Monday, March 02, 2009

Links of the Day

I saw a rerun of SNL with Will Farrell as George W. Bush.
WILL FERRELL AS PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH - "Hello, my fellow Americans. I have chosen to schedule this impromptu address at night because quite frankly every time I speak during the day, the Stock Market goes in the crapper.

Looks like Obama has the same gift, any chance SNL will make the same joke about him?

A Difficult Task
Wonderful Stem Cell News
Playboy dips a toe into investigative journalism
Attention, Eric Holder: Let’s talk about the bigots in Detroit
Why The Surprise That Limbaugh Wants Obama To Fail?
VIDEO PROOF the Left Is Lying About Bobby Jindal
Why "Gun Nuts" Oppose Registration Lists
TPM Steps in a Steaming Pile of TPM
Liberals “Try” To Smear Bobby Jindal, Fail Badly
Can they please shut up about Bobby Jindal now??
Loving the Right Kind of Brown People

From Radley Balko
Businessman Tells City Bureaucrats To Go Fuck Themselves; Offers To Sell Them the Means To Do So
In Baltimore, No One Left to Press the Police

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