Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Progressive Debate 103 - Comments deleted from Shakesville by Melissa McEwan

Comment #1

ginmar, So am I allow to say If [wo]men don't want to have children they should use BC or is there a double standard.
And how do you defend this.
Florida Supreme Court: Man Must Pay Child Support For Kid That Isn’t His

Comment #2

I see Melissa is using the progressive debate technique of deleting comments.

And you who object to men being released from any financial obligation for children or male reproductive freedom what do you think of this feminist who had a abortion for financial reasons.
My immediate response was, I cannot have triplets. I was not married; I lived in a five-story walk-up in the East Village; I worked freelance; and I would have to go on bed rest in March. I lecture at colleges, and my biggest months are March and April. I would have to give up my main income for the rest of the year. There was a part of me that was sure I could work around that. But it was a matter of, Do I want to?
I looked at Peter and asked the doctor: ''Is it possible to get rid of one of them? Or two of them?'' The obstetrician wasn't an expert in selective reduction, but she knew that with a shot of potassium chloride you could eliminate one or more.


  1. "ginmar, So am I allow to say If [wo]men don't want to have children they should use BC or is there a double standard.
    And how do you defend this."

    Why wouldn't you want this comment deleted?
    The brackets indicate you asked if gay men should use birth control to avoid getting pregnant and is it a double standard if they don't.

    Even on a blog which has never before deleted a comment and never will in future, they would probably make an exception for this.

    The only surprising thing is why you would want it preserved as something attributable to you.

  2. I bracket indicates what I added to show that I changed men to women to point out the double standard.
    I did not know it is code for gay men on the fem-blogs.
    I believe she deleted the comment to get rid of the link that does not conform to the feminist narrative.
