Monday, January 31, 2011

Links of the Day

L.A. Teen Charged With “Attempted Lynching” Now Raided by Police
Hey, this would be a great time to grab some guns
Colorado Police Officer Reinstated With Back Pay After Being Fired For Using Excessive Force and Breaking Six Department Policies
President to doom gun control.
Britain’s Met Office Caught Hiding the Decline
Was 2010 the Warmest Year Ever?
How BBC warmists abuse the science
Another alarmist claim bites the dust
The Kochs vs. Soros: Free markets vs. state coercion
Federal Officials Finally Admit That Photographing Federal Buildings Is Not A Crime
The Anti-Cop Trend That Isn't
New Jersey Cops Threaten Man With Arrest for Videotaping Them
ABCNews Star Reporter Busted for Eco-Activist Journalism; Network Investigating Discipline

MADDOW: They {Fox News] run as a political operation. We’re not. So beltway common wisdom therefore rose up and declared that Congressman Grayson’s "Die quickly" comments would cost him his seat, that Republicans had a bull’s-eye on him anyway and this controversy would make Alan Grayson that much softer a target in the next election. Don’t believe everything you read.

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