America's Moral Panic Over Obesity
Are Birthers Nuts?
No, Fat People Won't Pay for Health Care Reform
Liberals: Glenn Beck’s dissent is un-American
The lengths Politifact will go to
The Gay Marriage Slippery Slope Is Back
Ezra Klein: Losing Credibility as Fast as Obama Loses Public’s Approval
Thining Thin
Suborned in the U.S.A.
MSNBC: Matthews: Gates “didn’t say ‘your momma’” — “Irish-American cop” was merely “projecting”
Please Go There
Obama's birth debate: It's about loyalty
D.C. lawyer arrested for expressing contempt towards police
Racism and Crying Wolf
Paul Krugman’s Health Care Fantasies
Who will betray the libertarians for Palin?
Birthers Versus True Believers
Friday, July 31, 2009
Links of the Day
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Links of the Day
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Links of the Day
From the “Armed Citizen” Category
High-Maintenance Much?
Josh Marshall: I Have No Idea About The Birther Issue Facts, But, I Know I Don’t Like It
The First Amendment and Insulting Cops
Noted Trig Birther Upset Over Anti-Birther Bill Block
Met Office / Hadley CRU discovers the mole
BREAKING NEWS!!!! Shocking proof that Obama was not born in Hawaii
Never Take Girl Advice From A Beta Or A Gay Man
Send Better Rebuttals (Ongoing...)
Frum: History Began When I Decided to Remake Conservatism in My Image
National Review blows it
Slublog: David Frum Don't Know Much About History
Andrew Sullivan is Right
A Man's Home Is His Constitutional Castle
Monday, July 27, 2009
Links of the Day
Sports Misogyny and the Court of Public Opinon
On the Birther Controversy
Why I welcome Khurrum Awan's legal threats
Shorter Marshall - The Birthers Are Ridiculous Even Though I Know None Of The Facts
Bush Hid Ice Images From People Who Can't Use Google
“Brithers” Touching a Nerve? You’ve Got To Wonder Why They’re So Touchy About Obama’s Origin of Birth
Just Another Smear Campaign: Palin’s Ethics Investigator Has Very Close Ties To The Democratic Party
Fast Eddie Rendell Linked With Spitzer's Call Girl?
Why I welcome Khurrum Awan's legal threats
Dear Rahm: You Break It — You Buy It
Gates 911 Tape Released - Dispatch Tape Also
The Henry Louis Gates "Teaching Moment"
Wait, Did I Miss The Republicans Re-taking Congress? And Bill Kristol Is Now Speaker?
NY Times Bashes Birthers & Blames Limbaugh, But Gave 9-11 Truthers Respect
CSI Myths: The Shaky Science Behind Forensics
Contempt for one's neighbors and constituents
Sports culture, rape, and why it’s not about being hard up
Friday, July 24, 2009
Links of the Day
George Bush Gave Your Daughter Syphilis
Climate Science: follow the money
Maddow Offers 'Corrections' of Buchanan's Remarks on Race - And Misquotes Him
Response from Senator Murray
Forget Blame, Let's Just Disarm the Minority
Look At What Non-Embryonic Stem Cells Are Doing
Radley Balko on a Chicago Alderman's Attacks on Property Rights and Free Speech
Can’t Paul Krugman Admit When He’s Wrong?
Klein vs. Yglesias--Who Wins the Blog-Off?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Links of the Day
"The Commission Felt It Was Neccesary."
The Unbearable Lightness of Ezra Klein (and Jon Chait)
Peggy Noonan: Sarah Palin Jealous
How Not to Argue
Holdren's Controversial Population Control Past
Sotomayor Reverses Herself on Use of Foreign Law
Addled Critics Unable to Form Logical Opposition to Thune's Concealed Carry Reciprocity Amendment
Obesity Levels Off; Complacency Threatens to Reach Alarming Levels
A Note to Jake Tapper and His Other Media Compatriots
Shepard's killers say it WASN'T a hate crime.
The Transitive Property of Marginalization, and the Unconscious Statism of Pundits Who Like Presidents
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Links of the Day
Surveillance video once again shines light on Philadelphia PD corruption
County settles for undisclosed amount in case of woman stripped naked
Palin blows off the press
Government as kidnapper
Obama's Useful Idiot Conference Call
Mike Castle Encounters the Birthers
Obama's Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions
Islamists Skirting Religious Law While Pretending to Champion It
Feminist angst: a bill requiring that the biological father approves an abortion raises feminist ire
Monday, July 20, 2009
Links of the Day
Store video catches cop bullying woman
Islam: Virgin Girls Must be Raped Before They Can be Executed
Obamacare: The Screeching of the Nutroots
Cronkite Dies & Liberal Love-In Commences
Only 8% of Mexican Guns Come From US Not 90%
Phony Soldier Alert: Dem Rep Says He Served in Afghanistan-- He Didn't
Joe Trippi: Professional Sock Puppet Fesses Up
Whoops! Lesbian 'Person of the Year' in Gay Press Goes Straight With Baby
Almost Under the Radar: FBI Agent Arrested After Guns He Sold Were Tied to Mexican Cartels
Joe Sestak, Gun Hater Extraordinaire, Pokes Specter
Friday, July 17, 2009
Links of the Day
Media Bias, Part LCCXXXIII
David Axelrod's Obamaification of poor Sonia Sotomayor
Wonks Will Kill Health Care Yet
The Assassins Debate Why Seymour Hersh is still wrong about Cheney's hit squad
Drivers Who Use GPS to Avoid Ticket-Camera Speed Traps Are "Cowardly," Says DC Police Chief
Distrust of Private Medicine
IPCC lead author on Global Warming conclusions: “we’re not scientifically there yet.”
This Week In F—k You: JOE KLEIN
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Links of the Day
Alinsky Perfected Pt V: Another complaint bites the dust…
Bias you can BET on
Albert -- the Not-So Great -- Gore
The amazing transformation of Sonia Sotomayor
Man jailed for not supporting someone else's child
Of bad models and nonscience
Peter Singer Doesn’t Care if You Die
Because it's in the Child's Best Interest That Some Mostly Random Homeless Dude Stays in Jail
Scientists Say Climate Models “Fundamentally Wrong”
Rationing Health Care
"Description misrepresented as endorsement": Bludgeoning Obama's science advisor with a 1977 textbook
Two Generals Joined Cook Case On Obama Citizenship... Just Before It Was Dismissed.
A Modest Proposal, 2009 Edition
The moral obligation to pirate movies
New White House spin: Stimulus not designed to … stimulate
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Links of the Day
Honest senator
Fact Check Fact Check
Sotomayor Threw O'Connor Under The Bus
Asking the Obvious
Jan Crawford Greenburg on Pat Leahy’s Lies About Miguel Estrada
AP: Pat Leahy got Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” remarks wrong
What We Have Here Is a Failure to Communicate, Apparently
The War Against Crime: Explaining Police Misconduct
Trumping the Race Card
White House, John Holdren's office both issue statements on Ecoscience controversy
The Get-Out-Of-War Free card
“There appears to be something fundamentally wrong with the way temperature and carbon are linked in climate models.”
Massachusetts: please nominate someone else in 2014
Sotomayor Quote of the Day
Blue Falcon alert?
Ezra Klein: Is He the Smartest Kid on the Short Bus?
Stem cell research is obsolete
Science Fiction 'Czar' The disturbing intellectual record of Obama's science czar
Al Gore blows more hot air
The Left's Misogyny Spins Out Of Control
Sotomayor Grilled, Sotomayor Flip-Flops, Sotomayor Uncut….Why She Is Unqualified To Be On The SCOTUS Bench
Fat of the Land
Admission Against Interest
Shocker: "Global Warming: Scientists' Best Predictions May Be Wrong"
Obama Officials Threaten to Cut Funding to Arizona in Response to Criticism From Arizona Senator
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Links of the Day
I Still Hate You, Sarah Palin
In which I praise Glenn Greenwald
POLITICS: Sarah Palin and the Scum of the Earth
Running Scared: Gore Ducks Australian Globwarm Skeptic
Nearly all my professors are Democrats. Isn't that a problem?
Sotomayor's Nose Grows Longer
Cuz you know you can trust Ted Bundy
It’s Not Fair to Judge Obama Administration By Earlier Rosy Projections for Job Growth?
Sotomayor, Senate Hearings, and Truth
Monday, July 13, 2009
Links of the Day
Zombietime: Obama "science czar" is a totalitarian crank
Feminists continue to whine about chivalry
There are some things a weasel or a snake wouldn't do....
Biggest Con In History
2 Iranian Women Arrested For Converting to Christianity-- Face Execution
Kooks to the Left of Me... Kooks to the Far Left of Me
If You Like Putting Sterilants in Our Water and Forcing “Undesirables” to Have Abortions, Have We Got a Science Czar for You
Mirror Time: How Many Black Kids Are Swimming in Any of Our Pools?
How To Quickly End An Argument With A Global Warming Zealot
Ride The High Horse
Ezra Klein, Concern Troll
Frank Ricci Is No Anita Hill
Cheney Ordered CIA Concealment
“Catholics for Kerry” Founder Pleads Guilty: Internet Pimp
Oh Pat, you just don't understand
When You Lie Down with Weasels, You Wake a Loser
What's the real reason?
Carl Cannon: A Liberal Press Savaged Palin Unfairly
Obama Rewrites the Cold War
Friday, July 10, 2009
Links of the Day
Scientists Versus The Great Unwashed
Long-Time White House Reporter: On Saral Palin, We “Took Sides”
Wherein Kevin Drum Discovers Different Individuals Have Different Preferences
So When Did Democrats Adopt the No-Fly List?
Absolute moral depravity pt. 2
Fear of Rationing: Obama Asked For It
Long-Time White House Reporter: On Sarah Palin, We “Took Sides”
Hansen unhinged on G-8 failure – “Waxman-Markey bill, a monstrous absurdity”
Because “Nanny Nanny Boo Boo” Was Too Much Legalese?
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet
False Flag Operation on Sotomayor
Missouri Men Now Have the Right to Genetic Testing in Paternity Cases
On the Gaffney Killer
SEIU's Chavista Legal Team Cribs from Obama, Threatens Broadcasters
Matt Taibbi Gets His Sarah Palin On
Audacity!... Committed Abortion and Infanticide Supporter Tells Pope He Wants to Reduce Abortions
Rogue? Palin's "Pals Around with Terrorist" Attack Delivered Almost Verbatim From McCain Playbook
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Links of the Day
I'm a Gun Owner but....
Wherein Kevin Drum Discovers Different Individuals Have Different Preferences
Plum Line And TPM: Still Plum Dumb Over Palin
Obamacare’s “public plan” is built on a Medicare myth
What did Ginsburg think Roe would do?
Obama caves to Iran on captured Quds forces in Iraq
Back in the U.S.S.R.
The Left's Unethical Abuse Of The Blog Format
Dear Obama: Why Would You Lie About Where You Met Your Wife?
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Links of the Day
Quote of the Day Andrew Sullivan
S.C. Sniper: Why Was He On the Street?
Fisking Al Gore
SEIU Won’t Allow Card Check for Union Organizing At Least When A Rival Union Tries It
90% Canard Debunked by GAO
Why Does Obama Lie Unnecessarily?
Waxman Questions GOP’s Patriotism
The end of the libertarian Democrats
Shreveport Citizens Disarmed By Police For 2nd Amendment Bumper Stickers
Stimulus fizzle has Democrats worried
Gore: If You Don't Believe in Global Warming, You're a Nazi
Absolute moral depravity
Regarding the ATF Story by the Houston Chronicle
When women suffer
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Links of the Day
EDITORIAL: Return of the Black Panther
Moronic Former VP: Fighting Mythical Climate Change Just Like Fighting the Nazis
"Shut Your Mouth" To Save The Planet
Sullivan Has Truly Lost It Over Palin
Robert McNamara Dies
Obama Tells Yet Another ‘White Lie’
Gore and Nazis
Shannyn Moore: Sarah Palin’s Not-So-Grand Inquisitor
Question of the Day
Why Can’t My Team Do Whatever It Wants!?
Monday, July 06, 2009
Links of the Day
Neda Was Christian!
Max Blumenthal, Self-Hating Israel-Basher, Dishes 'Scandal' Smear Over Palin Resignation
Meghan McCain idiocy of the day
Combine Richard Nixon's Sense of Spontineity with Jimmy Carter's Steely Resolve and George W. Bush's Acuity of Mind and What Do You Get?
The Supposedly Liberal Doods Are STILL Odiously Hypersexualizing Sarah Palin
It's On!... Palin's Legal Counsel Threatens to Sue Liberal Blogs & State-Run Media For Slander
Christina Hoff Sommers Rips Academic Feminists
Is Palin A Quitter or Climber?
Latest “MoDo” Column: Plagiarizer’s Source Getting Even More Vapid
Tom Boggioni Celebrates Palin Announcement in the Usual Way: By Mocking Palin’s Children
Ezra Klein: Better to Subsidize Big Media Than Let Them Experiment
Reports: Palin Resigned Because Of Legal Bills
Duke’s homosexual rape case elicits silence
Friggin' Mind Just Reset Again
Most ludicrous Sarah Palin reaction
Joe Biden’s Wacky, Mixed-Up Economic Stimulus Fantasy Land
Pielke Sr. responds to NCDC’s “Talking Points” about
The Elite “Feminist” Attack Machine
With the Quote of the Day
it has not escaped my attention that many of the things Palin is accused of, falsely, are actually true of Obama. This is a guy who, as a U.S. senator from Illinois, didn’t even know which Senate committees he was on or which states bordered his own. (And don’t even get me started on Joe “The Talking Donkey” Biden, who thinks FDR was president during the stock market crash and that people watched TV in those days.) I’m not saying Obama’s a moron, but he’s sure as hell no genius. People say Sarah Palin rambles; excuse me, but have you actually heard Obama speak extemporaneously? As for being a diva, surely we all remember the Possomus sign and the special embroidered pillow on the Obama campaign plane. The fact is, Obama is an intellectually mediocre narcissist with a thin resume who’s lost without a teleprompter and whose entire campaign had all the substance and gravity of a Pepsi commercial. Yet people say Sarah Palin is a fluffy bunny diva.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Links of the Day
Why They Hate Her, The Angelina Jolie of Politics
No Legitimacy
Today's Fun Progressive Fact: Afghanistan Doesn't Exist!
Iranian Regime Totally Making Up Crap Now... Interpol Investigation a Lie
Busting Medicare’s “Low Overhead Advantage” Myth
Now It’s SF Chron Using False ‘90% of Mexican Guns From US’ Line
David Neiwert still has not corrected his use of the 90% Lie.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Links of the Day
Lakoff’s unexpected triumph
When He's Violent to Her, It's a Felony, When She Stabs Him, It's a Mental Health Issue
Kos warns Reid: With 60 votes, you have no more excuses
Neda Never Strapped On A Bomb
Psst...Don't Tell Andrew Sullivan Our Secret
Speaker of the California Assembly hates free speech
Ezra Klein Takes On Ed Morrissey…and Digs Himself In Deeper
Democrats Now Own It All Now That Franken Has Stolen The Election
Obama's Top Five Health Care Lies
What Would Gaia Think?
Who's the Palin Leaker from the McCain Campaign?
"Orchestrated" When Bush Did It