You knew it was coming–Arab League wants UN enforced No Fly Zone over Gaza
Ezra Klein: Dead Minorities Are Cheap
Climate “Scientists:” Did We Say Ice Free In 2013? We Meant 2016. Our Bad!
James Delingpole beats a Press Complaint from UEA
How to Argue Like a Multiculturalist: The Catalogue of Anti-Male/Anti-White Shaming Tactics
Media Matters Techniques: The Pile-On
highlights of bigoted barbarian bombast from the uncommon, undreary Glenn Greenwald!
Another Day, Another Video
Oklahoma City Bombing Videotapes Subject of Federal Court Hearing in Salt Lake City May 11
A Muslim Makes Excuses For Why No Muslims Speak Out
Cop Who Assaulted Videographer Was Fired And Arrested In 2004
How Safe Is Your Roth IRA?
Percent of Households Filing an Income Tax Return: 1913-2008
'Most feminists are feminists because they are marginalized from society to begin with by virtue of being women who aren't attractive'
‘American Democrat’ for Prime Minister of Canada? Or Another Non-citizen Caught Voting in U.S Elections?
Unethical Lawyering is Not a Crime
Rats Leaving The Sinking Ship
Waukesha County Dem on Prosser vote totals: On second thought, this whole thing is darned shady
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
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