interrogations In 2016
John Lott demolishes gun study in The Lancet
America’s Two Worst Prosecutors Lose Primary Elections in Chicago and Cleveland
The Big Buttinski
Technical Difficulties: Please Do Not Stand By…The Constitution
Obama SCOTUS nominee Merrick Garland " a moderate in the sense that he approves of government invasions that come from the left and the right"John Kasich on guns
Obama’s Scalia Replacement
Brandon Howard Victory Against Hopewell Police
Cops Charged after Breaking into Pot Shop, Stealing & Eating Edibles, Destroying Property
Santa Ana Officers Charged with Misdemeanor Munchies
Re: Merrick Garland, it’s a bit late for the Obama administration and its supporters to appeal to constitutional norms requiring Senate consideration
The erroneous argument the Senate has a ‘constitutional duty’ to consider a Supreme Court nominee
WaPo: Three Pinocchios for declaring Senate’s “constitutional duty” to vote on Garland
Mizzou Muscle Prof: We want people to take chances, don’t we?
OMG: Committed Justice Warrior and Summoner of "Muscle" Melissa Click Now Declares That Public Shaming is Bad, Coincidentally At the Same Time She Herself is Being Shamed
10 Years Later: Lessons Lost From The Duke Lacrosse Case
Jack Montague, free speech and the rush to judgment
Judge Orders White House To Stop Hiding Its Bogus Global Warming ‘Proof’
Richard Dawkins, philosophical incompetent
False Confessions? There’s No Excuse For Unrecorded Interrogations In 2016
John Lott demolishes gun study in The Lancet
America’s Two Worst Prosecutors Lose Primary Elections in Chicago and Cleveland
The Big Buttinski
Technical Difficulties: Please Do Not Stand By…The Constitution
Obama SCOTUS nominee Merrick Garland " a moderate in the sense that he approves of government invasions that come from the left and the right"John Kasich on guns
Obama’s Scalia Replacement
Brandon Howard Victory Against Hopewell Police
Cops Charged after Breaking into Pot Shop, Stealing & Eating Edibles, Destroying Property
Santa Ana Officers Charged with Misdemeanor Munchies
Re: Merrick Garland, it’s a bit late for the Obama administration and its supporters to appeal to constitutional norms requiring Senate consideration
The erroneous argument the Senate has a ‘constitutional duty’ to consider a Supreme Court nominee
WaPo: Three Pinocchios for declaring Senate’s “constitutional duty” to vote on Garland
Mizzou Muscle Prof: We want people to take chances, don’t we?
OMG: Committed Justice Warrior and Summoner of "Muscle" Melissa Click Now Declares That Public Shaming is Bad, Coincidentally At the Same Time She Herself is Being Shamed
10 Years Later: Lessons Lost From The Duke Lacrosse Case
Jack Montague, free speech and the rush to judgment
Judge Orders White House To Stop Hiding Its Bogus Global Warming ‘Proof’
Richard Dawkins, philosophical incompetent
Friday, March 11, 2016
Links of the Week
Pittsburgh Cop Wrongly Cleared of Assault Now Facing New Felony Charges
Drug Warriors Will Pay $3.6 Million for Maiming a Toddler
David Codrea Response To Robert Bateman On The Militia
Rove-Stupid: Governor Snyder Goes Full Rove-Bush Katrina on Flint Water Crisis
Benghazi Victim’s Mother: ‘Special Place In Hell’ For People Like Hillary, “I Hope She Enjoys It There’GLENN KESSLER'S FACT CHECK OF THE DEBATE
Texas Trooper Fired For Sandra Bland Traffic Stop
Cop Arrested for Murder in Montgomery, Ala., City Opens Own Investigation to Placate Police
Criminal Defense Lawyer Down
Who Kicked The Shit Out Of James Crawford?
When I Want Your Opinion, I’ll Beat It Out of You
How Chicago's Top Prosecutor Has Failed to Hold Cops Accountable
Something Doesn't Click Here
A New ESPN Doc Exposes the Real Villains in the Duke Lacrosse Case
Drug Warriors Will Pay $3.6 Million for Maiming a Toddler
David Codrea Response To Robert Bateman On The Militia
Rove-Stupid: Governor Snyder Goes Full Rove-Bush Katrina on Flint Water Crisis
Benghazi Victim’s Mother: ‘Special Place In Hell’ For People Like Hillary, “I Hope She Enjoys It There’GLENN KESSLER'S FACT CHECK OF THE DEBATE
Texas Trooper Fired For Sandra Bland Traffic Stop
Cop Arrested for Murder in Montgomery, Ala., City Opens Own Investigation to Placate Police
Criminal Defense Lawyer Down
Who Kicked The Shit Out Of James Crawford?
When I Want Your Opinion, I’ll Beat It Out of You
How Chicago's Top Prosecutor Has Failed to Hold Cops Accountable
Something Doesn't Click Here
A New ESPN Doc Exposes the Real Villains in the Duke Lacrosse Case