Responding to Bruce Bartlett on the Clinton tax hikes and the 1990s boom
Pepper Spray Everything: Good Meme, Lousy Legal Defense
Unicorns and hypothetical close relatives of Harry Reid who may have been unsure whether he is or isn't a pederast until they consulted the interwebs
Not her medal?
Dante Updated
Chick-fil-A Supporters Hold Line Against New Nuremberg Laws
Harry Reid, pederasty, and the sudden defense of Rick Santorum.
"Ugh": ATF Supervisor Showed Annoyance, Not Remorse For Murder of Border Patrol Agent
Prosecutorial Misconduct Leads to Dismissal of Drug Charges and an Extraordinary Rebuke
The Justice Department Can Neither Confirm Nor Deny a Prosecutor's Existence
Ousted EPA administrator vows to “stop the construction of any new coal plants in Texas”
The Ideology Of Powerlessness
ATF Official Resigns After Fast & Furious Report
ATF official resigns after Issa, Grassley nail him in congressional Fast and Furious report
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
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