Holding Biden To The Barney Frank Standard
The Top Seven Techniques Liberals Use to Lie About Conservatives
“It was a game changer”
Freeman Dyson: Climate Change Heretic
More Mexican Gun Lies
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Links of the Day
Monday, March 30, 2009
Links of the Day
"Did Socialized Medicine Kill Natasha Richardson?"
What Kind of Fool is Matt Yglesias?
You know, we’re just too hard on rapists these days
New Revelations In Case of Olbermann v. Twitter
In Which Leon Lott Offers to Send His SWAT Team to Delaware
Al Gore snubs Earth Hour
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Links of the Day
Freeman Dyson: speaking out on “global warming”
Pennsylvania police learn “expensive lesson” in Constitutional rights
The Ongoing Corruption Of Language
Paranoid Style for Thee But Not For Me
Galactic Cosmic Rays May Be Responsible For The Antarctic Ozone Hole
Funniest Keith Olbermann Thing You'll Read Today
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Links of the Day
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Links of the Day
O'Reilly Blasts "Evil" Far Left Blogs For Attacking Rape Victim Alexa Branchini
House Passes Hitler Youth Bill
A presidential plug for Orion
How Mexican Gun Control Works
Left-wing Blogs Upset Over Questioning By O'Reilly Producer
Why can't we decline Medicare benefits?
Frank Talk About Compensation
Maxine Waters brings the crazy
Strip-searching teenage girls in school?
More Groups Calling for Gun Bans because of Mexico
Monday, March 23, 2009
Links of the Day
From Burch to the Bohemian Lubiano
The A word
Our foolish president
I Was Followed, Harassed, And Ambushed By Bill O’Reilly’s Producer
Andrew Sullivan: LEAVE OBAMA ALONE!!!
Elections Have Consequences*...EPA Set To Regulate Just About Everything In The Name Of So-Called "Global Warming"
Hells No....Arlen Specter Wants To Change PA Primary Rules To Save His RINO Ass
Friday, March 20, 2009
Links of the Day
Repeat, Rinse, Pout
The Teen Rape Double Standard
Bawney Fwank Goes After Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Bonuses
Lithwick’s Tizzy
Let's start off with xkcd's lesson in how numbers lie.
Man to Pay Child Support for the Rest of His Life--for a Child Who Isn't His
WH Press Secretary Gibbs Sets New Record for Stuttering As He Spins Answer on Geithner
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Links of the Day
AIG execs demand Senators "resign or commit suicide"
The Uninvited
Anti-Palestinian Fliers Lead to Calls for Police Investigation; Police Say The Fliers Are Free Speech:
Palinphobes and the audacity of type
Wendy Murphy, Esq.
Myth squared
Two Phoenix PP clinics cover up statutory rape
Hey, guess who else has an executive retention bonus plan?
The Democrats Weren’t Incensed When Fannie And Freddie Were Paying Out Bonuses
Attempting to Defend the JournoList Cont'd
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Links of the Day
Bill Moyers' Memory
South Florida model jailed overnight for videotaping police officers
PJ O’Rourke Pulls Not a Punch
Do America’s Inner Cities Need a “Surge?”
Breitbart breaks the code
Jon Stewart's Inside Connections
Politico: The secret liberal journalist cabal
The Left-Wing Conspiracy: More On The Transparency Hypocrites
Vast Left Wing Conspiracy Confirmed
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Links of the Day
Shut Up, She Explained
AHSA Trying to Rewrite Their Past
L.A. Times: We Didn’t Cover the John and Ken Rally Because Those Guys Are Idiots Rallies of 15,000 People Aren’t Newsworthy. Oh REALLY?!
Good question
"The film only glancingly mentions that Milk was a Republican..."
Is Obama Politicizing Science? Um, Yes
Flashback: Minutes before 9/11 attacks, Carville said he hoped Bush wouldn’t succeed
Jessica Valenti Getting Hitched
Central Pillar Of Global Warming Theory Collapses
Pelosi: ‘I never demanded a bigger plane’; Evidence: ‘Yes, she did’
Mourning the Death of Feminism
Stupid is as Stupid Does, TBogg
Now You Own It, Mr. President
Hollywood Obama suckup
Will Ferrell: Obama Thinks So Carefully, He "Too Politically Savvy" For Satire
WILL FERRELL AS PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH - "Hello, my fellow Americans. I have chosen to schedule this impromptu address at night because quite frankly every time I speak during the day, the Stock Market goes in the crapper.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Links of the Day
The Coming Crack Up
In Over His Head?
BigCityLib's sad (for him) yet highly lucrative (for yours truly) obsession with me now 0-3
The Untold Story: Radical Obama Also Rescinds Executive Order for Alternatives to ESCR
Obama Kills Stem-Cell Research - Unless It Kills Embryos, Of Course
Matt Hoy predicted a NY Times flip-flop on the correct use of the filibuster.
Yes We Can!
Rachel Maddow should take her own advice and “read the bill”
Chas Freeman's Saudi fable
Friday, March 06, 2009
Links of the Day
So Much for "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism"....
No Cajones, al-Gore?
Is Health Care a "Right"
Goracle Lashes Out at Critics-- Refuses to Debate Junk Science
Peter Robinson on the ObamaCons Disillusionment:
Moral bankruptcy
Wow, Olbermann appealing to Wendy Murphy. Good luck with that Keith.
She still believes that the accused in the Duke Rape hoax are guilty.
It Happened to Alexa, Support Group For Rape Victims, Stands Over O'Reilly Invite
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Links of the Day
Media Matters Lies About Coulter Line at CPAC
Nothing Personal, But I Hope You All Fail
The Center for American Progress Peddles Junk Science
The Liberaltarian Jackalope
Rush’s Riveting Radio Today
AHSA Distorts Again
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am in love with Peter Suderman, which is convenient, because we are dating
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Links of the Day
Whites Told to "Go Home" at Detroit City Council Meeting
Detroit City Council Is Blatantly, Unapologetically Racist
Santelli Responds to Team Obama Character Assination Attempt
Press Virtually Ignores Joe Biden’s ‘400 Jobs Lost a Day’ Louisiana Whopper
How Wrong Can One Be? Pundit Claimed Obama the 'Grown-up' Would Calm Markets
Pielke Jr’s take on an amazing “Conversation with a Climate Scientist”
The Power of Myth
Dirt-Digging We Can Believe In
Louisiana Capital Post-Conviction Project Lawyer Trying To Suppress Blog Commentary About Case:
Monday, March 02, 2009
Links of the Day
WILL FERRELL AS PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH - "Hello, my fellow Americans. I have chosen to schedule this impromptu address at night because quite frankly every time I speak during the day, the Stock Market goes in the crapper.
Looks like Obama has the same gift, any chance SNL will make the same joke about him?
A Difficult Task
Wonderful Stem Cell News
Playboy dips a toe into investigative journalism
Attention, Eric Holder: Let’s talk about the bigots in Detroit
Why The Surprise That Limbaugh Wants Obama To Fail?
VIDEO PROOF the Left Is Lying About Bobby Jindal
Why "Gun Nuts" Oppose Registration Lists
TPM Steps in a Steaming Pile of TPM
Liberals “Try” To Smear Bobby Jindal, Fail Badly
Can they please shut up about Bobby Jindal now??
Loving the Right Kind of Brown People
From Radley Balko
Businessman Tells City Bureaucrats To Go Fuck Themselves; Offers To Sell Them the Means To Do So
In Baltimore, No One Left to Press the Police