Stuff You Should Know, Volume 29
“Snuffy” Pfleger Ordered to Pray
ThinkProgress Tries To Do Astroturf… And Fails (BONUS: Krugman gets laughed at)
Before Her Arrest, Nicole Sandler Smeared Allen West on Radio Show
Man Arrested Outside Calif. DMV for Reading His Bible Out Loud
TSA Freeze Drills: They Aren't Actual Officers And You Don't Have To Freeze
Bill Maher Accuses The Onion of Stealing a Joke He Stole
Jimmy Carter: U.S., South Korea are violating North Koreans’ human rights by withholding food
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Links of the Day
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Links of the Day
SF lawyer sues Alameda County Sheriff's Office
Cop In Stomping Incident Involved In Police Video Cover-Up
Exercise Prudence To Avoid Ignominious Retreat
Former Air America Host Arrested After Heckling Rep. Allen West at Town Hall
Allen West townhall on GOP budget turns rowdy
City of Pittsburgh forced to settle up with 3 pro-life activists
The UN “disappears” yet another inconvenient climate claim, and once again, botches the cover up
The Left’s Faux-Outrage Over the Ryan Plan
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Links of the Day
More news on police officers assaulting citizens for videotaping them doing their job
Top Villains in the Duke Lacrosse Hoax
Sharia-compliant Dearborn
The "War on Cops" That Isn't
Don’t show sonograms because fetuses “look vaguely like babies”
A Comparison: CNN’s Vastly Different Reporting On Bush, Obama Gas Prices
Prominent liberal: “When I endorsed advertiser boycotts I was talking about boycotting conservatives, not liberals”
Pro-abortion terrorist faces up to 30 years in prison if convicted
Zombies Strike Back
Why a Man Should Never Apologize to a Woman
Monday, April 25, 2011
Links of the Day
Florida Pastor Says He Will Protest Court Order, May Sue Dearborn For Violating His Rights
Well Done, Dearborn
Flashback: Amanda Marcotte's take on Duke Lacrosse
Over 50% of Dems Believe Bush Was Involved in Carrying out 9/11…
Why did Caitlin Flanagan write such a poorly supported article on fraternities and rape?
Las Vegas Cop Beats Man For Videotaping Him
A Michigan Jury Finds That Muslims Can’t Be Expected To Control Themselves and Pastor Jones Gets His Birmingham Jail Moment
Andrew Sullivan Gets Punked
APD Settles Lawsuit Over Cops Stealing Activist's Camera, Trying to Destroy Footage of Drug Raid
Charming anti-Tea Party protester fights for his right to say what he wants (and keep it off the Internet)
Paul Clements: Guts; King & Spalding: Not So Much
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Links of the Day
Watch the Watchmen
Shocker: Dems used, abandoned antiwar progressives.
Hate and Twitter
Communicating With Employees? The Horror!
MSNBC’s Bashir Learns Andrew Breitbart is No Michael Jackson
Known Unknowns Duke and Duke Lacrosse Rape Hoax
Philly Doubles Down
PolitiFact Calls Democrats Claim That Ryan Plan Would End Medicare “Pants On Fire” Wrong
Beldar on "hate crimes"
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Links of the Day
CONFIRMED: CBS Editors Refuse To Release Full Audio Of Obama Hot Mic Recording!
Bill Easterly has a good post on bad infant mortality stats:
Thomas Friedman in 1999: " Is Doomed!"
Fatal Vision Redux: Maybe Acid Is Groovy?
Under Protest
The Balloon Juice Fallacy
I Stopped Reading at the Part Where Sully ‘E-Mailed His Four Young Assistants’
I don't need to criticize feminism, I just quote it
Shakesville New Commenting Policy you will be banned if you disagree.
Latest Union Threat: If You Don’t Unionize We’re Going to Perform a Poorly Choreographed Dance Routine…
The Dr. Who Drank Infectious Broth, Gave Himself an Ulcer, and Solved a Medical Mystery
Issa threatens contempt charges in gunwalker probe
Shocker! Slutty Behavior is Ineffective in Preventing Rape
Think Progress Wants to Point Out the Rand in Ryan’s Eye While Ignoring the Sanger in Their Own
Ed Shultz: Not Bright
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Links of the Day
AS YOU SOW, SO SHALL YOU REAP: French Catholics Destroy Andres Serrano’s “Piss Christ.”
Tea Party vs. US Uncut: A San Francisco Tax Day Showdown
Revisiting The Duke Rape Case
Project Gunrunner update: ATF ignored warnings, DOJ ignores document requests
Is Van Jones Saying the Tea Party Doesn’t Believe in Justice?
Obama Gets “Testy” With Local Texas News Reporter
The @CSGV and 'Conspiracy Theories'
Monday, April 18, 2011
Links of the Day
Prosecutors and their unwritten rule: Don't drop a case no matter how bad it might be
NYPD arrests man for being a smart-alec
Stop Quoting Bullshit Rape Stats Meant To Demonize Men
It's Now Patriotic to Call Paul Krugman a !@%$#%@ Hypocrite
Get Over It
Wow: Obama issues “signing statement” rejecting budget cuts to White House “czars”
Contango Confusion
Fabulist Lee Fang Beclowns Himself Twice in One Week
Defanging Fang
Paul Krugman Calls for the Assassination of Paul Ryan
The Irresponsible Hackery of Ezra Klein
The UN “disappears” 50 million climate refugees, then botches the disappearing attempt
Obama Spokesman: Obama Never Promised Not To Use Signing Statements. Candidate Obama: I Promise I Will Not Use Signing Statements.
Citizen Review Board: Officer arrested man because he startled cop in public stairwell
Friday, April 15, 2011
Links of the Day
Misery Index
UN Caught Scrubbing Embarrassing Climate Refugee Prediction
Spiral of Stupid: The Trig-Truther Paper by Dr. Brad Scharlott
Still more on ATF "gun walker"
New E-Mails Show ATF Gunrunner Denials Are False
Busted: TSA Claimed Children Wouldn’t Receive Invasive Pat Downs…
You’re doing it wrong and you’re lying
Payback begins: Pro-life group to target three Democrats for pro-Planned Parenthood vote
Police Handcuff Man Videotaping Investigation From His Own Home
Duke's Factual, Semi-Factual, & Non-Factual Response
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Links of the Day
Politifact Misleads in Bashing Jon Kyl Over Planned Parenthood
Interview with a Gun Grabber
Kill Your Game Idols
Forfeiture Follies
The Attack of the Harvard Snow Phallus
I Got Your New Civility Right Here, Losers…..
Bureau of Hack Propaganda Masquerading as Statistics
Never before released audiotapes reveal hundreds of nationwide Planned Parenthoods offering to cover up child rape
38.4% of Planned Parenthood’s 2009 “Health Center Income” is from Abortion
2012 Preview: Who Will Fact-Check the Corrupt MSM’s Cherished PolitiFact?
Monday, April 11, 2011
Links of the Day
You knew it was coming–Arab League wants UN enforced No Fly Zone over Gaza
Ezra Klein: Dead Minorities Are Cheap
Climate “Scientists:” Did We Say Ice Free In 2013? We Meant 2016. Our Bad!
James Delingpole beats a Press Complaint from UEA
How to Argue Like a Multiculturalist: The Catalogue of Anti-Male/Anti-White Shaming Tactics
Media Matters Techniques: The Pile-On
highlights of bigoted barbarian bombast from the uncommon, undreary Glenn Greenwald!
Another Day, Another Video
Oklahoma City Bombing Videotapes Subject of Federal Court Hearing in Salt Lake City May 11
A Muslim Makes Excuses For Why No Muslims Speak Out
Cop Who Assaulted Videographer Was Fired And Arrested In 2004
How Safe Is Your Roth IRA?
Percent of Households Filing an Income Tax Return: 1913-2008
'Most feminists are feminists because they are marginalized from society to begin with by virtue of being women who aren't attractive'
‘American Democrat’ for Prime Minister of Canada? Or Another Non-citizen Caught Voting in U.S Elections?
Unethical Lawyering is Not a Crime
Rats Leaving The Sinking Ship
Waukesha County Dem on Prosser vote totals: On second thought, this whole thing is darned shady
Friday, April 08, 2011
Links of the Day
Milwaukee Cop Assaults News Videographer
They Are Going To "Joe The Plumber" Her
Declassified FBI Memo Suggests OKC Bombings Work of Islamic Terrorists
Wisconsin Supreme Court Election: Schadenfreude Edition
The greatest press conference of all time
I don't criticize feminism, I just quote it
Rock the Vote charged with bias
Brookfield City Results Were Reported Accurately On Election Night
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Links of the Day
Reason without knowledge
Nearly a Week Later and Media Matters Still Hasn’t Corrected Bad Planned Parenthood Story
George Berkin: You're An Idiot
El Paso Police Harassing Citizens Who Videotape Them
Video: Actor Kevin Spacey Makes Up Churchill Quote To Demand Tax Payer $$$ For Arts
Beck Predicts Liberals Will be ‘Crapping’ Their Pants a Year From Now
Sluts March For Right To Be Easy Lays
Don't talk about fraud! Fraud?! There is no fraud! Pay no attention to those... those... those... frauders!
Former Judge and Prosecutor in Newark Confesses To Arranging False Confession By Innocent Man To Clear Career Criminal
Monday, April 04, 2011
Links of the Day
Chris Matthews is Shocked, Shocked I Tell You, That Republicans Mistrust The Make-Believe-Media
Media Matters Still Has Trouble With the Word “Provider,” Owes Correction
Media Matters Refuses To Retract Factual Error
Duke Lacrosse - Reflections on the Beaty Rulings
Obama’s Justice Department clears itself
Islamists claim credit for Durbin hearing
Kevin Drum, Rube
Comments of the Day
ACLU Wrong, Police Right In Holding of Videotaping Teen
Pathetic. Your justifications and attempts to conflate recording public employees in the act of doing their job with some kind of lack of morality or thought are simply pathetic. It is not illegal to videotape the police while performing their jobs. She did not interfere, did not create a hassle until given an UNLAWFUL order, and was not charged with anything, despite several attempts by the officers to do so, including fishing around for anybody who would help them charge her. Fortunately, no one would, but taking a 17-year old to an adult detention center to attempt to charge her is not only despicable, but easily the most thoughtless and immoral thing the officers attempted to do. If you want to understand why many people have bad opinions of police officers, look no further. It's not just that this happened, its that people like the author of this drivel will attempt to defend obviously thuggish, poorly trained officers.
This article is wrong. The author is wrong. But most importantly, the police officers who are commenting here are WRONG! You are NOT above the law. You are NOT the embodiment of the law, either. Whatever you say is NOT the law. Aside from the fact that the law itself, as Mr. Bumble said in Oliver Twist, "is an ass," your job is NOT to make it up as you go along and arrest people for doing things you don't like. Cops and the government have cameras EVERYWHERE. They always say, "if you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to hide, " and "this recording is for your safety." Well, Fitchette was recording for her safety and that of the man on the bus who was being handled by the cops. What she did was simply fill the role of the cop's dashboard camera, which was not able to record in the bus. In fact, I'd be surprised if the bus itself didn't have a camera or two. Citizens have every right to film public officers, who are paid with public money, out in public, ostensibly fulfilling their public duties. No, she did NOT "bring this on herself," two grossly out of line police officers who thoroughly violated their oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution illegally brought this on her, unjustly and without any basis in law or reason, and they should pay for this violation of the public's trust with their jobs, their Peace Officer's certifications, and their own money when this is finally settled, as it should be, against them and their department. The taxpayers should not have to foot the bill for their egregious misconduct, and anyone who is here supporting these officers should be ashamed of themselves. This is a disgusting episode, but sadly, it is just one more in a long line of "isolated incidents" wherein police are waging an impromptu war on citizens who record their actions. Their "War on Cameras" is both unfortunate and unlawful
Burning a Koran excuses Murder
Senators Reid and Graham Murderer Apologists; Grossly Discuss Limiting Free Speech
‘What are You Willing to Stop Doing to Avoid Offending Violent Religious Zealots?’
Violent Response to Koran Burning Video, Proving Terry Jones Point
Muslims Protest Burning of Quran By Florida Preacher By Killing 20 People
Burning Korans vs Low Cut Blouses
Progressives blaming a Christian zealot for the behavior of an Islamic zealot.
Brit Hume Stunned Muslims Could be Outraged by Something as 'Trivial and Minor' as Koran Burnings
Afghanistan Horror. UPDATE: Jones' Koran burning sparks violent protest at U.N. compound, death toll could rise to 20
Quick Memeorandum Rundown
Hate Pastor Terry Jones Quietly Goes Through With Quran Burning Plan — And Chaos Erupts In Afghanistan
Right-Wing Media Rush To Quran-Burning Pastor's Defense
Friday, April 01, 2011
Links of the Day
Media Matters: How They Deceive & Why It Matters
CORRECTION REQUEST STANDS: Media Matters Fudged Truth On Planned Parenthood Mammograms
Media Matters Refuses To Retract Factual Error
Rand Paul's Amendment Causes Reid To Adjourn Senate
Judge: CPS Showed ‘Bad Faith’ in Taking Children from Parents
ATF Defies Issa Request for Gunrunner Documents; Next Step: Subpoenas
Issa subpoenas ATF for Project Gunrunner documents
Chicken Hawks
Duke Lacrosse Civil Suits Allowed To Move Forward
Justice Dept clears Justice Dept in NBPP case
White House: 1 in 5 women will be the victim of a sexual assault during college
Sullivan Prepared for Impeachment of Dictatorial Obama
Under grilling by GOP, DHS claims special political reviews for FOIA requests ’sound managerial practice’
The best and worst of FOIAgate
So, Apparently I Blew That One
Barack Obama’s Oil Lease LIES!
Green regulation in CA: Academic fraud, retaliation, and science denial
Felony charges filed against teacher in WI e-mail death threats
The Future of the Second Amendment
Violent Response to Koran Burning Video, Proving Terry Jones Point