Fast & Furious: local newspaper tries to grill sheriff And gets pwned.
Breuer becoming the Fast & Furious fall guy?
Lies Dribble from the Fountains of Fraud
NYTimes pretends Corzine isn't a Dem. Obama donor
Fast & Furious: Evaluation of Investigative Tactics Is Precisely DOJ’s Job
Not Confusing At All
Open letter from Oakland police union: Why is the mayor encouraging city employees to join the “Occupy” movement’s strike?
Lanny Breuer: “Very Few People Need Semiautomatic Weapons Or Long Guns”
Breaking Down the Police Videotaping Decision
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
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