Like Sunlight to Vampires
Charges Dismissed Against Florida Man Charged With Wiretapping For Recording Cops
A failure of narrative
“War On Women” Meme Fizzling For Democrats?
ABC, As Usual, Engaged In Deception
Friday, March 30, 2012
Links of the Day
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Links of the Day
A Word About Charles Fried
Thin Blue Lie? Florida Police Under Fire After Tape Surfaces Contradicting Arrest Reports and Later Sworn Testimony
Jennifer Granholm “Forgets” Her Past Legislative Achievements to Become a Liberal Darling
Justice Breyer Stunned & Butthurt To Learn That The Federal Government Really Does Threaten To Withhold All Funds Unless Their Orders Are Obeyed
Hutaree Militia Ruling: Left-Wing Tea Party Smears Hardest Hit
Yet Another Story Of A Guy Arrested For Filming Police
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Links of the Day
AP National Headline: 'Pa. GOP senator convicted,' But Dem Former Pa. Senate Leader's Guilty Plea a Local Story
But for Audio
Mark Potok on suicide watch
Will the Left be Hoist on a Petard Named Trayvon Martin?
Boston pays $170k to settle cell phone recording lawsuit
Simon Glik Wins $170,000 Settlement From Unlawful Arrest Recording Police
Monday, March 26, 2012
Links of the Day
Krugman, Brady, and Stand Your Ground laws
Trayvon Martin Was a Worthless Thug: The Lynching of George Zimmerman
Racist “White Hispanic” Vigilante Murderer Slaying Innocent Little Child™ Narrative Unravelling
Trayvon Martin and the Cult of Government Supremacy
Just Saying: George Zimmerman Doesn’t Look Like A Cold-Blooded Murderer To Me – At Least Not Yet
The Perils of Gossip
Dem Corzine Ordered $200 Million Transfer of Customer Funds; AP, UPI, Others Fail to Name His Party; All Avoid Obama Bundling
Top DOJ Official Refuses Fast and Furious Subpoena
“Wow. You hate me! You really, really hate me!”
Disgraceful, Excessive, and Unprecedented"
Philly Cops Attack Photojournalism Student, Grind His Face To Pavement
Baltimore Cop Suspended After Snatching Woman's Cell Phone
Bill Maher: Get off my back, America
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Links of the Day
Erin Burnett Illustrates The Central Hypocrisy of the Left's Politically-Correct Outrage Factory
The Schuelke Chronicles
Grand Jury to Be Convened in Zimmerman Case
Florida Police Finally Return Man's Camera
Supreme Court Rules Unanimously Against EPA “Strong-Arming of Regulated Parties”
Media Matters, Lefty Propaganda Sites Lose Top Donor
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: I totally didn’t say that thing that I said on camera on television last year
ATF Managers Lawyer Up, Slam Gun Laws and Still Deny Gunwalking
MSNBC Confirms Martin Bashir’s Show not a News Show.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Links of the Day
Media Matters Knows Their Readers Are Stupid: Eric Holder Edition
Federal prosecutors need to play fair with evidence
Eric Holder in 1995: We "really need to brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way."
Holder in 1995: We have to “brainwash” people against guns
Progressivism and the authoritarian impulse
The problem with “Progressivism”
Sure, He's White Now
Friday, March 16, 2012
Links of the Day
Jon Stewart does not like Rush Limbaugh or Fox News
More on the PA Voter ID Bill
Are Tommy Christopher’s Wild Accusations of Bad Faith Merely Reckless — or Active Dishonesty?
Breakfast in Collinsville
Meet Officer Michael Reichert: Professional Liar, Pride of the Collinsville PD
Harry Reid, top Dems back Holder, as spokesmen run to Buzzfeed to answer Daily Caller question
Liberal atheists are cowards
How Not to Win the “Death Panel” Debate
Abortion advocate: I love abortion and I don’t want it to be “rare”
Useless Liberal Soft-Head Stanley Fish on Limbaugh and Maher: You're God-Damned Right It's a Double-Standard and I'm Proud of That
Abortion advocate: I love abortion and I don’t want it to be “rare”
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Links of the Day
High Gas Prices: Obama's Half-Truths vs. Reality
CNN Plays Heavily Edited and Deceptive Video in Pathetic Effort to Discredit Breitbart Editor
City of Chicago to pay man $3.6 million for wrongful conviction
Steve Schmidt: Putting Palin on the ticket taught me there are worse things than losing
What Media Does: Examining a Narrative Construct
Psst! Obama lost the birth control mandate debate
More 'Game Change' Fallout: 'Staffers talk just to save their asses'
Top 10 Lies of HBO's 'Game Change'
Ed Schultz Fails to Substantiate Claim That All His Union Speaking Fees Donated to Charity
Critical Race Theory: What It Is, And Why It Matters
Monday, March 12, 2012
Links of the Day
CNN’s O’Brien Lies About Critical Race Theory
Soledad O’Brien’s “Expert” On Critical Race Theory Lied.
Soledad O’Brien is right and everybody needs to shut up about it, says Soledad O’Brien
Soledad O’Brien: Okay, you can stop tweeting me about Critical Race Theory now
Berkeley Police Chief Chief Michael Meehan: Resign, Or Be Fired
Rush Is Right: Sandra Fluke Opportunism Has Totally Backfired on the Left and the Establishment Press
State Attorney Refusing To Dismiss Or File Charges On Florida Man Who Recorded Cop
Vile and Disgusting Apologia for the Burgeoning Police State
Carsey Convicted, and Life Goes On
Friday, March 09, 2012
Links of the Day
Of sluts and sexual insecurity
Documents Show Obama Admin Played Key Role In Firing of USDA Employee Shirley Sherrod Despite Repeated Denials, Then Tried To Cover It Up…
Video: CNN beclowns itself painting Breitbart editor-in-chief as racist
Soledad O’Brien is very concerned about’s reputation
Reaching Critical Mass
David Graham’s Absurd Contention that Obama was Vetted
The Southern Poverty Law Center Is Now Writing About Pickup Artists as Hate Groups
Southern Poverty Law Center Hurts Advocacy by Treating Amanda Marcotte as a Victim
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Links of the Day
RFK jr: Inhofe is a “Call Girl” for Big Oil
The feminists who cried rape
Kucinich Loses, ‘Joe The Plumber’ Wins
Alleged beating of teen nets $75,000 settlement
It's Like Totally Different When a Liberal Blowhard Guy Calls a Conservative Woman a Twat!
Ben Smith Releases Selectively Edited Obama Race Video
Neil deGrasse Tyson Is Wrong About NASA
Remember The Leftist Screeching About Bush's Contempt for the Constitution?
How To Manipulate Women Voters: An Obama Campaign Primer
Did Justice Dept. Malpractice Kill Senator Ted Stevens?
Female Democratic lawmakers refuse to speak out against Bill Maher’s misogynism
Monday, March 05, 2012
Links of the Day
PROFESSOR JACOBSON: Repeat after me: “The Shirley Sherrod tape was not misleading.”
It’s not because Breitbart was combative
Connecting the Dots on Fast and Furious
Illinois Judge Says Eavesdropping Law Is Unconstitutional
A Series of Denial - Think Progress has been busy trying to debunk the myth of NRA power
Obama's Union Speech a 'Load of You-Know-What'
David Shuster Apologizes for Calling James O’Keefe a “Convicted Felon” — And Blocks Patterico on Twitter
Rush Limbaugh Isn’t the Only Media Misogynist
Sandra Fluke is not a “slut.” She’s a femme-agogue tool; DCCC, Emily’s list fund-raise off of Rush
“Stunner. Georgetown ‘Coed’ Sandra Fluke Is a 30 Year-Old Women’s Rights Activist”
Sandra Fluke’s Appearance Is No Fluke
Sandra Fluke v. Joe the Plumber