Video: Anderson Cooper’s moment of shame — extended edition!
Reasoned Discoursetm in Astroturf
CNN Blows the YouTube Debate
Stem-cell research breakthroughs: How soon will it take before the secular left shifts their “pro-science” arguments?
See, We Told You So
The "New Holocaust" in Iraq: Alternet's alternate reality
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Links of the Day
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Links of the Day
Is Chivalry Dead in Hollywood? MSNBC Makes Fun of a Gentleman
Quotes from the Governor
Daddy Nobucks: When Involuntary Fathers Are Forced to Foot The Bill
Quotes from the Governor
FBI appalled at CIA veterans's defense of agent Nada Nadim Prouty's lies
CBS News Writers To Go On Strike
U.N. Overstated H.I.V. Cases by Millions
More breakthroughs in stem cell research
Pry my what from my cold dead hands?
New Orleans is a Whole Lot More Dysfunctional Than You Would Think
Laura Ingraham pwns some Commie chick
Blind Envy
Saudi Justice Ministry Defends Punishment of Rape Victim
Willie Horton II
A CIA Dupe Falls For Bin Laden’s BS
Property right wrongly taken
NO Attorneys Get $3.4M For Discrimination
NYT Hopes For SCOTUS Gun Grab
Embryonic Stem Cell Lies Continue
Wesley's folly
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Links of the Day
Olbermann Hits Bozell as "Worst" for Suspecting Hillary in Filegate
So Now, If You Defend Yourself, It’s “Racist”
Drinking, charities and state-funded corruption
Structure Magazine helpfully explains how fire can melt steel
John Kerry: Not So Swift
Hypocritical Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
NAACP Arithmetic 101: Criminal = Victim
Boston cops to search for guns in homes without warrants
L.A. Times Flubs Facts of Jena 6 Case
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Links of the Day
The Heirs of J. Edgar Hoover
"This woman claims to be a champion for women, a women's advocate, a feminist, but look what she has done to me. Look what she has done."
"Women Don't Lie"
Realistic War Simulation
Without the Camera? Jail Time
Academia's Pervasive PC Rot
Sauce for the goose?
Still More NAACP Hypocrisy
Ah, Blessed Academia!
WaPo admits that gun control doesn’t work
A word to Islamofascists
CBS: Everybody plants questions
Video: Former Crackhead Marion Barry Gets Mad When Called ‘Crack Addict’
Variety Claims Rush Limbaugh Is Fueling Anger Behind Writers Strike
So Very Tired
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Links of the Night with Amanda Marcotte bashing goodness.
Newshounds' Billy Liar Strikes Again!
Is the Sac Bee really this clueless?
Jena Six Lynched By Good Taste, Humility
Lomborg addresses some of the Goracle’s more outlandish claims
Rich nations must pay for "fixing" global warming problem
Amanda Visits The Land Of Unintentional Irony...
My Liberalism Says You're Guilty of Rape
Meet John Edwards's new blogger-in-chief
You know what I miss?
Friday, November 09, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Links of the Day
John Coleman: AGW is a scam
Bill Clinton lies about Max Cleland ad (again)
Homeless vets scare
Brainwashing 101 and the Education STASI
"It is the Greatest Scam in History"
Study: More Homeless Vets Than Homeless
Sleeping Man Tasered in His Own Home
John Kerry is Ready for the Swift Boat Vets
The problem is school
Rosie lied, her MSNBC show died
There Are Like a Billion Things Wrong With This Commercial
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Links of the Day
Kerry Bringing It On!
CNN “Assault Weapons” Article Full of Distortion
How feminism kills sex
Kerry: Finally ready to answer SBVFT
Impeachment: well that went well, didn’t it?
Brainwashing 101
There is simply no explanation for Chris Matthews anymore
Eat more, live longer?
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Amanda Marcotte's Duke rape case analysis
Good for you Lindsay Beyerstein
Of course, Amanda does not censors people just for disagreeing with her. She censors them for proving her wrong.
Echo chambers
"The problem with the Duke rape case is not that Amanda was completely wrong and refuses to admit it. The problem is that people keep pointing it out to her. Poor Amanda!
How many of her loyal readers are asking her to issue a mea culpa? An honest poster would just come out and say "I screwed up" and a diverse audience would continuously ask them to do just that. But in Amanda's world the people who do crazy things like ask that we wait for evidence and a trial are the KKK. Point out that jumping the gun and breaking out the pitchforks based on nothing is poor form? You're a troll. Point out that Amanda was wrong from the start? You're a troll.
It is fundamentally dishonest and cowardly to make a colossal error, continue on as if nothing had happened, then blame the people who point out your error rather then yourself for making it.
Aeroman, I haven't hit a single bump. A) The claims that I was "covering" the Duke rape case were made up by people who are single-mindedly obsessed with making sure that the white supremacist patriarchy won this round, regardless of the truth, and B) I haven't deviated one iota from my thought that the prosecution fumbled the ball, probably because they foolishly forgot that they would be facing an extremely well-funded defense while prosecuting a rape where the victim is assumed to be "rapeable", in the sense that she deserves what happened and has no right to justice. I haven't deviated from that one iota.That's funny, I would think that deleting the entire content of a post because it humiliated you and your employer would count as deviating at least an iota from one's position.
If people were banned for calling others names Amanda would be the first to go.I love her analysis of the Duke rape case. She knows essentially nothing about the case or the evidence, yet she somehow magically knows that a good case could be built.
This is of course contrary to the views of basically every legal person who *does* know about the particulars of the case. This is contrary to the fact that there is no evidence at all and plenty of evidence that the accuser was lying. Her story was contradicted by the other stripper and by a cab driver.
How exactly does Amanda *know* that a good case could have been built? Does she work weekends at CSI? What pray tell does a solid case look like here?
Yet another example of Amanda and Chris knowing the unknowable. I would love to hear Amanda explain how she knows the Duke players are guilty. Because they are white men? Because nobody ever lies about being the victim of a crime?
And then she has the audacity of accusing *other* people of crusading regardless of the truth!
Her rationalizations are so flimsy. The prosecutor simply "forgot" that he needed to build a proper case!
She has absolutely ruled out the possibility of their innocence from the start. That is the mark of an unreasonable person.
*This* is the problem with echo chambers. The general public would consider Amanda's views on this issue something of a joke. Amanda clings to the notion that the players are guilty because it fits her agenda and confirms her world view. Not because of any evidence, not because she is a crusader for justice or a legal expert. Not because of the particulars of the case. In her mind they are guilty just because that is convenient for her.
In a diverse forum people would rightly jump all over Amanda and point out how obtuse and stubborn she is being. Instead she is encouraged to see conspiracy everywhere. Her perspective is warped beyond belief. Again, she literally cannot conceptualize that innocence is even a possibility here.
Maybe, just maybe, it isn't that the prosecutor forgot how to prosecute or that the victim was "rapeable." Maybe it isn't a conspiracy of money and white supremacist sexists. Isn't it at least *possible* that they really are innocent?
Apparently not.
When I first heard about this I assumed they were guilty. Most people accused of major crimes are. But false accusations happen. If you can't grant that then you an extremist of the highest order.
Echo chambers breed this sort of irrational extremist."
Links of the Day
My increasing support of waterboarding
Prof Cole tries to "save" US diplomats
Democrats: Applying Our Fairness Doctrine To PBS Would Be Unfair
Another fake “hate” incident at GWU
Clinton, civil wars and cowboy diplomacy
A "Who's Who" of Ignorance in the Intelligence Community
Hasbro’s Clintonian G.I. Joe Damage Control
Russert: A Fair and Balanced Lying Liberal “Journalist”
Schwarzenegger Vetoes Justice
Kerry says he has the goods on those eeevil Swift Boaters
Is Pornography a Catalyst of Sexual Violence?
The great biofuel hoax - and the evil resulting
Monday, November 05, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Links of the Day
Juan Cole Starts A Campaign And Beclowns Himself In The Process*
U of Del Quote Was From La Raza?
Nobel winner who is part of the IPCC rejects his part of the Nobel Peace prize
8 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were registered to vote
Playing The "Chick" card
Malignant Rumor
When Push Comes to Shove; Reporter’s Account Unravels in Court
This Week's Amanda Sentence...
Ah, The Sweet Return Of Clintonian Parsing
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Links of the Day
Cole Post Shifts
Name That Party In Nawlins
Co-Recipient Of Gore’s Nobel Prize Refuses To Accept It
Code Pink Learns from Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week’s Slanderers
AP Poll: 67% Want Schools To Give Birth Control
Now I'm Going To Get Ugly
Former Resident Assistant Bears Witness To The University Of Delaware’s Indoctrination Program
More Heartache for the Hurricane-Hawk Hippies
Yes, Matthew, that’s how it works
Hillary’s Various Lies About Her Library Papers
Unprecedented Wisdom at HuffPo