Five years later, no accountability for post-Katrina gun grab
Is A Man’s Home Still His Castle?
They work for us
“I” isn’t just a letter in “Iraq”
Matthews: I sure do hope Democrats win lots of races in November
Group Founded by Van Jones Claims FNC Lies, Proceeds to Lie About Fox, Tea Party
Hate Crime Downgraded To Drunk, Urinating Mexican In Mosque
Roger Ebert, Hypocrisy, and "the Big Lie"
Chris Matthews: I Hope Democrat Joe Sestak Wins In November
"The Next Timothy McVeigh" Was At Restoring Honor Rally
Bill Press: Talking about God not appropriate for “sacred” spot
I Guess it Depends on the Meaning of the Word "Soros"
Monday, August 30, 2010
Links of the Day
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Links of the Day
Rep. Carnahan Admits Staffer Was Suspect Behind Office Firebombing!
Destroying “the Iraq war caused the huge deficits” meme
Hacks and Non-Entities at Media Matters Used GMA Clip as Proof Glenn Beck ‘Liked’ Ground Zero Imam Also Used Same Clip in 2006 to Call Beck a Muslim Hater
Rank Tribalism And Justice
Maddow Mocks Gov. Christie's Math Skills Before Making Same Subtraction Error
Rachel Maddow Smugly Mocks Chris Christie For Math Mistake…Then Makes The Same Mistake
Texas School Wants Student To Stop Hitting Himself, Stop Hitting Himself, Stop Hitting Himself
Attacked Muslim cabbie opposed the Ground Zero Mosque
Another Failed Eliminationist Narrative
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Links of the Day
In Which "left-wing think tanks are nonpartisan watchdogs, but the free-market ones are part of some covert stealth nefarious plot"
James Cameron, Chickens**t
James Cameron backs out of debate with climate-change skeptics
Of course he’s an expert – he’s made a movie!
Emails Refute James Cameron's Reason for Cancelling Global Warming Debate
Alexandra Gutierrez from Slate Is a Total Idiot and Hack
Another act of Democrat vandalism falsely blamed on Tea Party
Figures… Carnahan Firebomber Caught On Tape Harassing Tea Party Patriots
Penny Arcade Turns Traitor: Says Used Game Purchasers “Pirates”
Junius Peake Runs to the Police Over Parody in Howling Pig, Deputy District Attorney Susan Knox Approves a Search Warrant For It
Monday, August 23, 2010
Links of the Day
Ground Zero Mosque May Be Near ‘Let’s Quit and Blame It on the Blogger Bigots’ Phase
Kevin Drum Is Still Repeating This Absurd Claim About Social Security
An Open Letter to Paul Krugman
Nearly Sequential Checks Threaten Airline Safety
6th Circuit Does The Unthinkable, Applies The Rule
Cop worship
Barney Frank Takes Credit for Cleaning Up His Own “Toxic” Mess
Correcting the gay defect
Did Tonya Craft's Trial Produce an "O.J. Verdict"?
L.A. Leftists Get the Code Pink Treatment at Jodie Evans’ Jerry Brown Fundraiser
Code Pink Leader Freaks Out After Protesters Crash Her Home Fundraiser For Jerry Brown
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Links of the Day
Harsanyi: Is it bigoted to criticize religion?
Speaker Pelosi, I confess
Pelosi wants an investigation into mosque foes
You might want to check that
Mediaite Should Discipline Tommy Christopher, Retract Post
Wild Prediction: 9th Circuit Panel Will Uphold Prop 8
Planned Parenthood in DC loses “No Trespassing” bluff
Screw Him
Obama says his father served in World War II
Pelosi doubles down: Yes, we should investigate the opponents of the Ground Zero mosque
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Links of the Day
After a summer of misleading attack ads, Dayton now wants Marquess de Queensbury rules
An Unanswerable, Five-Word Response to Judge Dredd's Claim that Prop. 8 Proponents Have No Standing to Appeal His Decision
Media Matters Even Stupider and Less Informed Than Usual
Perfect Timing: Media Matters Beclowns Itself Just as FDA's New Death Panel Begins Process of Denying Access to Breast Cancer Treatment
A Slap at a Judge’s Nutty ACORN Ruling
Cenk Suggests The 70% Of Americans Who Oppose Ground Zero Mosque Are 'Ignorant'
‘Objective’ Time Magazine Writer, Mark Halperin, Advises GOP To Avoid Low Hanging Fruit
POLITICS: Does Paul Krugman Understand Finance?
Monday, August 16, 2010
Links of the Day
A Constantinople Initiative?
Ho Boy: FDA May Rescind Approval Of Anti-Breast-Cancer Drug As Political Favor To Obama
It begins: FDA may pull Avastin approval over cost concerns
Tom DeLay Cleared, Democrat Smear Machine Hardest Hit
Tom DeLay: No Charges After 6-Year Probe
NYT posits that Dems will benefit, compared to 1994, by "lack of surprise" over voter discontent
Daily Kos: Exposing Our Dumbest Quotes Ensures There's 'No Meaningful Dialogue' of Right and Left
Brad Friedman’s Latest ACORN Falsehoods
Patterico Vindicated on the Constitutionality of Stripping ACORN of Funding
Wendy Murphy's Revival
Friday, August 13, 2010
Links of the Day
The Most Egregious Performance Ever by a Federal District Judge
Judge Lifts Stay: Gay Marriages Start Next Week
Racist’s Corner- The N Word
Femisogynists Shocked To Find That They’re Raising Slutty Daughters
NAACP Official Linked To Duke Rape Case Co-Organized Racist Rally
Harry Reid's Birthright Non-Apology Apology
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Links of the Day
Dirty Work If You Can Get It: Wading Into Americablog's Prior Service In the Employ of Obama, Inc.
Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher’s Failed Defense of the ‘N-Word’ Lie Dismantled
Correction Request: Tommy Christopher, Mediaite
All Bark, No Bite: NewsHounds Tries to Smear Johnny Dollar – Using Me
US Government in Massive New Global Warming Scandal – NOAA Disgraced
Ann Coulter: In 300 Stories On The Bell Salary Scandal, Only One Mentioned The Party Affiliations of the Corrupt
The "Neutral Story Line" and How The Media Uses It To Justify Its Perpetual Game of "Guess That Party!"
‘John Doe’ Who Fought FBI Spying Freed From Gag Order After 6 Years
Cable News: Where Being Loud Trumps Being Wrong
“Islam is different”
“No one will hear it!”
When Police Videos Go Missing
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Links of the Day
Paul Ryan: Paul Krugman’s a lazy dishonest hack, isn’t he?
Paul Krugman is Still Wrong on Paul Ryan and the CBO
Gay Bar at Ground Zero
When Provocation Suddenly Isn’t OK: Greg Gutfeld Announces Plan for Muslim Gay Bar Next to Ground Zero Mosque
Sea Experts Do A Smackdown on NASA's James Hansen: Potential Sea Level Rise Is Only Fraction Of Hansen's Ludicrous Prediction
It Comes Straight From the Top
Cop harasses videographer, then admits it was solely to “intimidate” him
We should pay less attention to "results" produced by computer models
Monday, August 09, 2010
Links of the Day
Liberals Never Learn...An Infinite Series
Glenn Beck fires producers for racist comments on the air
Media Matters Dishonestly Edits Tape to Attack Glenn Beck
Rachel Maddow, Rhodes Scholar and Bullpucky Expert
Rachel Maddow’s Dishonest BullPuckey
Rachel Maddow Edits 'Factor' Video to Make Bill O'Reilly Look Racist
Political fiction of "Trustees’ report" too much for CMS actuary
Tony Hayward Was Right. Rush Limbaugh Was Right. Everyone Else Was Wrong
Krugman Is Wrong on Ryan and the CBO
Right Now Paul Krugman is Missing Journolist Something Awful
Numbers of Paul Krugman
Vintage Barney Frank: There’s no housing bubble and I’m gonna push for more home ownership
Sarah Palin vs. PolitiFact
Rosie O'Donnell Admits She Got Married in S.F. Merely As Act of 'Defiance' Against Bush
"Police Officers Don't Check Their Civil Rights at the Station House Door"
Mau-Mauing the Mosque
Friday, August 06, 2010
Links of the Day
The Illogic of the Decision Striking Down Prop. 8
They’ve learned nothing
Ezra Klein Forgets That Future Elections Have Consequences, Too
Consider the Source
Media Matters Gives Glenn Beck’s Co-Hosts The Shirley Sherrod Edited Audio Treatment
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Links of the Day
Administration Still Double-Counting Medicare Cuts
Judy C at C-a-S
The Media’s Rehabilitation of Michael Bellesiles, Right on Schedule
E.D. Kain Joins Balloon Juice: 'Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself'
Don’t Throw Me In That Briar Patch, Brer Dumbass
Shannon Travis of CNN lies about Obama certificate issue
Monday, August 02, 2010
Links of the Day
"Adult stem cell research far ahead of embryonic!"
Adult Stem Cells, Not Embryonic, Yielding Real Therapies
If global warming science is settled, why resort to ad hominem?
FBI Files Reveal Historian Howard Zinn Lied to Hide CPUSA Membership
What the Government Tells You To Eat May Be Killing You
Leahy: I didn’t bother reading bill that I demanded pass into law
The downward spiral
Social Security Bloviate-fest
Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse Unless you work in law enforcement