Oct. 7: Washington Post Defends Decision To Report Plummeting Casualty Rates on Page 14 Because There's No Proof It's A Trend
Oct. 30: GAO Reports Decline In Violence Is In Fact A Trend; Washington Post Reports This On... Page 14
Not so smart after all
Watson may be the new Galileo
Brainwashing at the University of Delaware
Piece of Crap Has a Book Out
Is this the state of academics today?
Writers Miffed
Black Racist Refuses to Pay up
Dennis Kucinich, Armchair Psychologist
Brady Deceptions
Dr. Helen asks: should men marry?
A Challenge to TIME Magazine to Get Their Facts Straight
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Links of the Day
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Links of the Day
Oy - of mice and men
Sarkozy is a mench
How do I join the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership?
The Real Story Of The Jena 6
France’s Sarkozy teaches 60 Minutes a Lesson
DeCapiGate: Take 2... Another Bogus "20 Headless Bodies" Report
Ultimately, one can't say better than this
The Nanny State’s Darker Side
Prohibition Returns!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Links of the Day
Richard Dawkins And The 11 Second Pause
Richard Dawkins and the Smoldering Pants
Rice Attacked. Security Blew It. MSM Yawns.
Wait Till a SWAT Team Hits You With A Mistaken No-Knock Raid, Melanie
New Revelations Concerning Anti-MoveOn.org Ads Pulled by Google
Enough, Already
Child Support Enforcement Thugs Ruin Lives
Anyone else notice the curious “thud” with which Valerie Plame’s book arrived?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Links of the Day - Evening Edition
How Many Bodies Are In The Qualcomm Freezers?
Blaming global warming for the California fires
The Disappointing Usefulness of Simple Stereotypes
Double-Reverse Chickendove
YouTube Helps Whitewash Cat Stevens' History
Musn't say the V-word
nazi germany or a left-leaning blog?
Gott in Himmel, he's ridiculous!
Global Warming: Fact, Fiction and Political Endgame
Jena 6 Update
Drudge: Leaked documents prove TNR’s Beauchamp story has collapsed?
Jena’s Myths & the Duke Hoax
Good news: Tasing of bro to go unpunished
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Progressive blogs who delete comments that disagree with their narrative.
Crooks and Liars
The fem-blogs (Firedoglake,Feministing,Feministe,Pandagon,Shakesville)
Juan Cole
Brad Delong
Oliver Willis
Links of the Day
Hillary Clinton Supports 2nd Amendment
Maybe the ‘homophobic’ has a point
Media Ignore Another Woman Dying Inside Abortion Clinic
News Flash
Mega forest fires -- caused by global warming or the Sierra Club?
Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake
Crooks And Liars Screws The Pooch
Bill’s Wife Also Will Give Consideration to Becoming Mother Teresa
CBS’s Pelley Uses Wildfires to Prove Global Warming
Monday, October 22, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Links of the Day
Newshounds Slander Fox with a Niagara of Ignorant Falsehoods
Controversy: Would discovery of so-called “gay gene” lead to women aborting “gay” babies?
Duke Case — Airbrushing Wikipedia's History of the Rape Hoax
Haditha: Another example (Duke Rape case) where the narrative was right, but the facts didn’t support it
"Crooks & Liars" Discovers Best Way to Defend Rep. Pete Stark
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Links of the Day
Socialized according to whom
Controversy: Would discovery of so-called “gay gene” lead to women aborting “gay” babies?
People Who Should Carry
Assault With a Deadly Camera
World Famous Meteorologist: We’ll Look Back On Al Gore’s Theories And Realize Their Foolishness
Fury at DNA pioneer’s theory: Africans are less intelligent than Westerners
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Quote of the Day
Amynda Marcotte and Jill Filipovic taken to task
"The Duke Rape Case is a rallying cry because, according to the MRAs, it proves that men are constantly being falsely accused of rape.
I suppose so. But let's not forget that feminists made it into a rallying cry before it became evident that the charges were bogus."
Actually, it became the rallying cry because feminists and elements influenced by feminism refused to back off as exculpatory information came to be known, and as the incriminating evidence which Nifong represented that he had assembled began to be exposed as not very incriminating at all. The less likely - from the evidence - that a rape occurred and that these three perpetrated it, the more entrenched the feminists became, with talk of "white privilege" and "rich boys" as if the same had anything to do with the fact of whether they penetrated the woman without her consent.
It became clear to reasonable people - that is, the vast majority of people - that no rape actually occurred, and that the continued demand by feminists for the effective ends of the lives of these young men was not grounded in facts or evidence, but in some twisted, pathological resentment and hatred beyond reason - hatred of young men who are considered successful and who probably get the attention of young women without much effort and supine, approval seeking behavior of the sort of which Fecke is fond. See also, Kobe Bryant.
To this day Marcotte and Jill will not concede that the facts and evidence are an insufficient grounds upon which to continue to accuse these three young men of a heinous crime. I believe Jill's words are "something happened that night" or some such. I believe Marcotte wrote something to the effect that even if the Duke three were innocent in fact, she did not consider their ordeal significant, nor does she empathise with them. I get the sense that neither really have much compunction about false accusations against "priviliged" and "entitled" men, and that Marcotte may quietly consider it a legitimate means of fighting her vagina uprising.
So, the point of MRAs and, well, normal men regarding the Duke matter is that credible facts and evidence regarding the actual, physical occurrence of a rape isn't a necessary predicate to have the whole feminist rape-lynching apparatus come down upon you in full force, and that if you don't have access to hundreds of thousands of Dollars for attorneys and investigators to comb the record, you may lose your freedom as the result of a single false accusation.
Progressive Debate 103 - Comments deleted from Shakesville by Melissa McEwan
ginmar, So am I allow to say If [wo]men don't want to have children they should use BC or is there a double standard.
And how do you defend this.
Florida Supreme Court: Man Must Pay Child Support For Kid That Isn’t His
I see Melissa is using the progressive debate technique of deleting comments.
And you who object to men being released from any financial obligation for children or male reproductive freedom what do you think of this feminist who had a abortion for financial reasons.
My immediate response was, I cannot have triplets. I was not married; I lived in a five-story walk-up in the East Village; I worked freelance; and I would have to go on bed rest in March. I lecture at colleges, and my biggest months are March and April. I would have to give up my main income for the rest of the year. There was a part of me that was sure I could work around that. But it was a matter of, Do I want to?
I looked at Peter and asked the doctor: ''Is it possible to get rid of one of them? Or two of them?'' The obstetrician wasn't an expert in selective reduction, but she knew that with a shot of potassium chloride you could eliminate one or more.
Feminist debate
The comments on this post are open to feminist and pro-feminist posters only. If you’re not a feminist and want to leave a comment, you may do so at the identical post on Creative Destruction.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Links of the Day
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Links of the Day
The "Hush Rush" Crusade
Ask Dr. Helen: Fighting for Men's Rights
Eric Alterman: My enemies are evil
Disarm the police
Haditha reversal busts the narrative
Remember the "poor" child who gave the Dem response on SCHIP?
Columbus Day And The Most Chilling Eight Words In Journalism
Then And Now
Don't Post This Cease-and-Desist Letter, Or Else
It’s "Che" time again
Diet and Fat: A Severe Case of Mistaken Consensus
Dan Rather Threatened to Leak Fake Memos to NYT
Cherrypicking Weber
Al Gore’s Inconvenient Falsehoods
Damn Right They’re Being ‘Swiftboated’
Alright, That's Enough On Graeme Frost
Monday, October 08, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Links of the Day
Details of Undisclosed Police Document Revealed in Durham Herald-Sun Article
Infiltrating Pro-choicer Discovers Falsity of Media's Stereotypes of Pro-lifers
Burma, 'gun control' and David Hume
From Someone Who Knows About "Phony" Military Claims
Not So Sure
Anti-Lacrosse Extremist: No Apologies
Wesley Clark
"Assault weapons" vs. "Patrol rifles"
Great Moments in Golddiggery
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Links of the Week
When The Legends Don't Die
That’ll show us
Fallen Soldier MSNBC Used for 'Gotcha' Game With Rep. Blackburn Did Not Live in Her District
No Warrantless Breath Tests for Non-Motorists
Love notes from the left
NRA the Victim of Sloppy Hill Staffers
More unintended irony from Sullivan
Ahmadinejad’s Spin Docs Are Operating
Bill Clinton Uses Threat Of Lawsuit, Presidential Seal To Intimidate Restaurant Owner
Bubba gets testy
Katrina vanden Heuvel’s Inadvertent Humor Rag
Behind the Numbers (September Edition)
Clintons and “thugs” not good for a campaign
Juan Cole, The Dumbest Ph.D. in History
NASA’s James Hansen Claims He’s Being 'Swift-boated' by Critics
Stupid University Tricks: How Columbia Routinely Chills Speech It Doesn't Like
Murtha To Testify In Marine Defamation Case
Al Gore: Not interested in dissentested in dissent
Leftist hypocrisy again
Lies repeated often enough
Clarence Thomas: Liberal Progressives Are As Bad As Old South Racists
The new peace paradigm is working!
Harry Reid’s tin ear
Clarence Thomas on middle-class white women who think they're "oppressed."
Fake war hero Tom Harkin smears Rush Limbaugh
Sauce For The Goose
Al Gore: Sleazebag Liar?
Video: Spicoli defends Chavez’s shutdown of opposition TV station
John Kerry Gained Fame Via ‘Phony Soldiers’
Will Antiwar Vets Group Use Phony Soldiers In Attacks on Rush?
The N&O, Newsweek & plagiarism