Clinton's Payments To Her Illegal Email Crew Just Happen to Align With Her... Business Tax Deductions
An Unreasonable Request
IRS: Obama’s Potent Weapon in War Against Dissent
No-Fly No-Gun Is Such A Bad Idea It May Actually Be Good
Trump and Clinton Declare (Again) Support for Denying Guns Based on Gov't Suspicion
ATF gets its own puff piece
On Climate Change, The Answer Is Obvious
Trump and Clinton Falsely Advocate to Regulate Guns Through Unaccountable Terror Watch Lists
Comey Digs A Deeper Hole
Media blames Trump supporter for his beating by #BlackLivesMatter mob
Don’t Call FBI Director Comey A Weasel
Transparency! IG report: Judicial Watch lost media status, paid higher FOIA fees at request of Jen Psaki’s husband
Hero Cops
Time To Send Police Union Liars Packing
Cops Dodge 4th Amendment By Phoning In 'Anonymous' Tips; Watch Their Drug Bust Vanish After They're Exposed‘Disturbing’ Body-Cam Footage Shows Cop Brutalize Cooperative Man
Greensboro, NC Tries To Pull Cop’s Certification Over DeJuan Yourse
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, September 30, 2016
Friday, September 09, 2016
Links of the Week.
Gary Johnson: We need a path to citizenship and easily available work visas — and calling illegals “illegal” is “very incendiary”MSNBC’s Joy Reid Asks Trump Surrogate Not To Use Offensive Term "Illegals" – He Refuses
Burn the...
Hate Group SPLC Labels ‘White Lives Matter’ a Hate Group
FBI’s Comey Proposes an ‘Adult Conversation’ About Giving the FBI Whatever They Want
UVA Rape Hoax: Frat’s Lawsuit Against Rolling Stone Will Go Forward
But I Thought Gun Control Was a Winning Issue?
Yes, the unhinged attacks on Romney mean no one is listening on Trump
Why Democrats Want Lots of Muslim Refugees in America
NY State Attorney General Let Clinton Foundation Hide Foreign Donors
Vox: If The Clinton Email Scandal Has Taught Us Nothing Else, It's That Email Should Be Exempt From FOIA RequestsHillary’s Speech on the Alt Right
Title IX’s False Expectations Hurt Too
Not News: SEIU on the Losing End of First-Ever Defamation Verdict
IT Tech Who Wiped Hillary's Emails After Hearing From Her Lawyer David Kendall First Claimed He Couldn't Remember Doing So, Then, When Given Immunity, Admitted He Had Done It Knowing It Was Illegal
Chicago Cop Slammed Man’s Head with Metal Baton For Following His Orders as he Walked Away Indicted for Aggravated Assault
Sovereign Immunity Is Medieval Harlotry
6th Circuit to Burleys: Tough Nuggies
Louisiana sheriff (Jerry Larpenter) illegally uses criminal libel law to unmask a critic
Court To Cops: Residing In A State Where Marijuana Is Legal Does Not Automatically Make A Motorist 'Suspicious'Reforming Police Unions Necessary to Restore Public Confidence in Law Enforcement, Says New York TimesPolice Union's Proposed Contract Looks To Whitewash Officers' Disciplinary Records
Burn the...
Hate Group SPLC Labels ‘White Lives Matter’ a Hate Group
FBI’s Comey Proposes an ‘Adult Conversation’ About Giving the FBI Whatever They Want
UVA Rape Hoax: Frat’s Lawsuit Against Rolling Stone Will Go Forward
But I Thought Gun Control Was a Winning Issue?
Yes, the unhinged attacks on Romney mean no one is listening on Trump
Why Democrats Want Lots of Muslim Refugees in America
NY State Attorney General Let Clinton Foundation Hide Foreign Donors
Vox: If The Clinton Email Scandal Has Taught Us Nothing Else, It's That Email Should Be Exempt From FOIA RequestsHillary’s Speech on the Alt Right
Title IX’s False Expectations Hurt Too
Not News: SEIU on the Losing End of First-Ever Defamation Verdict
IT Tech Who Wiped Hillary's Emails After Hearing From Her Lawyer David Kendall First Claimed He Couldn't Remember Doing So, Then, When Given Immunity, Admitted He Had Done It Knowing It Was Illegal
Chicago Cop Slammed Man’s Head with Metal Baton For Following His Orders as he Walked Away Indicted for Aggravated Assault
Sovereign Immunity Is Medieval Harlotry
6th Circuit to Burleys: Tough Nuggies
Louisiana sheriff (Jerry Larpenter) illegally uses criminal libel law to unmask a critic
Court To Cops: Residing In A State Where Marijuana Is Legal Does Not Automatically Make A Motorist 'Suspicious'Reforming Police Unions Necessary to Restore Public Confidence in Law Enforcement, Says New York TimesPolice Union's Proposed Contract Looks To Whitewash Officers' Disciplinary Records