Ah, the smell of misandry in the morning
SNARKERTAINMENT IS US! We were enraged by what Palin had said–until we clicked the link
Was Our Skepticism of Kos/R2000 Polls Justified? Every Bit, and Then Some!
I Hope Kos' Book Hasn't Gone to the Printer
The Cockroaches Scatter
Markos Bets The Ranch
“Screw ‘em” Moulitsas gets screwed
“Eat Shit and Die, ‘Blue Commie Texan’”
Sullivan Consistency Watch
Hatch Questions Kagan on Partial Birth Abortion Memo
Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Andrew Sullivan
Gibbs Removes Any Shred Of Doubt That He Is A Propaganda Tool
Andrew Sullivan Vs. The Truth
Elena Kagan: Well, That Looks Like My Handwriting On That Memo, But Gee I Don't Know What You're Talking About
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Links of the Day
Monday, June 28, 2010
Links of the Day - Dave Weigel editon
Recalling Dave Weigel’s Privacy Standard
Two Journalists In One!
Julian Sanchez’ Metaphysical Anti-Realism
The overlooked story from the Weigel kerfuffle
Widely Unremarked In The Weigel Debacle...
Jeffrey Goldberg says "I've been leaked postings from JournoList before — wonderfully charming things written about me..."
The mysterious ways of the mainstream media
With Weigel Exposed, To Whom Will Media Matters Turn For a ‘Conservative’ Source?
Pundit theory vs. activist practice, ACORN edition.
"Why I Denied David Frum’s Website A Spot In The Blogads Conservative Hive."
Throwing a bit of ice on some AGW claims
Peer Review is No Panacea
An Invitation for Glenn Greenwald
Friday, June 25, 2010
Links of the Day
I'm Beginning to Believe This Obama Fellow Is Unequal to the Task
Nestle Barge to Ply the Amazon, Bringing Ice Cream and Rage
An apology to my readers
Full Frontal Stalinism: Deciding Who Counts as a Feminist
Salt of the Earth: One Size Fits None
From the Journ-O-List to the Ignore List
JournoList is a Progressive PR Firm: Leak the Rest
JournoList ‘gone.’
Salt of the Earth: One Size Fits None
Hank Johnson: We need to pass the DISCLOSE Act to stop Republicans from winning elections
Dave Wiegel: Hey, I'm Sorry That I, The "Right Wing Blogosphere Correspondent" At the Washington Post, Get Most Of My Spin From the Left-Wing Journolist
WaPo's Dextrosphere Reporter Has Highly Nuanced Take On Conservatives
Oh, Dear: Ezra Klein Now Shutting Down JournoList
Why is the Media claiming November won’t be as bad for Democrats as expected (and that Obama’s a lock for re-election in 2012)?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Links of the Day
Obama's phony reverence for science
Chris Matthews’ ‘The Rise of The New Right’: Deceptions and Delusions
Don't Throw Us into That Breyer Patch!
Busted. Slimy Alan Grayson Caught Running Fake Tea Party Candidate
Mika Brzezinski: I’m working with the White House on oil spill talking points
Yet Who Would Have Thought The Old Dog To Have So Much Blood In Him?
Snopes Exposed
None dare call it treason
Friday, June 18, 2010
Links of the Day
Crooks and Liars whines about Tea Party boycotting MSNBC after cheering Obama Regime's Boycott of Fox News.
Tea Time: Dick Armey Tells Candidates Not To Go On MSNBC
Krugman versus Krugman
One Last Time – Cleopatra Was Not Black
A Tale of Two Officers
Lesbian Mothers Think Their Children Are All Above Average
Blumenthal’s latest story unravels
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Links of the Day
Cry “The Policeman Has A Hard Job!” And Let Slip The Dogs Of “You Weren’t There! Who Are You To Second Guess?”
Have you no shame?
IPCC Disinformation
Sessions: Kagan discriminated against military, sat silent for Saudi gift
The End Of Beta Providers
Correction Sought
Sad News: With Hurt Feelings, Olbermann Ankles ‘Daily Kos’
Olbermann takes his ball and goes home
Keith Olbermann Quits Daily Kos
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Links of the Day
John Amato changes Crooks and Liars narrative on Etheridge's attack on the "student" from defending it
Democratic Congressman fights back against conservative student ambush
to condemning it
Blue Dog Etheridge gets Physical
Did Jack McConnell Lie About ACORN During His Confirmation Hearing?
Brady Campaign Against DISCLOSE
Tonya Craft Declares War on Her Accusers
The latest "crisis" speech
Presidential Pressers: Which Picture Significantly Differs from the Others?
ACORN Demanded And Won Changes To Preliminary ACORN Report That Whitewashes Wrongdoing
Banished by the FBI
Why Obama's EPA Turned Down the Dutch Offer to Help
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Links of the Day
Obama's Science Czar on His Past Work: ‘If You Read It and You Have a Problem, You’re Misreading It’
Chris Matthews: Etheridge 'Ambushed By Activists' 'Ginning Up A Skirmish'
DNC Orders Blogs to Flak for “Kung-Fu Grip” Etheridge
Rachel Maddow lies about NRA
PolitiFact Confirms NewsBusters Claim Donna Brazile Misrepresented Oil Pollution Act
To Applebaum: Katrina Wasn’t Bush’s Katrina Either
'Hunter-Killer Teams' and the Etheridge Video
Monday, June 14, 2010
Links of the Day
Dems gone wild! [With updates, because Bob Etheridge might be the victim or something]
Don't You Go Calling Obama an "ex-state senator," Hater!
When Congressmen Attack
There is no birth certificate
Lesbian Eugenics Questioned
Smoking Gun Evidence Palin Did Not Have Boob Job
Annals of Hoocoodanode
"There's No Transparency, and I Find that Inexcusable"
About That Climate Change Consensus …
Hating the Ideology, Not the Methodology
Etheridge on the assault: I’d had a long day, but that’s no excuse
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Links of the Day
Levelling the Playing Field Against Fringey McMoneypants
New Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Reveal Deliberate Election fraud By ACORN
Sarah Palin's breasts
Is the MFM Really Afraid of Political Violence From the Right, Or Is It Just Another Negative Political Attack?
New Democratic Immigration Plan: Lie About What They Want
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Monday, June 07, 2010
Progressive / Media Matters excuses/Talking points for defending Helen Thomas Jews Back To Germany/Poland quote.
Out of Context.
Ambush interview.
Edited video.
She mentioned the [Israelis/Illegals in Palestine] “can go to America. And everywhere else..”
The Reich Wing wingnuts are hypocrites.
Reich Wing wingnuts are attacking and mocking the appearance and age of a poor 90 year old woman.
Patrick Buchanan denies the Holocaust and defends Hitler.
Links of the Day
The Helen Thomas 'Scandal'
Bill Maher Loses Religion-Bashing Battle With S.E. Cupp and History’s Inconvenient Truths
Max Blumenthal- Juicebox Mafia calling who liars?
Max Blumenthal Swings Big at IDF, Misses Bigger
Reader Asks the Truth About the 2% False Rape Claim
The 10 Biggest Dicks of the Leftist Media
Friday, June 04, 2010
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Links of the Day
From the Fact Check Desk: Did Reagan Offer a Senator a Job If He Agreed to Not Run for Re-election in 1982?
Backlash Against the Anthony Graber Arrest
He looked guilty, your Honor
This Will Surely Get Me Booted from the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy
Do police have a legitimate expectation of privacy in public performance of duty?
Media Matters Covers Up Obama Ties to Hamas Ally Jodie Evans
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Links of the Day
Let them fend for themselves
Bob Ward again
Andrew Sullivan Is Entitled To His Opinion, But Not To His Own Facts
Greenwald and Gaza
Gibbs On Sestak: I Know Our CYA Report Doesn't Actually Answer Your Questions But That's All You're Gonna Get
Eliot Spitzer Pwns Glenn Greenwald
Juicebox Mafia- Klein & Yglesisias clueless in China
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Links of the Day
Useful Idiots Condemn Israel
Le affair Sestak – in a nutshell
Maybe Pre-abortion Ultrasounds Are Emotionally Torturous For A Reason
Feminism: No Longer about Equality
In Spite of State Law, Maryland Law Enforcement Officials Still Arresting, Charging People for Recording Cops
The Officer Lied
Legal Stealing: Strategic Walkaways
Watergate Jr. Dies
Brad Friedman: Press Release Confirming Well-Known Fact That O’Keefe Intended to Do Undercover Sting Vindicates Me, Somehow (Alternate Post Title: Brad Friedman Is a Huge Liar)
Shocker: Court Destroyed Evidence That Landrieu's Phones Were Working Fine, Just As O'Keefe Endeavored to Establish
A Picture Worth a Thousand Words: Screenshots of the Government’s Admission That James O’Keefe Did Not Attempt to Tamper With Landrieu’s Phones
James O’Keefe Gives His Side
Feds Scrubbed Video from O’Keefe’s Phone Used in LA Caper
Court Document Reveals Government’s Admission That It Lacked Evidence O’Keefe, Others Intended to Commit Felony At Landrieu’s Office
O’Keefe’s Lawyer Speaks: ‘There’s Been Tremendous Misinformation Out There’
Destroyed by court order: The footage of a Landrieu staffer admitting the senator’s office had no problem with their phones