President of Human Rights Foundation: Fusion GPS is a Professional Smear Organization Hired By Big-Money Players to Destroy Anyone Who Opposes Their Clients
One More Reason To Love Jon Corbett: Going After NYPD's Corrupt Gun Permit Process
She's Baaaack! Queen Of Voter Suppression Rides Again
Democrats colluded with Russia to hack 2016 election
BCA search warrant: Someone “slapped” squad car before Noor shot Damond
Noor attorney: Maybe Damond was on sleeping meds; Update: Seeking immunity?
The sad story of Charlie Gard shows there’s no limit to right-wing political vampirism
The Reasonably Scared Cop Rule Meets Slapstick
The military isn’t about social engineering, it’s about lethality and protecting the US
Philadelphia Offers to Stop Using Seized Property to Fund Police
That great, free First Amendment thing
Federal Appeals Court Castigates Kansas Cops for Pot Raid Triggered by Tea
Crying Foul: When Facts Fall First
Clarification From The Government On The Murder Of Justine Damond By Mohamed Noor
10th Circuit grants narrow victory to family raided by a SWAT team over loose leaf tea
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, July 28, 2017
Friday, July 21, 2017
Links of the Week
Jake Tapper Rises to Defense of Failed Novelist Turned Echo Chamber Maestro Ben Rhodes
Loretta Lynch Let RUSSIAN SPY Lawyer Into Country For "Extraordinary Circumstances;"McCain Sent Aide to Europe to Collect RUSSIAN Opposition Research on TrumpWhen Facts Don’t Fit ‘The Narrative’
A timeline of the NRA's divisive actions ahead of Friday’s Women's March
Mohammed Noor Speaks?
Police chief: Damond shooting “unnecessary … Justine didn’t have to die”
Betsy DeVos Isn't "Enabling Rape Deniers" by Pushing for Due Process on College Campuses
Camera-Shy Cops Have No Legal Recourse:
King: Yes, Justice Thomas, Qualified Immunity Is A Mess
The Blank Slate of Justine Damond’s Death
Why The ‘Whataboutism’ Charge Is Dishonest
No qualified immunity in First Amendment and Fourth Amendment lawsuit against Louisiana sheriff in criminal libel case
Some thoughts on John McCain’s pending demise
Name the defamatory Jewish organization
Amanda Marcotte Is Stupid (Surprise!) And Doesn’t Know The Difference Between Cats And Children… Clinton Campaign Never Bought ‘Carbon Offsets’ To Atone For Hillary’s Private Jet Rides
Leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Falsely Accuses Others of Hate
Oversight Board Finds NYPD Officers Still Violating Citizens' Right To Film Police
Loretta Lynch Let RUSSIAN SPY Lawyer Into Country For "Extraordinary Circumstances;"McCain Sent Aide to Europe to Collect RUSSIAN Opposition Research on TrumpWhen Facts Don’t Fit ‘The Narrative’
A timeline of the NRA's divisive actions ahead of Friday’s Women's March
Mohammed Noor Speaks?
Police chief: Damond shooting “unnecessary … Justine didn’t have to die”
Betsy DeVos Isn't "Enabling Rape Deniers" by Pushing for Due Process on College Campuses
Camera-Shy Cops Have No Legal Recourse:
King: Yes, Justice Thomas, Qualified Immunity Is A Mess
The Blank Slate of Justine Damond’s Death
Why The ‘Whataboutism’ Charge Is Dishonest
No qualified immunity in First Amendment and Fourth Amendment lawsuit against Louisiana sheriff in criminal libel case
Some thoughts on John McCain’s pending demise
Name the defamatory Jewish organization
Amanda Marcotte Is Stupid (Surprise!) And Doesn’t Know The Difference Between Cats And Children… Clinton Campaign Never Bought ‘Carbon Offsets’ To Atone For Hillary’s Private Jet Rides
Leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Falsely Accuses Others of Hate
Oversight Board Finds NYPD Officers Still Violating Citizens' Right To Film Police
Sunday, July 09, 2017
Links of the Week
Sanctuary!!! Garrity Rules
Dallas City Council Angry They Can’t Just TAKE Man’s Land
New York Times: Turns Out ‘17 Intelligence Agencies’ Was Fake News
NY Gov. Cuomo not so eager to find out how many Russians voted af?
NSA Continues To Dodge 'Incidental Collection' Question, Wants Its 'About' Surveillance Program Back