Monday, June 11, 2007

Links of the Week

Sandy Berger and the Clinton Cover-Up - Why It Matters
Eric Alterman tries to talk his way out of getting arrested for criminal trespass..
College Degrees Don’t Impress Me
Beat The Press
Overlooking Brad Ross
What? Consensus about AGW is in dispute? 
Eric Alterman Is the Aging-Lefty Lindsay Lohan
Heaven help us 
“Sandy Berger and the Clinton Cover-Up - Why It Matters”
Unspinning the spin on Cuban healthcare 
Ugly First Ladies Only?
Bill, Hillary & InfoUSA
Cato Blogger: Some Falsely Insisting Spelling Bee Champ NOT Home-Schooled
Meet the Stokkes
The Difference Between Conservatives and Liberals, in One Minute, on Video
Quote of the week from Mrs. Hayden
I don’t know how many times you have to hear stuff like this ... 
Duke Lacrosse Judge Takes Aim at Nifong
Shock: NYT Writer Takes on the Sainted Rachel Carson and the 'Silent Spring' DDT Ban
Stem Cells Without Embryos?
VIDEO: Scarborough spins “pole” controversy
Death of A House Negro
Smith Cautions Nifong
Duke lacrosse: Ten days in March (II)
In Praise of Ryan McFadyen
Of Arrests and Anti-Semitism: The Eric Alterman Story
Bad boys and bureaucrats. A deadly duo?
Your Right to Leer
Oliver Willis, Like Kryptonite To Intellectual Integrity
The underbelly of CO2 Environmentalism 
Polite Or Subservient?
Turning the Page: The Real Che?
The Botched Invasion
Fun False Quotes From The Liberals
Just How is Paul Helmke Holding the Brady Campaign Together?
AP Explains Away Sarkozy’s Historic Mandate
A Case of Malicious Prosecution
Media Miss Irony of Anti-Gun Rep. William Jefferson Possessing Firearms
Haditha Cases Continue To Crumble

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