Ezra Klein tries valiantly to defend the IRS
Pickering: Why would we interview the person in charge when we could blame the flunkies, or something
Of Course the Pickering-Mullen Report Is A Whitewash – And Of Course Hillary Lied, Too
Firing miscreant IRS officials won’t deal with the basic problem of the IRS’s existence
…So, Pat Smith would have the same ‘absolute moral authority’ as Cindy Sheehan, right?
Senior IRS officials knew of targeting conservative groups in 2011; Update: IRS chief counsel knew in 2011
Why The FBI Doesn’t Record Interrogations
Four Pinocchios for Obama on Benghazi terror claim
The Myth of the Scientific Liberal
It’s Time For a Near-Absolute Federal Ban on Third Trimester Abortions
McClatchy circles back to #benghazi, and the lies about the video.
FBI: We'll Decide When You are Lying to Us
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
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